
作者&投稿:臧叙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lucy is a good student,she very like study.A day Lucy is go to the beach play.She is on the plane.A sunnyday,Lucy on the beach play.

This is my school.there are many buildings in my school.There is a big library and we can read in it.we have two Teaching Buildings so everyday we have class there.what's more,our teachers working in the Teachers' office building.Furthermore we have a big playground,when we have the PE class,we can play together there.and at dinnertime we go to dinning hall to have our meal.This is our school,I love it very much

Our school,which names No.2 shool is small but soft.We can play many sports such as swimming,playing basketball or soccer there.Six building were setting in our school.Students can study in two building,which call No.1and No.2 teaching building.Bettwen them is the office of our teacher.We also have a playground, a room to eat and a library.How hapy can we study in a school like this.

一天, 小红的父母带着小红去海边玩。到了海滩,小红跟伙伴玩得十分开心。他们搭宝塔、塔围墙、做游戏,可开心了。有一次,小明将一桶水泼到了小红身上,他们又打又闹,把伙伴都逗笑了。开始游泳了,小刚和小红在玩球,他俩把球丢来丢去,开心极了。后面,小明、小青、小林在游泳,他们上翻、...







1、妈妈辛苦了_一年级看图写话50字 一天,小红的妈妈下班回家了。小红看见了,叫妈妈坐下,还送上了一杯热茶给妈妈喝。妈妈微笑的说:“小红,你真是一个懂事的好孩子。”2、放风筝_一年级看图写话50字 春天来了,阳光明媚,微风吹拂,树木吐出了嫩芽,小草从地下探出了头,多么好的天气啊!这天...

1940年4月,许亨植率第三路军十二支队在庆城东南50里处的八里川,伏击日本开拓团,歼灭日本警卫兵20多人,缴获战马39匹和一些军用物资。1942年8月1日傍晚,许亨植带领两名战士,返回庆城密营途中在青峰岭南坡少凌河转弯处露营,生火做饭,由于地势低洼且无风 ,炊烟不散,被南面四里处元宝顶山上的庆城“...


鸡冠区15943321702: 求一篇英语看图作文,图片描述如下:大人背着琴,拉着小孩,大人拉着小孩,小孩拿着画板讲现代教育的问题,1描述图中信息,2提出自己观点,3得出结论 -
军选杏雪:[答案] In nowdays , many parents push their children to learn a lot of things that their children don`t want to learn. Just like this picture describes: the first parent let his child learn piano; the other wants his learn drawing. We should respect children`s opinion and...

鸡冠区15943321702: 求一篇英语作文看图作文,图中有一个小孩在学骑自行车,周围围着父母家人——图上还有一句话“让我自己骑好吗?” -
军选杏雪:[答案] Today, children are treated like king. Many times, I see a child is being adored or even protected by six adults. They are the grandparents from the mother side, the grandparents from the father side and the parent themselves. So it is not uncommon to ...

鸡冠区15943321702: 英语高手进啊~帮我写一篇英语小短文~看图说话的,对我而言实在太难!感谢!在线等~书面表达:下面描述的是现在人类面临的窘境.请根据下面所给的两... -
军选杏雪:[答案] However,they cannot find their home when they come back at night,since the trees were cut down.In order to satisfy thier needs,people are destroying natural resources.Large forests are disapearing,lea...

鸡冠区15943321702: 作文. 看图写一篇短文,用现在进行时介绍图中的人物在做什么.要求:字迹清晰,不少于40个单词.__________________________________________... -
军选杏雪:[答案] Jenny and Danny are watching TV. Jenny is sitting in a chair and Danny is sitting beside her. Lynn and Bobare playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are sitting on the co...

鸡冠区15943321702: 英语看图作文图中标题怎么描述假如图中有一图片标题,我想把它描述出来:the title of the picture is ...后面是平白直叙说出来还是加双引号还是加that,并且... -
军选杏雪:[答案] 如果只有一个图,用 the picture 就好.多图则用 the first picture, the second. 如果用图片标题,可以用 the picture "abcd..." 表达.图题怎么写的你怎么用到引号中去就行了.

鸡冠区15943321702: 写一篇60字英语作文,图片上的动物是熊猫,老虎,树袋熊,狮子,大象,猴子. -
军选杏雪: There is a zoo that near my home.There are many kinds of animals like pandas tigers lions monkeys and so on.i like pandas.Because they are very cute.But i don't like tigers or lions,because they are scary.

鸡冠区15943321702: 求英语作文.看图写作文第一幅图:一个老人坐在沙发上,脸上表情很难过,沙发上放着一个是女儿动的生日礼物,另一个是儿子送的生日蛋糕.对此图展开联... -
军选杏雪:[答案] There are a lot of storys about exams ,But I won't forget that final exam ,it is the most unforgetable. Before the exam ,I reviewed the lessons simply ,although other classmates reviewed the lessons again and again .I thought that I remembered all the ...

鸡冠区15943321702: 一篇英语看图作文:第一幅老师要同学每人写一篇关于家务活的日记,第2幅:一个小孩在扫地,一奶奶说让奶奶干,第三幅,在擦玻璃,爷爷说,让爷爷干.... -
军选杏雪:[答案] Are today's children happy? I don't thik so!One day,a teacher asks the students to write a diary about doing some housework at home.But when the boy is sweeping the floor,his grandmother comes and says to him,"oh,my dear,let me do it".Then,the ...

鸡冠区15943321702: 小学英语看图作文怎么写? -
军选杏雪: 其实有技巧的话很容易写,大概步骤可以概述为: 1. 用中文描述图片 ---- 审题 体裁、人称、时态、中心 2. 用中文列出要点 ---- 可以先用中文写要点,时间富裕的话可以先用中文写整篇文章 3. 用英语转述句子 ---- 句子骨干 4. 用英语组织篇章 ---- 合适的连接词,另外呢,合适的技巧性句子会有加分作用的哦 5. 最重要的是字体要好,不能写的乱,要不然老师第一印象不好,不会给高分的

鸡冠区15943321702: 小学生英语看图写画作文怎么写 -
军选杏雪: 图上有的全都要写,图上没有的一个都不能提,语句要通顺,时态正确,标点符号正确,要适当地发挥想象.

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