假如上周你和家人动物园,度过了一个愉快的周末.请以“My Happy Weeken”为题,根据下面的提示写一篇短文

作者&投稿:孙瞿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
假如上周末你和班上的同学到方山上去玩得很快乐。请以My happy weekday为题,根据下面的提示写一篇作文。~

Last weekend, my classmate and I went to Fangshan. It was so interesting.

At 8:00 on Sunday morning, we got together at the school gate. When everyone arrived, we started. We liked riding, se we went there by bike. After about 30 minutes’ ride, we got there. We found a beautiful place to have a rest. And we took many beautiful photos and played games together. When we felt a little hungry, we took out our food to have a picnic. Everyone ate a lot. We all had a happy weekend.

My happy Sunday
I had a nice time on last Sunday.I got up at 8 o'clock,Then I did my homework from 9:00 to 10:00.I helped my mother to do the housework.At 11:30,I had lunch.In the afternoon,I went to the zoo with my parents.I saw a lot of animals.They are interesting.I took many photos in the zoo.At 5:00,I went home.Althout I was a little tired,I was very happy.After dinner,I watched TV for an hour.Then I went to bed at 9 o'clock.

My Happy Weekend
Last Sunday, I went to the zoo with my parents in the morning. We saw a lot of interesting animals there, such as elephants, koalas, monkeys, and so on. We also bought lots of gifts.

We had lunch at the Mcdonalds at noon. We ate some hamburgers, fruit and ice cream. In the afternoon, we went to Nanshan Park. We visited some places of interest and took many photos.
We had a really wonderful time!

你和你的家人最喜欢什么动物?What animals do you and your family life best?I like cats very much。I think they are very cute。My brother like stops。Because they are very honest。


家里的床被我当成了蹦蹦床,有一次我在床上跳啊跳,把床跳得“咔吱”直响,妈妈都怕我把床跳垮了呢!你们觉得我像小兔子吗?我的家有很多欢声笑语,一家人在一起的时候是其乐融融,我的家很快乐,你的家呢?。 3. 描写家人像什么动物的作文400字 我的外婆特长很多。 就像无所不能的超人呵,这可不是开玩笑...


比如 胖胖的 小猪 瘦高 长颈鹿 机灵 小白兔 漂亮 孔雀……


他的身子时而下沉到水底,时而浮上水面,弄得人提心吊胆。你问我他像什么,我肯定会说,他就像一条自由自在的海豚。 我每天都生活在这个“动物园”里面,我们都关爱着彼此。我爱这个温馨的“动物园”。 我的动物家人作文1600字12 在我的家里,藏着一所小小“动物园”。 首先是我的“蜜蜂”奶奶。她每天都会像...

把家人比喻成动物的作文 篇4 我家住着各种各样的动物,我的家就是传说中的动物家族。 我爸爸叫蘧宇翔,其实呢,他是一只小青蛙,只要是周末,他都会去游泳...每次下班回到家,第一件事永远都是躺在沙发上休息。偷偷告诉你一个秘密,我爸爸饭量可大了,一顿要吃三四碗米饭。这食量和猪是不是一模一样? 说到“...

我们家真像一个小小动物园儿,我爱这个动物园里的每个人。 6. 小小动物园作文 我家是个“动物园”,爸爸是熊,妈妈是鱼,姐姐是一头老虎,我是一只兔子。 爸爸长得胖胖的,圆圆的脸,像圆圆的包子似的。鼓鼓的肚子像抱着一个大皮球,粗壮的胳膊上长着一双熊掌似的手,你说他像不像一头熊?爸爸不但长得像熊,做事...


揭阳市13843297531: 假如上周你和家人动物园,度过了一个愉快的周末.请以“My Happy Weeken”为题,根据下面的提示写一篇短文要点提示:上午去动物园,见到了很多动... -
素陶洛沃:[答案] My Happy WeekendLast Sunday, I went to the zoo with my parents in the morning. We saw a lot of interesting animals there, such as elephants, koalas, monkeys, and so on. We also bought lots of gifts.We...

