
作者&投稿:鄢匡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Disney's Alice In Wonderland movie script

This is the unofficial Disney script from Alice in Wonderland. Please remember that this script is in no way 'official'.

These people are responsible for the making of the script
- Typed by Lenny de Rooy
- Edited and verified by Tim Montgomery

This script is copyright of Disney and is reproduced without Disney's permission. It is for entertainment purposes only: this material may not be used for any commercial or for profitable means in any way! Do not abuse it.


Alice in Wonderland, how do you get to Wonderland?
Over the hill or underland, or just behind the tree?
When clouds go rolling by, they roll away and leave the sky.
Where is the land beyond the eye, the people can not see, where can it be?
Where do stars go, where is the grass that's blue?
They must be somewhere in the sunny afternoon.
Alice in Wonderland, where is the path to Wonderland?
Over the hill or here or there, I wonder where.

Sister: ...leaders, and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation and conquest. Edwin and Morcar, the earls of Mercia and Northumbria declared for him, and even Stigand... Alice!

Alice: Hmm...? Oh, I’m listening.

Sister: And even Stigand, the archbishop of Canterbury, agreed to meet with William and offer him the crown.

Alice: He he he!

Sister: William’s conduct at first was mo....

Alice: He he he!

Sister: Alice...! Will you kindly pay attention to your history lesson?

Alice: I’m sorry, but how can one possibly pay attention to a book with no pictures in it?

Sister: My dear child, there are a great many good books in this world without pictures.

Alice: In this world perhaps. But in my world, the books would be nothing but pictures.

Sister: Your world? Huh, what nonsense. Now...

Alice: Nonsense?

Sister: Once more. From the beginning.

Alice: That’s it, Dinah! If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrariwise, what it is, it wouldn’t be, and what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?

Dinah: Meow!

Alice: In my world, you wouldn’t say ‘meow’. You’d say ‘Yes, miss Alice’.

Dinah: Meow!

Alice: Oh, but you would! You’d be just like people, Dinah, and all the other animals too. Why, in my world... Cats and rabbits, would reside in fancy little houses, and be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers. In a world of my own. All the flowers would have very extra special powers, they would sit and talk to me for hours, when I’m lonely in a world of my own. There’d be new birds, lots of nice and friendly how-de-do birds, everyone would have a dozen bluebirds, within that world of my own. I could listen to a babbling brook and here a song, that I could understand. I keep wishing it could be that way, because my world would be a wonderland.

Dinah: Meow! Meow! Meow!

Alice: Oh Dinah! It’s just a rabbit with a waistcoat... and a watch!

White Rabbit: Oh my fur and whiskers! I’m late, I’m late I’m late!

Alice: Now this is curious! What could a rabbit possibly be late for? Please, sir!

White Rabbit: I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date! No time to say hello, goodbye! I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!

Alice: It must be awfully important, like a party or something! Mister Rabbit! Wait!

White Rabbit: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I’m overdue. I’m really in a stew. No time to say goodbye, hello! I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!

Alice: My, what a peculiar place to have a party.

Dinah: Meow!

Alice: You know, Dinah, we really shouldn’t...uhh...uhh...be doing this... After all, we haven’t been invited! And curiosity often leads to troubl – l – l – e – e – e! Goodbye, Dinah! Goodbye! ... Oh! Well, after this I shall think nothing of fa-... of falling downstairs! ... Oh! Ahhh... Oh, Goodness! What if I should fall right through the center of the earth... oh, and come out the other side, where people walk upside down. Oh, but that’s silly. Nobody... oh! Oh, ha ha. Oh, mister Rabbit! Wait! Please! ... Curiouser and curiouser!

Doorknob: Ohhhhh!!

Alice: OH! Oh, I beg your pardon.

Doorknob: Oh, oh, it’s quite all right. But you did give me quite a turn!

Alice: You see, I was following...

Doorknob: Rather good, what? Doorknob, turn?

Alice: Please, sir.

Doorknob: Well, one good turn deserves another! What can I do for you?

