
作者&投稿:斐哀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


第一单元:Who's taller than David?
Gao Shan is.

Whose school bag is heavier,yours or mine?
Yours is, I think.

第二单元:Do the boys jump higher than the girls?
Yes, they do.

Does Jim swim slower than David?
No, he doesn't. He swims faster than David.

第三单元:Excuse me, can you tell me the way to ..., please?
Go along this street, and then turn ... at the ... crossing.The ... is on your right.
That's all right.

第五单元:Which season do you like best?
I like ...
Because it's ... I can ...

第六单元:What are you going to do ...?
We're going to do ...

第七单元:Can I have a/an/some/the ... ?(在请求别人、不希望被拒绝时用原型some而不是any)
What for?
I want to ...
Sure. Here you are.

1.Are thoes our presents(同义句,肯否定回答)同义句 Our presents Are thoes?肯定回答 yes,thoes are.否定回答 no,thoes aren't.2.Some people got off.(否定句,改为一般疑问句并否答)否定句 Some people didn't get off.一般疑问句 Did some people get off否定回答 No,they didn't.3.That is his watch(对his提问,对his watch提问,复数句)对his提问 Whose watch is this对his watch提问 What is this复数句 Those are his watches.4.This calculator is from Mum.(对Mum提问)对Mum提问 where is the calculator form5.Jim's family were in his grandparents' house.(对in his grandparents' house提问,改为一般疑问句并否答)对in his grandparents' house提问 Where were Jim's family一般疑问句 Were Jim's family in his grandparents' house否定回答No,they weren't.

pep8六年级英语下册重点句型 单词 Unit 1

1、 How do you go to school? Sometimes I go by bike.

2、 How can I get to the zoo? You can go by subway.

3、 How can I get to the nature park? You can go by the No. 12 bus.

4、 How do you go to Canada? I go by bike.

5、 How do you go to the USA? I go by plane.

6、 My home is near. Usually I go to school by bike, because it's fast.

7、 Usually I go on foot. Because it is a good exercise.

8、 Which floor do you live? I live on the 2nd floor.

9、 Which bus can I take? ( Which bus can I go by?)

10、 How does Zhang Peng go to work? He goes by bus.

11、 How does Zhang Peng go to work? They go by school bus.

12、 Where is Zhang Peng's home? His home is near the post office.

13、 Where is Sarah's home? Her home is far.

14、 Look at the traffic lights. Remember the traffic rules.

15、 Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.

16、 Can I go on foot? Sure, if you like. It's not far.

17、 The traffic lights are the same in every county, but the traffic rules are different.

18、 Red means"Stop". Yellow means"Wait", and green means"Go".

19、 In China, drives drive on the right side of the road. In the US, drivers drive on the right side, too. In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.

Unit 2

1、 There is a hospital in the middle. The post office is near the hospital on the right. The bookstore is on the left.

2、 Where is the supermarket? Go straight ahead.

3、 First, go straight. Next, turn left at the post office. Then , turn left at the school.

4、 Where's the museum? It's in front of the shoestore.

5、 Is the zoom far from here? No, it is not far.

6、 Thank you. You are welcome.

7、 What are you going to do after school? I want to buy a pair of shoes.

8、 Walk straight for three minutes.

9、 Get on the No. 301 bus. Get off at the cinema.

10、 Go next to the shoe store.

11、 Today is my birthday. Thank you all for coming.

12、 Happy birthday to you! Thank you.

13、 Let me tell you how to come. Start from the bus stop in front of our school.Find the white building on the left.Look for me near the door.

14、 First, walk south for three minutes. Then, take the No.1 bus at the cinema.

Unit 3

1、 What are you going to do this weekend? I'm going to visit my grandparents.

2、 I'm going outside to play.

3、 Where are you going tomorrow? I am going to the bookstore.

4、 I am going to the Great Wall. What are you going to do this afternoon? I'm going to buy a book.

5、 What are we going to do on Saturday morning? We are going to go shopping.

6、 What are they going to do this evening? They are going to the cinema.

7、 I am going to buy an English book in the bookstore.

8、 When are you going? I am going at 3 o'clock.

9、 I'm going to buy a magazine about plants.

10、 I want to be a science teacher one day!

11、 What does Sarah want to be in the future? She wants to be a science teacher one day!

12、 What is Amy going to do on the weekend? She is going to visit her friend.

13、 What are they going to do next week? They are going to the Great Wall.

Unit 4

1、 What does he like to do? He likes diving.

2、 What is his hobby? His hobby is painting.

3、 Does he live in the country? No, he doesn't. He lives in the city.

4、 Can I go with you? Sure.

5、 We look the same, but we don't like the same things.

6、 I live in China with my mom and dad. I don't have a sister or brother.

7、 What is her father's hobby? He likes riding a bike.

8、 Does she teach English? No, she doesn't. She teaches math. Does she teach you math? Yes, she does.

9、 Alice and her sister are twins. They look the same, but they are very different.

10、 Her sister Ann watches cartoons on TV. Alice usually plays at the park on Saturday.

Unit 5

1、 What does she do? She is a teacher.

2、 I teach lessons. I am a teacher.

3、 I clean streets. I am a cleaner.

4、 I sing songs. I am a singer.

5、 I dance. I am a dancer.

6、 I drive cars. I am a driver.

7、 I write stories. I am a writer.

8、 They work hard every day for us.

