
作者&投稿:星健 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

can you tell me how to get to the airport?
my house is on the opposite side of the hotel.
how can we get to the subway station?
why not go there by plane?
go across the road,turn right at the second street on the left.

5. Next to him stands a girl whose name is Tina.在他旁边站着一个叫蒂娜的女孩。

7. Tina is a student who won a prize in the writing competition.蒂娜是个在写作比赛中得过奖的学生。

1. He picked up the biggest apple.
2. He whispered to his father," I'll give it to mom."
He picked up the biggest apple and then whispered to his father," I'll give it to mom."

3. Due to the thunderstroms, the electricity of the whole county has been cut off, which affected the normal operations of many departments.
4. At school,the head-teachers all wore out to maintain the order.
Due to the thunderstroms, the electricity of the whole county has been cut off, which affected the normal operations of many departments, and particularly at school, in order to maintain the order, the head-teachers all wore out.

  1.  He picked up  the largest apple.

  2. He whispered to his father,said"I want to give it to my mother."

    合并:He picked up  the largest apple and then whispered to his father,said"I want to give it to my mother."

  3. Because of the thunderstorm,the electricity of the whole town has been cut off and has an effect on many departments .

  4. At school,the headmasters have wore out in order to maintain order.

    合并:Because of the thunderstorm,many departments were affected by that the electricity of the whole town has been cut off and particularly the headmasters at school have wore out in order to maintain order.

  1. He picked out the biggest apple.

  2. He whispered to his Dad, "I'm going to give it to Mommy."


    He picked out the biggest apple, and then whispered to his Dad, "I'm going to give it to Mommy."

  3. The city power has been cut off, because of the storm.  A lot of place were affected.

  4. At school, teachers were worn out to retain order back in class.


    The city power has been cut off, because of the storm.  A lot of place were affected, and particularly at school, teachers were worn out to retain order back in class.


  1. He picked up one of the largest apple

  2. He whispered to my father said, "I'll give it to my mother.

  合并:He picked up one of the largest apple. And then, whispered to my father said, "I'll give it to my mother."

   3.Since thunderstorms, the entire county of electricity had been cut off, many departments affected.

   4.At school, the class teacher who has to maintain order exhausted.

  合并:Since thunderstorms, the entire county of electricity had been cut off, many departments affected. And particularly in schools, the teacher who has to maintain order exhausted.

第3句应是:because of +短语

1.the tip of the iceberg Believe it or not,this is just the tip of the iceberg.信不信由你,这才只是冰山的一角。Until now, the public has had access to only a very small percentage of that total.迄今为止,公众看到的情报只不过是冰山一角。The airliner crash is seen as ...

受XX影响 -influido por XX.中国受西方文化影响许多看法逐渐改变了。-China fue influido por la cultura occidental,muchos puntos de vista cambiaron gradualmente.虚拟式按照简单句和复杂句来讲一下吧:一.简单句 1.表示欢呼,诅咒;2.表示愿望,祝福,句首用:ojalá que ,deseo que;3.表猜测...


3.回电话 call sb. back 4.电话号码 telephone number 5.乘飞机的旅行 a trip\/journey by plane 6.抵达北京 arrive in\/reach Beijing 7.两千零三 two thousand and three 8.泰国是一个漂亮而又多雨的国家 Thailand is a beautiful and rainy country.9.Madee和家人住在一所木制的房子里 Madee...

英:1.Behind you silently waiting for me, like see you inadvertently smile.2.Give your love has been very quiet, only hope you can give me the occasional care, enough.3.Do you know? I love you, love, love you.日语:1.あなたの後ろに私は黙々として待つのが好きだ。何気...

短语和句子 翻译下
going into ( 进入)Where is the man going (这个男人去哪 )He's going into the shop( 他将要去睡觉)sitting beside ( 做在... 旁边)Where is he sitting ( 他做在哪里)He's sitting beside his mother( 他正做在他母亲旁边)walking across( 走过)Where are they walking( 他们正去哪)...

这些翻译方法怎么说?合译、 分译、 对联法 、套用法,前后倒译法 、反...
合译 --> 将原文的两个和几个分开叙述的意思或层次合并重组,使全句的结构更加紧凑,语气更加通顺 .分译 --> 分译法\/拆译法 拆词,将难译的词从句子主干拆离出来,另作处理,句式要作相应的调整,拆译的词通常是形容词和副词, 或是将某个成分单独拿出来另译,或根据译文需要打散句子,重新组织.反...

