我想要迪士尼10位公主的英语介绍 初一水平 不要故事 简介

作者&投稿:苌芝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

With magical storytelling, memorable new songs and beloved characters, this delightful gem celebrates the power of believing in yourself.

A drop of sunlight falls to the ground and grows into a magical flower, with the power to heal the sick and injured. An old woman named Gothel finds it and uses it to keep herself young by singing an incantation. Centuries later, the Queen becomes ill during childbirth, and so the flower is found. She is healed and gives birth to a daughter, whom they name Rapunzel, whose golden hair is now the source of the magical power. Gothel kidnaps Rapunzel and hides her in a tall tower, raising her as her own child. Gothel knows that if Rapunzel's hair is cut, it will turn brown and lose its magic, so Rapunzel's hair is left to grow. Every year, on Rapunzel's birthday, her kingdom releases thousands of sky lanterns, in the hope that the lost princess will return. On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Rapunzel asks Gothel to let her see the floating lights, but Gothel refuses.

Meanwhile, a group of thieves, led by the charismatic Flynn Rider, steals the tiara of the lost princess from the castle. During the ensuing chase, a horse named Maximus is separated from his rider, the Captain of the Guards, and continues the search for Flynn on his own. Flynn outwits his accomplices and takes the tiara; he abandons them and stumbles upon Rapunzel's tower. Once inside the tower, Rapunzel knocks Flynn unconscious with a frying pan. She hides Flynn inside her closet and confiscates the tiara. When Gothel returns, Rapunzel requests, as a birthday present, a special paint made from white shells from a faraway beach. Gothel leaves on the three-day journey to bring back the shells. Rapunzel makes a deal with Flynn: a journey to the "lights" in exchange for the tiara. Flynn attempts to make Rapunzel end their journey by taking her to the Snuggly Duckling inn, which is full of Gaul thugs, but the thugs are charmed by Rapunzel, who encourages them to follow their dreams.

Mother Gothel sees Maximus riderless and worries someone will find Rapunzel. She returns to the tower to find Rapunzel gone. Meanwhile, the guards invade the tavern, but Rapunzel and Flynn have escaped. The pursuit ends at a dam, which Maximus causes to collapse; Flynn and Rapunzel are trapped in a flooding cave. Believing he's about to die, Flynn admits his true name: Eugene Fitzherbert. Rapunzel admits she has magic hair that glows when she sings. Using her power, they find a way out. Later, when Flynn goes to gather firewood, Gothel secretly meets Rapunzel. Gothel tells Rapunzel that Flynn doesn't care for her and merely wants the tiara. Gothel gives Rapunzel the tiara, insisting that she tests Flynn by giving it to him.

The next morning, Maximus confronts Flynn, but to Flynn's dismay Rapunzel befriends the horse. The three arrive at the kingdom and that night Flynn takes Rapunzel to see the lanterns. There, Rapunzel gives Flynn back the tiara. Flynn spies the Stabbington brothers and leaves Rapunzel waiting as he gives them the tiara back. However, the brothers tie him up on a boat and sail him across the lake. They reveal Flynn's "betrayal" to Rapunzel as they attempt to kidnap her for her hair's power, but Gothel "rescues" her and they return to the tower. Later, Flynn is arrested and sentenced to death. Maximus brings the inn thugs to rescue Flynn, and Maximus and Flynn race back to the tower. From various clues she found during her adventure, Rapunzel realizes she is the lost princess and attempts to flee the tower. When Flynn escapes on Maximus and returns to the tower, he climbs up Rapunzel's hair only to find her chained to the wall and gagged. Gothel stabs him from behind and prepares to take Rapunzel to a new hiding place, detatching the end of the chain from the wall and trying to pull her away. But Pascal, Rapunzel's pet Chameleon, struggles with Gothel. Rapunzel's gag comes off and she says she will always fight, but promises to go with Gothel willingly if she allows her to heal Flynn. Knowing that Rapunzel keeps her word, Gothel agrees, but before Rapunzel heals him, Flynn cuts her hair with a shard of broken mirror. Rapunzel's hair turns brown and loses its power and Gothel rapidly begins to age. Disoriented, Gothel stumbles around the tower when Pascal causes her to trip and fall from the tower. She turns to dust before she hits the ground.

