
作者&投稿:守咬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In China, flowers come out the spring. People often go hiking, kite, hot summer weather, it often rains, people often go swimming, cool in fall, is a busy season, cold winter weather, often snow, a lot of people wear clothes, children often to outdoor skating.

China is a typical country in the east. So there are a number of great differences from other western countries. As we all know, comparing with westerners, we chinese people are much more euphemistic. They don't like expressing their feelings directly. When being commended, we chinese people usually reply with"No,No, i am not good!". In our minds, it is a kind of virtue. On the contrary, they westerners suggest it is an action of not being confident enough. We can't say which is better and which is worse, because it was formed by culture and background.

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Spring is the first season of the year. As the old saying goes, the whole year's work depends on a good start in spring. The weather becomes warmer and swallow flies back. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields. They are busy planting their crops.
When summer comes, the sun shine bright to the earth. It ‘s a good time to play on a beach with your sunglass and bring with some orange juice.
Next comes the autumn. Leaves turn yellow , the ground is covered with fallen leaves, birds fly to the south.
Winter is the last season of the year .It is cold in winter. In many places it snows. It’s exciting to have snowball fighting outside. But remember to wear a coat and fur hat, put your boots on.
春天是一年中的第一个季节。俗话说得好, 一年之计在于春。天气变得暖和,燕子飞回。农民开始在田地里辛勤劳作。他们正忙着种植农作物。
冬天是一年中的最后一个季节。冬天很冷, 很多地方还会下雪。这时去外面打雪仗会是件很兴奋的事。不过记得穿上你的外套和靴子,戴上裘皮帽。

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Spring is the first season of the year. As the old saying goes, the whole year's work depends on a good start in spring. The weather becomes warmer and swallow flies back. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields. They are busy planting their crops.
When summer comes, the sun shine bright to the earth. It ‘s a good time to play on a beach with your sunglass and bring with some orange juice.
Next comes the autumn. Leaves turn yellow , the ground is covered with fallen leaves, birds fly to the south.
Winter is the last season of the year .It is cold in winter. In many places it snows. It’s exciting to have snowball fighting outside. But remember to wear a coat and fur hat, put your boots on.


热带:海南岛。一年四季典型的高温多雨,植物终年茂盛。亚热带:昆明,又叫“春城”,典型特点:四季如春。此外:青藏高原夏季的时候也不热,四川盆地 冬季温度也是同纬度最高,四季温差没有同纬度不大。


cold.In winter,it's really cold in the north of China,but warm in the south of China.在中国(其他国家也是)有4个季节.它们是春天, 夏天 , 秋天和冬天,天气温暖和湿润.夏天,天气非常热,而且多雨.秋天,天气凉爽,但不是很冷.冬天,我国北方就真的很冷了,但南方却是温暖怡人的。

四季简介 指一年中交替出现的四个季节,即春季、夏季、秋季和冬季。在天文上,季节划分是以地球围绕太阳公转轨道上位置确定的。地球上的四季首先表现为一种天文现象,不仅是温度的周期性变化,而且是昼夜长短和太阳高度的周期性变化。当然昼夜长短和正午太阳高度的改变,决定了温度的变化。四季的递变全球...

一般是:3、4、5月,是春季;6、7、8月是夏季;9、10、11月是秋季;12、1、2月是冬季。气象学上,把五天的平均气温,作为季节的标志:低于5°C是冬季;高于20°C是夏季;5---20°C是春季或秋季。天文学上讲,东西方都用 “二分、二至” 这四个点 。春分点与秋分点,是太阳光直射在赤道...


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In China, flowers come out the spring. People often go hiking, kite, hot summer weather, it often rains, people often go swimming, cool in fall, is a busy season, cold winter weather, often snow, a lot of people wear clothes, children often to outdoor skating....


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拔黄醋酸: In China, flowers come out the spring. People often go hiking, kite, hot summer weather, it often rains, people often go swimming, cool in fall, is a busy season, cold winter weather, often snow, a lot of people wear clothes, children often to outdoor skating.

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拔黄醋酸:[答案] 一年四季(The Four seasons) A year has four seasons. Every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other. The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seaso...

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拔黄醋酸:[答案] There are four seasons in a year in China.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter. 一年有四个季节,它们是春、夏、秋、冬. In spring,everything begins to grow.The weather gets warmer and warmer and the days get longer and longer.The leaves ...

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