揭阳市13843297531: 假如上周你和家人动物园,度过了一个愉快的周末.请以“My Happy Weeken”为题,根据下面的提示写一篇短文 -
素陶洛沃: My Happy Weekend Last Sunday, I went to the zoo with my parents in the morning. We saw a lot of interesting animals there, such as elephants, koalas, monkeys, and so on. We also bought lots of gifts.We had lunch at the Mcdonalds at noon. We ...

揭阳市13843297531: 假设今天你和你的家人参观了市动物园,在那里你们度过了快乐的一天.请根据下面的提示问题写一篇英语日记.提示问题.1 How do you go to City zoo? 2 What ... -
素陶洛沃:[答案] Sunday March,6th ,2011 Fine I have a happy day today.I go to the zoo with my friends by bus. I see many animais there.For example,tigers,dophins,snakes and so on. But I like pandas,because pandas are very cute and they are very friendly.Pandes like ...

揭阳市13843297531: 假设你上周末和朋友去参观了一个动物园,用自己的话描述一下你在动物园的所见所闻 -
素陶洛沃:[答案] 看到了5000年前的邻居,听到了恐怖片里的狼叫.

揭阳市13843297531: 介绍和朋友怎样度过上个周末的 5句话英语小学生水平 -
素陶洛沃: Last weekend, I went to zoo with my family. 上个周末, 我和家人去动物园. There was a little monkey welcomed us at the entrance of zoo. 动物园入口处有一只小猴子欢迎我们的到来. I saw a lot of animals in the zoo. 我在动物园里看见了很多动物. There was a tiger sleeping in a big cage. 有一只老虎在大笼子里睡觉. It was a wonderful weekend I spent with my family. 我和我家人度过了一个美好的周末.

揭阳市13843297531: 如果你是王林,今天是星期天,你和父母一起去了动物园,将所见所闻写下来,(英语) -
素陶洛沃:[答案] Today Sunday,i accompany my parents to the park for an exercise,as soon as we arrived at the park as earlier as 6.00am they are so many people already there for jogging,dancing,practicing TaiChi,some ...

揭阳市13843297531: 假设上周末父母带你去了济南动物园游玩,作为明天上英语 -
素陶洛沃: 假设上周末父母带你去了济南动物园游玩,作为明天上 Suppose your parents took you to Ji'nan zoo for the weekend.假设上周末父母带你去了济南动物园游玩,作为明天上 Suppose your parents took you to Ji'nan zoo for the weekend.

揭阳市13843297531: 英语50字左右书面表达 假如今天是星期天,天气晴朗,你和你的家人去动物园玩,见到了下列动物. -
素陶洛沃: It is Sunday today.The weather is very fine. My family and I will go to play at the zoo.When we arrive at the zoo,we see a lot of animals, such as elephants,koalas,tigers,dolphins,giraffes,lions,pandas and penguim.The animals are so lovely...

揭阳市13843297531: 书面表达 假如今天星期天 你和你家人一起去动物园. 1,爸爸照相 2,妈妈看熊猫 3,弟弟吃冰淇淋 4,我打电话 -
素陶洛沃: 今天是星期天,爸爸带我去动物园.动物园里有许多人,他们也是去看动物的.动物园里有许多动物,有老虎、熊猫、大象、狮子、长颈鹿等,他们十分可爱,我非常喜欢它们,我最喜欢熊猫.但我认为这些动物生活得不愉快,它们应该生...

揭阳市13843297531: 请写一篇短文介绍一下你上个周末的活动.内容包括:周六上午,跟父母去了动物园,下午跟朋友打篮球,晚上跟好朋友看了一场电影.周日,探望了祖父母,... -
素陶洛沃:[答案] How was your weekend?I had a nice weekend.It was sunny last Saturday.I went to the zoo with my parents in the morning.【高分句型一】In the afternoon I played basketball with my friends....

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