
作者&投稿:泰霍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Ada: Put your hands where I can see them.

Leon: Sorry, but following a ladies lead just isnt my style.

Ada: Put them up now.

(Matrix slow-mo effects ensue)

Leon: A bit of advice; try using knives next time. Works better for close

(Leon empties clip and walks away)

Ada: Leon. Long time no see.

Leon: Ada. So it is true.

Ada: True? About what?

Leon: You. Working with Wesker.

Ada: I see you've been doing your homework.

Leon: Why Ada?

Ada: What's it to you?

Leon: Why are you here? Why'd you show up like this?

Ada: Heh.

(Glasses explode and flash)

Ada: See you around.

Leon: Ada!

Ada: Need a ride handsome?

Leon: Heh. Okay.


Ada: Got some business to take care of. See you later.

Leon: Women.

Krauser: What's the news on our friend Leon?

Ada: He's not making it easy. The sample?

Krauser: Saddler's got it. IT seems he's sniffed out our little game.

Ada: Perfect.

Krauser: Just so we understand each other clearly, I don't trust you, nor does
Wesker. If you try to do anything clever I will kill you.

Ada: Is that so? You know, I met Wesker long before you.

Krauser: We'll see soon enough if you did.

Ada: Yeah, we'll see.

Krauser: Heh.

Krauser: Been a long time, comrade.

Leon: Krauser!

Krauser: I died in a crash 2 years ago? Is that what they told you?

Leon: You're the one who kidnapped Ashley.

Krauser: You catch on quick. That's expected. After all, both you and I know
where we come from.

Leon: What do you want?

Krauser: Heh. The sample Saddler developed, that's all.

Leon: Leave Ashley out of this.

Krauser: Oh, I needed her to buy Saddler's trust in me. Like you, I'm

Leon: You got her involved just for that??

Krauser: (Laughs, knocks Leon down) All for Umbrella's sake.

Leon: Umbrella??

Krauser: I almost let it slip. Enough talk, die comrade.


Leon: Ada!

Krauser: Well, if it isn't the bitch in the red dress.

Ada: It looks like we have the upper hand here.

Krauser: You may be able to prolong your life, but it's not like you can
escape your invitable death, is it?

(Krauser leaves)

Ada: You...knew each other?

Leon: More or less. Maybe it's about time you told me the reason you're here?

Ada: Maybe some other time.

Ada: Leon, you okay?

Leon: Yeah.

(Leon tries to strangle Ada, who stabs him in the leg)

Leon: Sorry Ada.

Ada: We have to get that parasite out of your body.

Leon: But before that, I have to save Ashley.

Ada: Fine, let's split up.

Saddler: You'll soon harbor an awesome power. Yet it seems you would rather
choose death.

Leon: I'm taking Ashley back whether you like it or not.

Saddler: Ah, the audacity of youth.

(Saddler flings Leon away. Someone opens fire on Saddler)

Ada: Leon, now!

(Leon grabs Ashley. Saddler is unhurt)

Ada: Move!

Leon: Let's go!

Final Chapter

Leon: Something's not right. Ashley, you stay here.

(Leon goes up lift. Ada is tied up.)

Leon: Ada!

(Saddler tries to control Leon and fails)

Leon: Better try a new trick, because that one's getting old.

(Leon frees Ada)

Leon: You okay?

Ada: I've been better.

(Saddler laughs)

Leon: What's so funny?

Saddler: Oh, I think you know. The american prevailing is a cliche that only
happens in your Hollywood movies. Mr. Kennedy, you entertain men. To show my
appreciation, I will help you awaken from your world of cliches.

(Saddler turns into a monster.)

Leon: Ada, stand back.

(Note: about halfway through the battle, Ada will appear and toss you a rocket,
and say "Use this." Hay Resident Evil 2~)


Ada: Sorry Leon, hand it over.

Leon: Ada, you do know what this is.

(Ada leaps off edge into a helicopter.)

Ada: Don't worry. I'll take good care of it.