Flynn slowly dies in Rapunzel's arms. Heartbroken, she cries, and tearfully sings the incantation. One teardrop, filled with her power, lands on his cheek and revives him. The two embrace and kiss. Back at the kingdom, the royal family has a tearful reunion. Years later, Flynn and Rapunzel are married. Along the way, the Gaul thugs fulfill their individual dreams, and Maximus becomes a respected official on the Royal Guard.

Snow White is a young and beautiful little
princess, her beautiful and elegant young soft-spoken , good man , full of love
for her friends . She is a real princess . Her beauty was viciously jealous
stepmother , she fled the palace , in the forest and the Seven Dwarfs become
friends. Because of her simple , unfortunately stepmother's poison apple
poisoned . But it is precisely because of her pure and lovely , winning friends,
won a small forest animals friendship , the most important thing is to win the
love of their own Prince Charming , Prince kiss her a happy ever after happy
life.贝儿:贝儿她天生丽质,纯真自然,还是一位聪颖殷切的好学者。对遥远的城堡和激动人心的冒险有着一份渴望。她最喜欢的娱乐活动是读书。虽然身边不乏追求者,可是贝儿仍然觉得自己在期待着真命天子的到来。当野兽俘虏了贝儿的父亲以后,她甘愿用自己的自由来换取父亲的生命;贝儿用自己的善良和聪明发现了野兽身上的许多闪光点,最后发现自己竟然爱上了他。凭着内心的坚韧和美丽的外貌,就在她吻下野兽的瞬间,奇迹发生了,野兽变成了英俊的王子,两人翩翩起舞,实现她完美的梦想。Belle her natural beauty, pure natural , or an
intelligent ardent good scholar. On the distant castle and exciting adventures
with a desire. Her favorite recreation is reading. Although there is no lack of
suitors around , but still find themselves in Belle looking forward to the
arrival of Mr. Right . When the beast captured Belle 's father , she willing to
use their freedom in exchange for his father's life ; LaBelle with their own
kind, smart and found a bright spot in many beasts , and finally found that he
was in love with him . With inner tough and beautiful appearance , in the moment
she kissed under the beast , a miracle happened , the beast into a handsome
prince , they dance, to achieve her perfect dream.茉莉公主是苏丹王的女儿,聪明,有主见(或许有些反叛),勇敢(却有点孤独)的美丽公主。她万分不愿意依照法律的规定在即将到来的生日前结婚,她需要是一个和她一样聪明勇敢的人。在拒绝了一个又一个求婚者以后,她遇到了街头流浪汉阿拉丁并深深地喜欢上了他。有趣的是,阿拉丁为了追求茉莉公主,假扮成一个王子,而至到他终于展现本色,茉莉公主终于找到了自己深爱的那个人Princess Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan
, intelligent , assertive ( perhaps some rebel ) , courage ( was a bit lonely )
beautiful princess. She was extremely reluctant to follow the law before the
birthday in the upcoming wedding , she needs is a wise and courageous people
like her . In the rejected one after another suitor , she encountered a street
tramp Aladdin and deeply in love with him. Interestingly, the pursuit of
Princess Jasmine Aladdin , disguised as a prince, but to finally show his true
colors , Princess Jasmine finally found his beloved man。先这些吧!!!



10.贝儿公主:知性美丽,聪明优雅。贝儿天生丽质,纯真自然,还是一位聪颖殷切的好学者。对遥远的城堡和激动人心的冒险有着一份渴望,喜欢的娱乐活动是读书 11.仙蒂公主:温柔婉约,机智幽默,善良美丽。仙蒂是一位美丽聪明的姑娘,爱唱歌,能从动物朋友那里找到快乐,能够边工作边歌唱,拥有着真正的高贵...

创建者为沃尔特·迪斯尼动画公司的马克·戴维斯,原来的角色设计是由Tom Oreb担任,睡美人修长的身材和优雅的风度塑造了最美丽的公主。形象灵感来自于奥黛丽·赫本。6、茉莉公主 茉莉公主,《一千零一夜》故事《阿拉丁神灯》中的主人公。茉莉公主是苏丹王的女儿,她聪明,有主见(或许有些反叛),勇敢(却...

华特迪士尼公司拥有迪士尼乐园度假区、华特迪士尼世界,授权经营巴黎迪士尼度假区、东京迪士尼度假区、中国香港迪士尼度假区和中国上海迪士尼乐园度假区。 2016年6月16日,中国大陆地区上海迪士尼乐园正式开园。2019年10月,2019福布斯全球数字经济100强榜第9位。2020年1月22日,名列2020年《财富》全球最受赞赏...



