
作者&投稿:旁程 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  关于美容的英语对话:Waiting at the Hairdresser’s

  Receptionist:Hello, Miss. What can I do for you this afternoon?

  Customer:I need a haircut. But you seem so busy today。

  Receptionist:Yes, it is busy today. We usually have a lot more clients on the weekend. Would you like to take a seat and wait for a while, please?

  Customer:OK. But how long will I have to wait? Is it going to be more than 30 minutes?

  Receptionist:It should be around that. If you’d like, please feel free to read the magazines while you wait。

  Customer:Thank you。

  (20 minutes later)

  Receptionist:Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss. Our hairdresser, Mr. Lee, is just finishing with a client in a moment or two. Will you have a shampoo first? I’ll get a gown for you。

  Customer:OK. Thanks。

  关于美容的英语对话:Getting a Haircut

  Barber:How would you like your hair cut?

  George:Don’t cut it too short on the sides and the back. Just trim it a little。

  Barber:How about on top?

  George:You can thin the top out a little, just a little。

  Barber:You got it。

  George:Say, my hair is kind of oily. Dandruff bothers me a lot. I’ve tried several shampoos, but to no avail. Could you recommend something effective?

  Barber:Well, have you tried Head and Shoulders? I recommend it to all of my clients with your problem and they think it’s great。

  George:Thanks. I’ll try it。

  Barber:And you can try Vidal Sassoon’s hair tonic. It’s used after you wash your hair. It’ll keep your hair clean-looking and oil-free。

  George:I’ll try that, too. Thank you。

  Barber:It’s done. That will be five dollars and thirty cents。

  关于美容的英语对话:A Haircut and Perm

  Hairdresser:Very sorry to have kept you waiting so long. What do you want, madam?

  Mrs. Smith:I want a haircut and a perm。

  Hairdresser:How long would you like your hair cut today?

  Mrs. Smith:Just cut a little off。

  Hairdresser:Do you want a tight, medium or naturally curly perm?

  Mrs. Smith:I’d like to have it medium。

  Hairdresser:How about your hairstyle?

  Mrs. Smith:Can you tell me my choices?

  Hairdresser:Well, with a perm we can do various kinds of patterns, such as a bob, chaplet hairstyle, or a bun. Which do you prefer?

  Mrs. Smith:I want a chaplet one. I like to have it in big waves。

  (two hours later)

  Hairdresser:It looks wonderful。

  Mrs. Smith:Turn the chair so that I can see myself in the mirror。

  Hairdresser:What do you think of it?

  关于美容的英语对话:Having the Hair Dyed

  Mary:Could I have my hair dyed?

  Hairdresser:Certainly. Which color do you want to dye it?

  Mary:I want the latest fashion. Can you make some suggestions?

  Hairdresser:Right now, many girls are dying their hair blonde。

  Mary:I don’t think that would suit me very well. Blonde is kind of erratic。

  Hairdresser:Then what do you think about pink?

  Mary:Oh, no. I think it better to be a natural Chinese with natural Chinese hair? Have you got a good brand of hair dye?

  Hairdresser:Yes. We have several brands. Which one do you prefer.

  Mary:I want the best one。

  Hairdresser:First, you need a shampoo. It makes it easier for your hair to be dyed…Well, let’s dunk your hair in the water.Your hair will be thoroughly cleaned that way。

  (one hour later)

  Mary:After this dye job, it feels like I look younger。

  Hairdresser:Your hair is definitely fresh and shinier-looking。

  关于美容的英语对话:Getting a Facial

  Customer:I’d like a facial。

  Beautician:Which kind would you like? We have five different varieties of facials。

  Customer:Which would you recommend?

  Beautician:Well, since it’s summer and it looks like you’ve had quite a bit of sun, I’d recommend our summer special. It’s especially suited for individuals with sensitive skin。

  Customer:What does it include?

  Beautician:The facial will start with a thorough cleansing。

  Customer:Does it include a facial mask and a massage?

  Beautician:Yes. The reviving mask will promote blood circulation and tighten the skin. You can also choose to get a hand or back massage as well。

  Customer:Will you exfoliate the skin as well?

  Beautician:Yes. We’ll also apply a special Day Cream that will protect the skin from the sun and Night Cream that will moisturize the skin。

  Customer:That sounds great.

  关于美容的英语对话:Getting a Manicure

  Customer:Hello. I want to know how much it costs to have a manicure and a pedicure?

  Manicurist:Usually, it’s 60 dollars for a manicure and 80 dollars for a pedicure, but with this special discount, the total for both is only 120 dollars. And you can get them painted as well for free。

  Customer:That’s nice. I’d like to give it a try. I think I’d like Passion Red please。

  Manicurist:All right. Do you want your cuticles cut, too?


  Manicurist:Would you like the shape square or round?

  Customer:Square, but w ith rounded edges, please。

  (after a while)

  Manicurist:All right, it’s done. Please follow me to the drying section。

  Customer:How long will it take to get them dry?

  Manicurist:In about five minutes, you’ll be all set。

  Customer:I see. Thank you。


juice英语读作英[dʒuːs]、美[dʒuːs]。双语例句:1.Do you want some juice?你想要一些果汁吗?2.I like juice with no ice.我喜欢不加冰的果汁。3.They had juice and coffee at the break.休息时,他们喝了果汁和咖啡。4.He always has a glass of orange j...