Leon: Ada!

Ada: Gotta go. If I were you, I'd get off this island too.

(Ada pushes detonation button.)

Leon: She really pushed it.

Ada: Here, catch. Better get a move on. See you around.

(Leon looks at bear keychain.)

Leon: Very cute.

Leon: She's like a part of me I can't let go. Let's leave it at that.

Salazar: What a pleasant surprise. But I'm afraid it's Ashley we need, not you,Mr. Kennedy.Leon: If you don't need me, then get off my back old man!Salazar: Did you say old man,Mr. Kennedy? It might come as a surprise, but I'm only 20 years old.Leon: So you're just like all the others, a puppet of the parasites.Salazar: Surely you don't think I'm the same as those diminutive Ganados. The parasites, Las Plagas are slaves to my will. I have absolute control.Leon: Well I really don't give a damn. Rain or shine, you're going down.(Enemies appear)Salazar: Get rid of our American friend.


生化危机4 来生爱丽丝最后在船上说的台词是什么(就是这里没有污染那段...
直接从字幕文件上复制来的,楼主可以下载个字幕文件翻 63901:28:15,400 --> 01:28:18,039 这是亚凯迪亚以紧急频道广播 64001:28:20,800 --> 01:28:21,789 我说…64101:28:23,440 --> 01:28:24,839 我们扛下这个使命 64201:28:26,400 --> 01:28:30,029 这是亚凯迪亚以紧急频道...


“你要玩断臂?”)Freeze! I say freeze!翻译:别动!我说别动!(李老汉凶神恶煞的你还玩什么绅士风度,开枪不就得了?)Shit!(《生化危机4》中骂了四次,表现了直爽的性格)Great...just my luck.翻译:不错,我的运气真好。(跟哈尼根失去联络时的话,充分自嘲)Run!!!翻译:...

生化危机经典台词英语 1、I'd feel the same way if I were you, but the choice to die is no longer ours. Once we take this, we owe it to all the people around us who died. We're going to live... and that's my answer, and that's yours. ——如果我是你我也会有同...

生化危机4 电影 开头 英文台词
1 00:00:00,278 --> 00:00:05,146 Pull up. Terrain. Terrain. Pull up. Terrain. Terrain.2 00:01:10,081 --> 00:01:13,073 This is Arcadia, broadcasting on the emergency frequency.3 00:01:13,351 --> 00:01:14,511 There is no infection.4 00:01:14,719 --> 00:01...

每人有57秒时间清除目标完成任务,要死不要活。目标数量尚不明确,但其中包括安布雷拉的主要目标:克莱尔 莱克菲尔德,克里斯,以及爱丽丝。清除一切目标...

艾达王经典台词 搞笑经典台词
生化危机艾达王的经典语录 这个世界有很多事还是不知道的好,这就是其中之一(生4对路易斯)也许下次吧(生4)可以吻我吗?(生2),这可由不得你(生4)把手放在我看得到的地方?(生4)oh,你这玩意可真大,不过我可不喜欢别人粗鲁的用他(我到现在也没想懂这句话是什么意思,节操尽毁)...

(走进房子的时候,房间内有一个男人的黑影)(Leon 进入房间)Leon: 嗯,对不起,先生!(拿出相片)请问你认识照片中的这个女孩吗?村民: (外语)Leon: 对不起,打搅了。(村民抓过一把斧头,劈向Leon, Leon飞身躲开)Leon: 别动。我说别动!(这时,屋外一辆卡车向警车撞去。Leon听到一串枪声和尖叫声,接...

同学你好 你说的这个目前还没有。。不过出于鄙人的兴趣爱好 将威斯克在5代中的经典台词整理了一下 其中C是克里斯 S是谢娃 E是艾克赛拉J是吉尔1.C:More and more i find myself wondering, if it's all worth fighting for . maybe one day I'll find out . ­ There's one th...


