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英语作文 介绍同学~

I have 3 classmates.lucy ,lily jim.
lucy is a sunny girl,she like singing and dance.she is good at singing and she had won a champion on competition when she was 10 yeas old .
lily is shy than other people,but she is very talented .she has many hobbys .for example writing books and come out with the books.
jim is activity, he just like play to baskte ball.And he have a team in school with the friends that like to baskte ball.

My friends
I have two good friends in my class. They're twins.Zhang Jia,Zhang Jie.They look alike.They dress alike and talk alike.In fack,you can hardly tell them apart.But their characters are quite different. Zhang Jia is like her mother. She's quieter than Zhang Jie, and not as active. She likes reading and music. In many ways Zhang Jie is similar to her father.She is more active,and likes outdoor activities best.
Although they're quite different, we are friends.

  My New Classmate
The new term begins. We are students of Grade six. My classmates come back to school. Besides, we have a new class mates, Jiang Ting. She is a lovely girl.
But she is shy to introduce herself in front of us. Before, she lived and studied in a small village. Now, she moved to our city with her parents, because
her father works here now. She says that our campus is large and beautiful. She is so excited to study here. I hope she can have good days with us and make

 My new classmates
  Today,we composition class have two new students,their different with others,they are twins,they call dabao two treasure.
  Dabao long of bright eyes,a small nose and a ruddy small mouth.His face was long form,he likes to play JunQi.
  Two treasure of god has a pair of eyes,a small nose and a small mouth cherry,round little face,his most characteristics is the two small dimples,he laughed at the small dimple will hang on his face,he likes painting.
  I really like the two classmates.


他真的很爱劳动,这就是我最新发现他的优点。 他,一个爱学习、爱帮助人、爱劳动的小学生,虽然他不是“三好学生”,但是,他是我们心目中的“三爱学生”!我的新同学 2. 以我的新同学为主题写一篇作文 我的新同学我的新同学这学期开始,我就认识了许多新同学,玩得最好的就是他——袁梦涵.他是个爱学习的学生...

在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是我精心整理的我的同学话题作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 我的同学话题作文1 彩笔、铅笔、毛笔只要被周涵烨玩捏在手中,就是一支支神笔。它们在纸上飞舞,一会画出山水草木,一会画出花鸟...

我的新同桌作文2 王一彤转学了,我既高兴又难过,高兴的是没有人给我记分了,难过的是我没有了同桌。老师似乎看出了我的难过,就把陈晨调到了我们组来,把晁若依调到了张秩辉旁边。虽然我有同桌了,但我还是垂头丧气的,因为又有人开始给我记分了。 过了几天,我们班转来了一个新同学,她的姓很特别,姓伍,叫“伍...


关 键 词: 同学 小学六年级 550字 字    数: 550字作文 本文适合: 小学六年级 作文来源: https:\/\/zw.liuxue86.com 本作文是关于小学六年级550字的作文,题目为:《我的新同学》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 我的新同学——陈潇涵 转眼之间我已经12...


初一我的新同桌作文1 告别小学,告别以前的老师和同学,告别窗外那片绿色草地,告别身旁那一个个或轻盈,或矫健或强壮的身影……步入初中,同桌开始变得频繁。开学以来,我已经换了三个同桌了,可我最崇拜最敬佩的还是我身边的这个女孩——杨萍瑞。她鼻梁高高的,长得很秀气,小小的脑袋里不知道装了...

作文新同学300 我的新同学作文300字
虽然我现在才认识我们班的几个同学,但是我相信只要我用心去了解其他的同学,真心与他们交流,那我不久以后我一定会认识更多的新同学的,与他们成为好朋友。我喜欢我们十二班的同学。 抄的,我看过,要原创 作文;我的新同学(300字左右)急!!! 我的同学 从我记事起,我有很多的同学,有托儿所的,有幼儿园的……,...


