这件衣服多少钱? 准确的翻译

作者&投稿:漳春 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
这件衣服太贵了 英文翻译~

The clothes are too dear/expensive.

“这件衣服花费了我一半的钱”翻译成英语是This dress cost me half of the money.

不行1:How much does this clothes cost?或How much is this clothes?或How much is it?(口语)
2.How much do you spend for these three clothes?
3.These clothes cost me 600 yuan(人民币).
4.How much does this pants cost?
5.How much do you spend for these pants?

2.How much are these cloths altogether?
3.These cloths cost me 600 yuan in total.
4.What is the cost of this pair of trousers?
5.How much do you spend on these pairs of trousers altogether?

1 不能 How much is this dress
2 The three clothes cost a total of how much money?
3 These clothes total cost me 600 yuan.
4 How much are these pants?
5 These trousers spent a total of how much money you?

1 不能 How much is this clothes?如果可以的话也是what开头

2.How much are these cloths altogether?
3.These cloths cost me 600 yuan in total.
4.What is the cost of this pair of trousers?
5.How much do you spend on these pairs of trousers altogether?

how much is this coat?

登封市15250514321: “这件衣服多少钱”用英文怎么说? -
雷炎布洛: How much does this clothe cost

登封市15250514321: 请问这件这服多少钱?英文怎么写 -
雷炎布洛: Excuse me, How much is this clothes?请问这件衣服多少钱?如果有特定的衣服种类的话,要用那个词代替 clothesa coat 一件上衣 a sweater 一件毛衣 a nightie 一件睡衣 a shi...

登封市15250514321: 这件衣服多少钱?英语怎么说我主要想知道"一件衣服'英语怎么说,clothes是复数形式能不能表示一件衣服啊? -
雷炎布洛:[答案] clothes不能表示一件衣服,How much is the coat/T-shirt?或者How much are the clothes?用来询问衣服多少钱

登封市15250514321: 一件衣服价格是多少钱英文怎么翻译 -
雷炎布洛: (指着一件衣服说)How much is this one? (这东西多少钱?) How much is one of this cloth cost? (这种衣服件要多少钱?)

登封市15250514321: 谁能给我翻译翻译这个衣服是多少钱阿?
雷炎布洛: 69 000韩元= 393.4094人民币元

登封市15250514321: 你好,这件衣服多少钱用英语写 -
雷炎布洛: Hello, How much is this dress 你好,这件衣服多少钱

登封市15250514321: 这件衣服多少钱 韩语怎么说 -
雷炎布洛: 이 옷이 얼마예요 yi ao si er ma ye you

登封市15250514321: 这件T恤多少钱?用英语的两种说法How much is the T - shirt?=___ - ____ - ____ - _____ - this T - shirt? -
雷炎布洛:[答案] what's the price of

登封市15250514321: 这件衣服多少钱怎么说 -
雷炎布洛: 英语:How much is this dress/shirt日语:このドレスはどのくらいです

登封市15250514321: 这件衣服多少钱 英文 用两种方法问 -
雷炎布洛: How much is this clothes What is the price for this clothes

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