
作者&投稿:说邹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

口语学习的提高就是坚持每天多说英语,E x say英语,ABC添下英与,Ekoyu口语还挺.好.的,课程是帮我量身制定的,我觉得介格还是不错的,这样的学习也应该能够提供给你很大的进步,我就进步很多了。First of all, I’d like to introduce myself briefly . I’m a student study in Guizhou University. My major,wch is my favorite subject, is electroic and information engineering. And ts major really brings much joy and confident to me. So I tnk I did a good job in my specialty. Actually, I was an student who is really active and openminded. I like making friends and I have many hobbies,such as computer ,basketball,music and the like. When I finished my study ,I’ll play basketball with my classmates. Besides,I always keeep a postive attitude no matter what tngs happen to me .Because my belief is “everytng happens for the best”个人写的,针对大学生, 因人而异,仅供参考

Today students in college fell that there is nothing to do everyday,because they have been tirde of study all day long! So they want to find something more intersting! The one which is the most popular among them ofcouse would be internet-surfing by which they can play some games,find some funny nwes and contact they classmates ,friends or their own families! As the computer is more and more common,this phenominon could be more widely. And then they may like to play some ball-games, in this way they can completely let themselves out,and get rid of the books!

what i want to do most after the final exams is to go to the newly-opened harry potter theme park in the usa. i've liked harry potter for many years, ever since i was in elementary school. and now, after the book and the movies, the theme park has finally opened! i would really like to see the magical things turned into reality.


做好以下三件事都将使你在未来的人生中更具有竞争力。1\/ 学好专业课 这里的学好专业课,可因人而异。如果你想走学术路线,或者很喜欢所学专业,那你就尽可能的把专业往强处学。如果你不想走学术,或者不喜欢所学专业,而中国目前的教育体制又不允许中途调换专业,那你可以设一个最低标准,独立通过...

最重要的是做自己想做的事的英文:The most important thing is to do what you want to do.其他短语表达:1、important news 要闻 2、important event 重大事件 3、vitally important 极其重要的 4、distinctly important 非常重要的;极为重要的 5、play an important role 起到重要作用 important ...

我想做的事 作文
我最想做的一件事就是努力学习,长大之后成为一位科学家。 然后发明一个飞行器,去畅游整个中国,饱览祖国大地的美景,特别是南沙群岛和钓鱼岛。 当然也可以用整个飞行器去环游整个事件,体验世界各地的风土人情,尝遍各国的美食。 当然也肯定会用这个飞行器去遨游整个天空:去看看月亮上门是否真的住着嫦娥,她是否真的有...



其实我们刚刚进入大学的校门时,我们队很多东西都充满了好奇,那么也就意味着我们的大学四年就要在这里度过,我们应该有一个清楚的规划,下面是我在大学四年期间做的觉得有意义的事情分享给大家。1.加入学生会,一方面是交际,另一方面提升待人、做事能力 。学生会是一个非常能够锻炼人的地方,刚步入大学的...




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依皆复方: what i want to do most after the final exams is to go to the newly-opened harry potter theme park in the usa. i've liked harry potter for many years, ever since i was in elementary school. and now, after the book and the movies, the theme park has ...

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