
作者&投稿:岑永 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ far 英[fɑ:(r)] 美[fɑr]
adv. 久远地; (问到或谈及距离时说) 有多远; 到很远距离; 到很大程度;
adj. 远的; 遥远的; (某方向的) 最远的; 远端的;
n. 远方;
[造句]I know a nice little Italian restaurant not far from here

How far is Pawtucket from Providence?

He had wandered to the far end of the room

I've spent a lot of time walking around Britain from the far north of Scotland down to Cornwall

I can't see any farther than the next six months

How far did the film tell the truth about Barnes Wallis?

Discussions never progressed very far

It's still not clear how far the Russian parliament will go to implement its own plans

'Does it sound like music?' — 'I wouldn't go that far.'

Women who eat plenty of fresh vegetables are far less likely to suffer anxiety or depression

The far right is now a greater threat than the extreme left

It only lasted a couple of years, as far as I know

1.Since they are twins,they have a lot in common with each other.2.This job has little in common with that one.3.Everyone can answer this question except Tom.4.He also likes swimming,except playing basketball and football.5.The invention of paper had a great influence to ...

We finished the job all by ourselves.我们全靠自己完成了这项工作。Are you sure you did this exercise by yourself?这个练习真是你自己做的吗?Taken care of yourselves.照顾你们自己 She lives by herself.她独身一人生活 He said it himself.他亲口说的 The cat is washing itself.猫正在给...

There is some beer in the kitch at present I am planning to go to play football ar t present at present:现在,现今, 等于=now 所在句子用现在时态,但是不一定全是现在进行时,一般现在时也可以






8、 一个白化形式的红醋栗。9、 塞浦路斯圣乔奇一家私人动物园,刚出生就被关起来的白化小袋鼠。10、 澳大利亚堪培拉的白化病袋鼠母子.11、 在简单轴孔珊瑚的白化过程中,各类不同的色素会因为环境的压力而有不同的变化趋势。12、 据红十字会介绍,2009年,至少50位白化病人在东非被杀害.13、 在最大...

5.Wang serves as head of theArchitecture Department at theChina Academy of Ar ( CAA) .王先生是中国建筑研究院建筑系主任。6.For Dutch people, Hilversum is allabout textileand media industries, and modern architecture.对荷兰人来说,希尔弗瑟姆的一切都与纺织业、传媒业和现代建筑有关。7....

余江县19240168073: 用 far 造句 .简单点的. -
勇石脑塞: It's far away from here. 离这很远. The school is 20 meters far from here.这所学校离这儿20米远 How far is it from your office to the bank? 你的办公室离银行多远? He didn't go far. 他没有走远. You haven't far to go now. 现在你无需走很远了.

余江县19240168073: 用FAR造句 -
勇石脑塞: Our school is far away from home.我们的学校离家远.

余江县19240168073: 用far(很的意思)造句 -
勇石脑塞: He found his new work far more exciting.他发现他的新工作更加刺激.孩子好好学习啊~

余江县19240168073: 用“how far”造句真的很急真的要正经,各位仁兄快支招,要回答 -
勇石脑塞:[答案] 1.How far will five gallons of petrol carry us? 5加仑汽油可以跑多少路? 2.How far can you dive under the water for? 在水里你可以潜多远? 3.How far do you make it to the station? 你估计到车站有多远? 4.How far from here to go the Central park? 这...

余江县19240168073: 我几乎不能走了,用far造句 -
勇石脑塞: 如果用原型 I can hardly walk any more even if it is not far from here.如果可用适当形式 I can hardly walk any farther/further.希望可以帮得到你.

余江县19240168073: far 的比较级和最高级造句 各2句 -
勇石脑塞: Who lives the farthest from here? Of all the students, I ran farthest I am so tired,so I can't go any farther. The Snake Island is farther than the other three

余江县19240168073: far from如何造句? -
勇石脑塞: far from 1.远离 The railway station isfar from here.火车站离这里很远. Shanghai is not far fromhere.上海离这儿不远. 2.远远不;完全不;非但不…反而 The present situation isfar from satisfactory though some progress has been made.虽然取得...

余江县19240168073: 用old large big dirty far 各造一个句子
勇石脑塞: 1.I knocked into my old teacher in the town this morning. 我今天上午在镇上碰到了过去教过我的老师. 2.So the merchants have a large market. 所以商人有一个很大的市场. 3.They have have a very big fight. 他们展开了一场很大的战斗. 4.Is the car clean or dirty? 汽车是干净的还是脏的? 5.And have you come from far like this? “你是从远地方这样走来的吗?”

余江县19240168073: 用“how far”造句 -
勇石脑塞: 1. How far will five gallons of petrol carry us?5加仑汽油可以跑多少路? 2. How far can you dive under the water for?在水里你可以潜多远? 3. How far do you make it to the station?你估计到车站有多远? 4. How far from here to go the Central ...

余江县19240168073: 用old large big dirty far 各造一个句子 -
勇石脑塞:[答案] 1.I knocked into my old teacher in the town this morning.我今天上午在镇上碰到了过去教过我的老师.2.So the merchants ... 他们展开了一场很大的战斗.4.Is the car clean or dirty?汽车是干净的还是脏的?5.And have you come from far like this?“你是从...

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