SPA一词源于拉丁文“Solus Par Agula”(Health by water)的字首,Solus(健康),Par(在), Agula(水中),意指用水来达到健康,健康之水。SPA是指利用水资源结合沐浴、按摩、涂抹保养品和香熏来促进新陈代谢,满足人体视觉、味觉、触觉、嗅觉和思考达到一种身心畅快的享受。SPA是由专业美疗师、...

谓语:相当于 宾语:三四倍 别忘了把主和宾前定语(形容词)写上 望采纳


1.我们需要进口机电产品 2.在英国,一只狗进一次“美容院”的花费,相当于一个普通工人的 工资的三四倍解释以上2题两种意思... 工资的三四倍 解释以上2题两种意思 展开  我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 网络繁忙请稍后重试 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览4 次 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可...

SPA (法文Solus Por Aqua),意为“健康之水”,与英式休闲文化的SPA(Spring pute air)意为“在矿泉区里享受纯净的空气”。SPA的美妙气息蔓延了几百年,希腊的方献旧时就有记载,在水中加上矿物及香薰、草药、鲜花,可以预防疾病及延缓衰老。从狭义上讲,SPA指的就是水疗美容与养生,形式各异的SPA...

发型设计需考虑脸型和体型,提供染发、烫发的技巧与注意事项,示例各种风格的发型设计。6. 按摩与美容- 头部按摩有助于放松,脸部美容和身体美容则关注整体肌肤护理。7. 化妆设计- 包括基础技巧,不同场合的化妆建议,以及专业术语的学习。附录提供了实用的英语交流素材,以及行业法规和职业技能鉴定相关规范...


了解过往的工作经历,有助于判断她的职业素养和专业程度。如果以前的工作经历太短,或每隔一段时间就换新的工作的人,不建议录用 2、为什么想做美容行业? 了解对方的求职意愿和对行业的了解。在沟通过程中,要告诉对方做美业的不易,以及在你的标准里,什么人适合做,什么人不适合做,筛掉那些吃不了苦、性格、价值观不...


福山区15286248359: 有没有关于在美容院的三人英语情景对话,一人6,7句就行,急求!! -
爨莘痛必: 工作人员 Good afternoon, what can I do for you? 下午好,请问您需要什么服务? 陈红 I'm going to go to a party and I want to wear some makeup. 我晚上要去参加一个宴会,想化一下妆. 工作人员 I suggest you wear some evening makeup. Our ...

福山区15286248359: 求英语对话,内容关于整容.十句对话就好.在线等悬赏三百分,先给100.
爨莘痛必: 您好! 下面是一段一问一答式的关于整容的对话: Q: What is cosmetic?什么是整容? A: Cosmetic is through surgery to improve appearance to enhance confidence. 整容是透过外科手术改善外貌,藉以增强自信. Q: And what does cosmetic ...

福山区15286248359: 劝同学去整容的英文对话 -
爨莘痛必: 劝同学去整容 Advise students to go to cosmetic surgery

福山区15286248359: 美容院英语交流口语有哪些?? -
爨莘痛必: 还有就是,目前我在学的ABC天芐欧美外教口语的外教要我明白,如果要掌握好英语是不难的 一定具有恰当的学习情境及实习口语对象 最关键就是外教水平 最好欧美母语 口语纯正非常重要,持续每日口语交流,一对一家教式辅导才能够有.好.的学习成果.上完课还要重听录音文档,来进一步深化知识~如果真的没人帮忙的状况下,就上听力室或BBC拿到课余学习材料研习 多说、多练、多问、多听、多读 一下子语境会提高起来 学习成长会非常达成目标的 有, 一般叫XXXX Beauty Parlor, 或者XXX Spa(spa 大概等于按摩院+美容院).

福山区15286248359: 关于减肥的三分钟简单英语对话 -
爨莘痛必:[答案] Vocabularytempt 诱惑,使感兴趣chubby 胖的,丰满的 on a diet 节食A: Linda, would you care for some candies or cookies?琳达,你...

福山区15286248359: 做按摩和顾客交谈的一些基本英文口语怎么说 -
爨莘痛必: 按摩放松了疲劳的肌肉.A massage relaxed tired muscles.按摩你的颈部和肩膀.Massage your neck and shoulders.你需要一番彻底的按摩以消除疼痛.You need a thorough massage to get the pains rubbed away.massage 按摩

福山区15286248359: 帮忙编一段英语小对话 -
爨莘痛必: Tom: Hi,John, how you doin. John: Good you? Tom: Good. Do you have any plan for the summer holidays? John: I can not make sure. Maybe I'll going to Tibet. Tom: Oh, that's cool man. I heard about that is a very mysterious place, but the weather ...

福山区15286248359: 买化妆品 英语 翻译对话 -
爨莘痛必: 1 which kind of cosmetics is suitable for my skin?(dry skin ) (oily skin )(pimple)(whiten and purify skin)(wrinkleproof)(water replenishing)(sunproof)2 Does it contain heavy metal element?3 Is it harmful for skin?4 I want skin care products for sunproof....

福山区15286248359: 整容的英语辩论赛反方 -
爨莘痛必:[答案] 1、开销大(It cost a lot of money and attract people's attention.What's more,it can even make people gat out of the business.)2、浪费时间( There's an old saying'time is money',but now I can see all of...

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