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截止到2019年9月,迪士尼有14位公主。1、白雪公主 白雪公主是一位具有纯正皇室血统的公主,但是她的美丽被她的继母王后嫉妒,于是她逃离王宫,在森林里得到了七个小矮人的纯真友谊,但是因她的单纯,被恶毒王后的毒苹果毒害,但也最终得到了白马王子的亲吻,解除了魔咒,从此,白雪公主和王子过上了幸福...

中的女主角,之后亦于该片后续的番外篇短片《麻烦不断》(Tangled Ever After,2012年)中登场。在两片中均由美国演员暨歌手曼迪·穆尔配音,由其角色动画总监、迪士尼首席动画师格兰·基恩创造。她于2011年10月2日被迪士尼正式列为第10位迪士尼公主,也因此成了第1位以电脑动画绘成的迪士尼公主。

大祥区13547482683: 迪斯尼人物英文介绍 -
蓝郑三黄: 小飞侠,小木偶,白雪公主,灰姑娘,睡美人,花木兰,莫尼,米老鼠、唐老鸭、小熊维尼、兔八哥、加菲猫、高飞,格列佛,泰山,爱丽丝,茉莉公主,朋朋和丁满,辛巴,波波安,阿拉丁,人鱼公主http://www.yjzsb.com/yjweb/%E6%B1%9F...

大祥区13547482683: 用英语介绍迪士尼公主,要中英对照,5句话,不要写公主的故事 -
蓝郑三黄: With magical storytelling, memorable new songs and beloved characters, this delightful gem celebrates the power of believing in yourself.

大祥区13547482683: 求迪士尼所有公主的英文名字..! 谢谢! -
蓝郑三黄: 官方网站上是6个: 《美女与野兽》 Belle 《白雪公主》 Snow White 《灰姑娘》 Cinderella 《小美人鱼》 Ariel 《阿拉丁》 Jasmine (茉莉) 《睡美人》 Aurora 可以去 http://www.disney.com.cn/princess/aurora.html 看看.通过点击左侧“公主小档案”查看具体资料,或者点击上方不同头像切换公主.

大祥区13547482683: 迪士尼公主有哪些 -
蓝郑三黄: 迪士尼共有20位小公主,主要有10位小公主.她们就是:爱冒险,有着世界上最美的歌喉的美人鱼艾莉儿公主;有纯正的皇室血统、纯洁而美丽的白雪公主;知性美丽、聪明优雅的贝儿公主;温柔婉约、机智幽默、善良美丽的灰姑娘仙蒂公主;...

大祥区13547482683: 迪士尼公主系列里是哪几个公主啊 -
蓝郑三黄: 1、白雪公主,出自《白雪公主和七个小矮人》白雪公主是一个年轻美丽的小公主,她美丽优雅年轻,说话温柔,为人和善,对身边朋友充满爱意.她是一位具有纯正皇室血统的公主,但是她的美丽被她的继母王后嫉妒,于是她逃离王宫,在森...

大祥区13547482683: 迪士尼六位公主介绍 -
蓝郑三黄: 迪斯尼的六位公主,有爱冒险的爱丽儿,有纯洁而美丽的白雪公主,有聪明优雅的贝尔公主,有机质幽默的灰姑娘,有美丽单纯的爱洛公主,有好奇心强的茉莉公主. 爱丽儿公主 作为一条可爱的小美人鱼,爱丽儿公主向往的却是人鱼法律禁止...

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大祥区13547482683: 跪求 迪士尼的历史介绍 要英文的! 最好是从官网上来的. 谢谢~~ -
蓝郑三黄: 我有迪士尼本人,迪士尼公司和迪士尼乐园的历史介绍,你要什么

大祥区13547482683: 迪斯尼卡通人物简介 英文的 -
蓝郑三黄: Disney 音标: [ 'dizni ] Walter Elias Known as “Walt.”(1901-1966) American animator, showman, and film producer. Noted for his creation of the cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, he produced the first animated film with sound,...

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蓝郑三黄: 苏菲亚英文:Sophia,读音英 ['səʊfɪə] 美 [sɒ'fɪr] . 小公主苏菲亚中英文故事介绍: Sofia was an ordinary girl, until her mother Miranda to marry the king to become queen, Sofia came to the palace, as in the princess royal. 苏菲亚本来是一...

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