Almost all of his time ______ experiments, he has no time to visit his parents. A.devoted to..

作者&投稿:夔琪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Good to visit your parents this time. 怎么翻译?~


All her time devoted to doing experiments, she has no time for films.

她的时间是被献给了做实验这件事,her time与devote之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词。排除C。

A项 is devoted只能做谓语(“be+分词”只能做谓语)。如果选A,前半句就是一个从句了,这时两个从句之间就要用and来连接。排除A。



贵德县13981044233: 12.[英语问题]有关判断正误的英语问题(4)almost all of them -
谭哄捷洛:[答案] 正确,例如:We saw almost all of them. 我们差不多见到了他们的全体. 同时给你讲讲almost 与mostly的区别: almost 意思是“有那么一点点就正好了”, mostly 表示“...

贵德县13981044233: 比较纠结.she told his son to take her suit to the laundry,( )stood at the streetA which B wherealmost all of his time( ) experiments,he has no time to visit his ... -
谭哄捷洛:[答案] 第一个选which,因为它要在句子中做stood 的主语,where不能做成分主语和宾语. 第二个选A ,devote的用法是及物动词,devote oneself to sth 这里的live 是用and 与 are 并列,所以不能用living 这个as引导原因状语. 望采纳~欢迎追问.

贵德县13981044233: 翻译一下 almost all of these ubiquitous commercial -
谭哄捷洛:[答案] ubiquitous 意思为 无处不在的,adj commercial 即为商业的 商务的,同样是 adj almost all 意思是 几乎所有,几乎全部 分析句子,可以看出不是一个完整的句子 ,完整的句子在commercial 后面应该加一个名词 所以这个句子翻译的意思应该是:几乎...

贵德县13981044233: Alice in Wonderland 英文故事简介 500字左右,急!!!可追加悬赏~~~ -
谭哄捷洛: Plot of Alice in Wonderland, Hope to be helpful to you.Alice, sitting with her sister, is bored. A White Rabbit scurries by, muttering to himself and pulling a watch from his waistcoat pocket. Curious, Alice follows the animal down a rabbit hole, the first...

贵德县13981044233: 狄更斯小说《大卫科波菲尔》人物分析(英文版) -
谭哄捷洛: The story is told almost entirely from the point of view of the first person narrator, David Copperfield himself, and was the first Dickens novel to do so.Critically, it is considered a Bildungsroman and would be influential in the genre which included ...

贵德县13981044233: Descartes frequently set his view apart from those of his predecessors求翻译 -
谭哄捷洛:[答案] 意思是: 笛卡尔的见解常常和他的前辈不同. 直译是 Descartes (笛卡尔)frequently (常常) set 放 his (他的) view (见解) apart from (离开,区分开) those of his predecessors (那些他的前辈)

贵德县13981044233: almost all the time 和most of the time 意思相同,试分析一下
谭哄捷洛: almostadv.几乎,差不多mostadj.最多的,多数的,大部分的adv.最,最多,很,十分,最,最大的,其中大多数,极其n.大多数,大部分all the time是指全部时间,of the time 是指这个时间中的...部分,比如第一个就是可以看成所有的所见,第二个解释为这个时间内的大部分时间

贵德县13981044233: almost与mostly\most的区别 -
谭哄捷洛: 如何区别almost与nearly1. 两者都可用来修饰不定代词、形容词、副词、动词、介词短语等,此时两者常可换用.如:It's almost [nearly] impossible. 那几乎是不可能的.He is almost [nearly] as tall as her. 他差不多与她一样高.He almost ...

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