武汉市13339721604: 介绍我的新同学,他叫Mary Green,他最喜欢的学科是历史,他来自加拿大,他十五岁,他最喜欢打排球和网... -
掌耐虚寒: To introduce my new classmates, her name is Mary Green,, her favorite subject is history, she is from Canada, she was only fifteen years old, she loves to play volleyball and tennis, her favorite color is white, she has blue eyes, brown short hair.

武汉市13339721604: 介绍同班同学英语作文 -
掌耐虚寒: 我的同学玛丽 【内容提示】 玛丽是你的一名同班同学,她同你是好朋友.写一篇英语文章,介绍她的情况.主要内容如下: ①玛丽虽然只有十几岁,但却长得出奇地胖. ②她待人友好、热心,经常帮助别人,从不和人吵架. ③她虽然胖,但却...

武汉市13339721604: 假如你们班来了一位新同学Mary.请你用英语向她介绍你自己. -
掌耐虚寒: Hello,nice to meet you.My name is XXX.I am 12 years old.My favorite food is chocolate.I can do many housework,such as washing clothes ,sweeping floor etc.Besides,i like play guitar,play basketball at weekend.

武汉市13339721604: 写一篇作文,向你的新同学mary介绍一下你们班的班规,内容包括 -
掌耐虚寒: Today, our class to have a new classmate, her name is Lucy. She is from Australia, long curly hair. Now live in wenfeng road, walk to school every day. Her broad interests, such as reading, playing the piano and swimming. Her English is better than math and physics performance, we can help each other

武汉市13339721604: 英语作文:假设你是ann,介绍一下你来自美国的新朋友mary.(不少于18句话) -
掌耐虚寒:[答案] 书面表达.假设Ann是江阴阳光中学七年级一班学生,请你以Ann's School Life 为题,介绍她的学校生活,字数60字左右.1. 每天八点开始上课,上午上四节课,下午两节.2. 擅长所有的功课,最喜爱的功课是英语.3. 每...

武汉市13339721604: 请根据下面提示,以"My classmate",写一篇作文.1.我的同学名字叫Mary.她比我外向,我比她聪明.她跑的比我快.我们两个都喜欢体育,而且学习很好.2.... -
掌耐虚寒:[答案] My classmate My classmate's name is Mary.She is more outgoing than me.I'm smarter than her.She runs faster than I.Both of us like sports and study very well【要点一,我的同学名字叫Mary.她比我外向,我比她聪明.她跑的比我快.我们两个都喜欢体育...

武汉市13339721604: 英语作文: 向你的新同学Mary介绍一下你们班的班规内容:1、上课不能迟到.2、每天必须穿干净的衣服.3、老师进入教室必须起立.4、问问题必须举手.5、只能在餐厅吃喝.6、每天打扫教室.7、未经允许不得离开学校.提示词:as, stand up, put up uour hand -
掌耐虚寒: Hello,Mary.Welcome to our class.We have too many rules in school.For example,we can't arrive late for class.We have to wear clean clothes at school every day.We must stand up when the teacher come into the classroom.Ask questions must put up ...

武汉市13339721604: 英语作文,要求:写一篇作文,向你的新同学Mary介绍一下你们班的班规,包括内容:英语作文:写一篇作文,向你的新同学Mary介绍一下你们班的班规,... -
掌耐虚寒:[答案] Hello, Mary.Welcome to our class. Here are our class rules. You must read it carefully. As a middle school student we can't arrive late for class on weekdays. We must wear clean clothes every day. We must stand up when a teacher goes into the ...

武汉市13339721604: 写一篇80词左右的文章介绍你的好朋友Mary的基本情况.英语作文 -
掌耐虚寒: 根据下表copy提供的信息2113,5261写一篇介绍你朋4102友Mary的短文1653. Name:Mary Age:14 Sex: F Telephone Number;219-3754032 Sports:tennis,ping-pong Food;hamburger, chicken and salad Fruit: pear, banana, and apple

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