龙泉驿区19891021201: 生化危机4游戏台词
耿田克痢: Salazar: What a pleasant surprise. But I'm afraid it's Ashley we need, not you,Mr. Kennedy. Leon: If you don't need me, then get off my back old man! Salazar: Did you say old man,Mr. Kennedy? It might come as a surprise, but I'm only 20 years old. ...

龙泉驿区19891021201: 生化危机4经典台词 -
耿田克痢: 原台词:Let's Rock,Start somethin'bitchs 大致的意思是:放马过来!歇着吧,婊子!(你可能吧star和start听混淆了)想知道全部英文台词,下载个中英对照字幕会比较方便

龙泉驿区19891021201: 请高手翻译生化危机4台词 -
耿田克痢: (Ashley 掉入水中) Leon: Ashley!Ashley,你在哪? Ashley: Leon! Leon: 来,我们回家. Ashley: 这句话真是动听. 任务完成,是吗,Leon? Leon: 还不完全是, 我还得送你安全到家. Ashley: 那么,在你送我回家之后,我们可否再进行一点加时……? Leon: 嘿,我很抱歉. Ashley: 我好像预感到你会这么说,但问一下总没什么关系,是吧!那么,那个女人是谁呢? Leon: 干吗问这个. Ashley: 说吧,告诉我. Leon: 她就像是我的一部分,挥之不去,就让它留在那吧!

龙泉驿区19891021201: 生化危机4结尾里昂的台词是什么? -
耿田克痢: 安全离开洞口后: Ashley:好注意~任务文成了,对吧,leon? Leon :还没呢,我得安全送你回家. Ashley:那么,回去后不如再...? Leon :嗨,抱歉. Ashley:还好我早有心里准备了,但这样问一句没关系吧,那么那个女人是谁? ...

龙泉驿区19891021201: 生化危机4最后的对话是什么 -
耿田克痢: 生化4的最后一句台词,是出自利昂与哈尼根MM的调侃,原文是Story of my Life,翻译过来应该是“我坎坷的人生呀”(通俗点就是“我命真苦”)!当时利昂完成任务救回总统女儿,向哈尼根开玩笑索要电话号码,哈尼根提醒他“任务还没结束呢”,所以利昂发了这么一句牢骚.

龙泉驿区19891021201: 生化危机4游戏里昂的最后的台词 -
耿田克痢: 英文是:She\'s like a part of me that I can\'t let go. Let\'s leave it at that.中文照着翻就出来了.

龙泉驿区19891021201: 生化危机4游戏里的人说的是什么?目前我只听懂了一句:good firend,stand up! -
耿田克痢: 哪有这句? 唯一一句英语就是My lord Sadd俯怠碘干鄢妨碉施冬渐ler. 其他都是些西班牙语,而且腔调和发音都古怪得学小语种的都听不懂 什么,毛驴也是驴(死即是生),阿爷斯大(他在那儿) 你那句目测是第一眼看到并指着里昂时说的,混蛋,别跑

龙泉驿区19891021201: 生化危机4分支路线的对白 -
耿田克痢: 1章SEPERATE WAYS 自白:我接下这个任务的唯一理由是为了接近我的目标,无论如何都不能被别人发现.当然,躲在暗处不是我的风格,但有时我不得不出面提供帮助.Wesker:嗯,你成功到达村庄了.Ada:是什么让你想到了我?...

龙泉驿区19891021201: 生化危机4黑商的全部英文台词 -
耿田克痢: Welcome!Got a selection of good things on sale stranger!What are you selling?Ah...I'll buy it at a high price!Heyheyhey...Thank you!Is that all stranger?What are you buying?Not enough cash stranger!Not only you need cash but you'll need guts to buy ...

龙泉驿区19891021201: 生化危机4 里昂和克劳哲第一次相遇的对话(台词) -
耿田克痢: 正式拼刀前的对话:Krauser: Been a long time, comrade.Leon: Krauser!Krauser: I died in a crash 2 years ago? Is that what they told you?Leon: You're the one who kidnapped Ashley.Krauser: You catch on quick. That's expected. After all, both you ...

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