Most of the residents of Heard County 是主语 no longer attend是谓语 church 是宾语on Saturday是状语,and activity是并列的宾语 that formerly served to tie the community's families together是定语从句 修饰 activity.注意 定从中谓语served是不及物动词 是 适用;有用;的意思 适合(特定用途或...

This part includes three main contents:×××,×××,and ××× ×××includes four aspects As for the factor ××× 1。微软公司为了保持竞争力需投入大量资金以研发新产品,但受美国金融危机影响,庞大的资金将是他们的Weaknesses 1.The Microsoft needs to invest large amount of capital ...

1.我们应该做什么来改善环境? What shall we do to improve the enviroment 2.在公共场所 in public 3.保护环境 to protect the enviroment 4.砍树 to cut down trees 5.保持我们环境干净和整洁是我们的职责 it is our duty to keep the enviroment clean 6.踏草坪 to step on the lawn 7....

黄梅县18260561285: 英语把两个句子合并成一个句子还有翻译句子 -
贯奇血宝: I am not sure whether it is good to shop online.I hear them playing the violin in the next room.

黄梅县18260561285: 英语翻译:先译成两个句子,然后合并成一个句子
贯奇血宝: 1.His house was washed away by the flood.2.He didn't regret what he had done.3.Though his house was washed away by the flood,he didn't regret what he had done.希望能帮到你

黄梅县18260561285: 翻译英语句子etc -
贯奇血宝: 1,That is where he was born and raised.2,The problem is that we cannot afford this big house.3,The difficulty for us is how to reduse noise.4.The most important thing for them is that they should make full use of local natural resources to develop ...

黄梅县18260561285: 英语翻译5、Next to him stands a girl.The girl's name is Tina.把两句话合并成一句并翻译合并的那一句7、Tina is a student.She won a prize in the writing ... -
贯奇血宝:[答案] 实际考查的是定语从句, 5.Next to him stands a girl whose name is Tina.在他旁边站着一个叫蒂娜的女孩. 7.Tina is a student who won a prize in the writing competition.蒂娜是个在写作比赛中得过奖的学生.

黄梅县18260561285: 合并英语句子 -
贯奇血宝: The car is 3 meters from the middle of the house at the speed of 20m/s.

黄梅县18260561285: He didn't go to the park.I think.合并句子 加加翻译啊~ -
贯奇血宝:[答案] I thought he did not go to the park 我以为他没有去公园!

黄梅县18260561285: 英语解释句子和合并为一句 -
贯奇血宝: Mr Wu came into the room with a cup of tea.She is so kind that everybody likes to talk to her.Every boy in town was happy except for Tom Sawyer.女孩们在快乐得唱歌 The girls 主语 are singing 谓语 happily 副词如还有疑问,欢迎可以进入乐知各级别英语外教课免费旁听.希望能帮到您

黄梅县18260561285: 如何翻译英语句子 -
贯奇血宝: 句子是文章的基础,只有写好了句子才可能写好作文.要翻译好英语句子,需要掌握好英语的句子成分、简单句基本句型、并列句、复合句等句子相关基础知识.然后运用所学知识练习多练,多读,多背. 翻译技巧--切分与合并 一、 切分 英语...

黄梅县18260561285: 麻烦帮我翻译一下这几个句子然后再按要求合并,谢谢了.要人工翻译的哦! -
贯奇血宝: 您好,很高兴为您解答:•(1) 她在电视上看到这个消息.She got this news from the TV.•(2) 一场可怕的地震完全毁坏了她的家乡.A terrible earthquake completely destroyed her hometown•(3) 她突然放声大哭.She burst into tears(用时间状...

黄梅县18260561285: 希望知道英文句子的翻译步骤 -
贯奇血宝: 先是对长句的拆分,一般的句子可以有三段或者四段语法上相对独立、意思上相对完整的语法单位.先找出句子的主干结构,即主语、谓语和宾语中心词.再找出各种修饰成分,分清修饰关系;其次是对句子结构的理解,按照主句和从句,主干...

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