9、 He works in an air-conditioner company.

10、 What does your father do? He's an actor.

11、 What are you going to be ? I am going to be a dancer.

12、 What is Amy going to be one day? She is going to be a doctor.

13、 What is your brother going to be one day? He is going to be a writer.

14、 Who's he? He is my uncle. Who's she ? She is my aunt.

15、 He is a writer. He writes the TV show for my aunt.

16、 Sometimes my aunt works here in Beijing, but sometimes she works in Hong Kong.

17、 Who is the man? Who is the woman?

18、 She sells things. She is a salesperson.

19、 She helps sick people. She is a doctor.

20、 He teaches lessons. He is a teacher.

21、 She draws pictures. She is an artist.

22、 She cleans streets. She is a cleaner.

23、 Where does she go to work? She works in a car company.

24、 How does your father go to work? He goes by bus.

25、 She designs cars. If you like drawing and math, you can be an engineer.

26、 He likes working with numbers. He is an accountant.

27、 She is a policewoman. She often helps tourists find their way. If you enjoy helping people, you can work for the police.

Unit 6

1、 How do we save water? First, do not waste water.

2、 What should we do then? Use less water.

3、 What can you see in the picture? I can see a nature park.

4、 Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.

5、 Where does the cloud come from? It comes from the vapour.

6、 Where does the vapour come from? It comes from the water in the river.

7、 How can the water become vapour? The sun shines, and the water becomes vapour.

8、 Little Water Drop sleeps in the river. He wakes up. He feels very hot. It may be cooler up in the sky, he thinks. He goes up. He meets Mr Wind.

9、 Where are you going? I am going to the sky.

10、 Little Water Drop goes higher and higher. He meets many other little water drops. They go up together and become a cloud. Little Water Drop becomes very heavy.

11、 Little Water Drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake. The sun comes out. Little Water Drop feels warm again. He sees Mr Wind.

12、 Can you help me go up to the sky again? Sure.

13、 First, put the seeds in the soil. Put it under the sun. Add water often. Next you wait for the sprout. Then you wait for the flower to grow.

14、 Let me tell you how to plant a tree. First, dig the soil. Then put the plant in the soil. Water it. In several days, you can see a big plant.

15、 How do you plant a flower? How do you plant a tree?

16、 What should you do then?

17、 I put some seeds into a pot. I put in some water too. Now it's in the sun.

18、 I am so excited. I can see the sprout. It is so lovely.

19、 My plant has two green leaves. I water it every day and make sure it gets lots of sun.

20、 My plant is one month old. It's tall and strong, but still it has no flowers. Oh, come on! I can hardly wait

21、 What needs water? Fish tree ….

22、 It is smaller than a river. (stream)

23、 It is made from water vapour (cloud)

24、 It falls from the clouds. (rain)

25、 He helps people be safe. (policeman)

26、 It warms our plant. (sun)

27、 This person works in a store. (salesperson)

28、 This person reports the news. (reporter)

29、 This person keeps the streets clean. (cleaner)

单词 Name________

1 .by plane by ship by bus by bike by train by subway on foot usually sometimes which floor Light traffic lights traffic rules stop wait go how stop at a red light wait at a yellow light go at a green light drive driver England China Australia however on the right on the left get to must always go to school if mean same country

2. where post office hospital cinema bookstore science museum library park zoo next to excuse me far north south west east turn left turn right go straight birthday please bank take look for supermarket shoe store get off party minute

3. tomorrow tonight this morning this afternoon this evening next week take a trip read a magazine go to the cinema on the weekend post card newspaper comic book dictionary what where when this evening tomorrow morning need theme park the great wall busy together fruit stand pet shop plant else shop

4. hobby dive diving ride riding a bike make makimg kites collecting stamps playing the violin like live goes to work by bus watches at night reads newspapers every day teaches English does does not TV reporter pen pal dear different week excited

Say soon something show twin

5. singer writer actor actress artist engineer accountant policeman salesperson cleaner work tip factory design money tourist way motor cycle police

6. rain cloud vapour sun stream come from shine become little drop wake up feel think meet high other fall down into come out again seed soil sprout plant should then garden easy put several day see pot lovely make sure get month old still come on hardly first second third forth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth twelfth twentieth


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小学英语教材应符合儿童的认知特点,有利于培养他们的学习兴趣与语感;要有利于学生了解英语国家的文化、习俗,培养他们对异国文化的正确态度。我在这里整理了英语相关知识,快乐看看吧! 人教PEP版六年级下册知识点归纳 Unit 1 How tall are you? 【重点词汇】 tall--- taller 高的---更高的 short --- shorter ...

人教pep小学六年级英语下册各单元知识要点 (请写详细)
归 study—studied学习 jump—jumped跳 fly—flew飞 swim—swam游泳 is—was是 busy忙碌的 tongue twister绕口令 suddenly突然地 grateful感激地 yesterday昨天 1. —What did you do yesterday? —I went hiking.昨天你干了什么?  我去远足了。四、语法点击。

4.动词原形中的e改为o,变成过去式。如:get—got,forget—forgot 5.动词原形中的ee改为e,变成过去式。如:feed—fed,meet—met 6.动词原形中的eep改为ept,变成过去式。如:keep—kept,sleep—slept,sweep—swept 7.动词原形中的eak改为oke,变成过去式。如:break—broke,speak—spoke...

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