Alice: Well, I’m looking for a white rabbit. So, um, if you don’t mind...

Doorknob: Uh? Oh!

Alice: There he is! I simply must get through!

Doorknob: Sorry, you’re much too big. Simply impassible.

Alice: You mean impossible?

Doorknob: No, impassible. Nothing’s impossible! Why don’t you try the bottle on the table?

Alice: Table? Oh!

Doorknob: Read the directions, and directly you’ll be directed in the right direction. He he he!

Alice: ‘Drink me’. Hmmm, better look first. For if one drinks much from a bottle marked ‘poison’, it’s almost certain to disagree with one, sooner or later.

Doorknob: Beg your pardon!

Alice: I was just giving myself some good advice. But... hmm, tastes like oh... cherry tart... custard... pineapple... roast turkey... goodness! What did I do?

Doorknob: Ho ho ho ho! You almost went out like a candle!

Alice: But look! I’m just the right size!

Doorknob: Oh, no use! Ha ha ha ha. I forgot to tell you, ho ho ho ho! I’m locked!

Alice: Oh no!

Doorknob: Ha ha ha, but of course, uh, you’ve got the key, so...

Alice: What key?

Doorknob: Now, don’t tell me you’ve left it up there!

Alice: Oh, dear! What ever will I do?

Doorknob: Try the box, naturally.

Alice: Oh! ‘Eat me’. All right. But goodness knows what this will do... wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!

Doorknob: whtwhsthswwdthdwd!

Alice: What did you say?

Doorknob: I said: ‘a little of that went a long way’! Ha ha ha ha!

Alice: Well, I don’t think it’s so funny! Now- now I do never get ou-out!

Doorknob: Oh, come on now. Crying won’t help.

Alice: I know, but I- I- I just can’t stop!

Doorknob: Hey, hey you! Bwbwlwbbwlwbl! Say, this won't do at all! You, you up there, stop!
Stop, I say! Oh look! The bottle, the bottle...

Alice: Oh dear, I do wish I hadn’t cried so much.

Doorknob: glpglpglp...

Dodo: Oh, the sailor’s life is the life for me, how I love to sail on the bounding sea, and I never never ever do a thing about the weather for the weather never ever does a thing for me. Oh, a sailor’s life is a life for me, tiddle um dum pom pom dum de dee! And I never ne... ahoy! And other nautical expressions! Land ho, by Jove!

Parrot: Where away, Dodo?

Alice: Dodo?

Dodo: Three points to starboard. Follow me, me hearties! Have you at port no time at all now, haha! Oh...

Alice: Mister Dodo!

Dodo: Johoho, and a bottle of sea, we love each time...

Alice: Please! Please help me! ... Um, pardon me, but uh, would you mind helping me? Please? Yoo Ho! Yoo Ho! Help me! Please! Help me!

Dodo: Forward, backward, inward, outward, come and join the chase! Nothing could be drier than a jolly caucus-race. Backward, forward, outward, inward, bottom to the top, never a beginning there can never be a stop to skipping, hopping, tripping, fancy free and gay, I started it tomorrow and will finish yesterday. Round and round and round we go, and dance for evermore, once we were behind but now we find we are be-forward, backward, inward, outward, come and join the chase! Nothing could be drier than a jolly caucus-race. For backward... I say! You’ll never get dry that way!

Alice: Get dry?

Dodo: Have to run with the others! First rule of a caucus-race, you know!

Alice: But how can I...

Dodo: That’s better! Have you dry in no time now!

Alice: No-one can ever get dry this way!

Dodo: Nonsense! I am as dry as a bone already.

Alice: Yes, but...

Dodo: All right, chaps! Let's head now! Look lively!

Alice: The white rabbit! Mister Rabbit! Mi- mister Rabbit!

White Rabbit: Oh, my goodness! I’m late! I’m late!

Alice: Oh, don’t go away! I’ll be right back!

White Rabbit: I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!

Dodo: Don’t step on the fish! Eric, there, won’t you there stop kicking that mackerel! William...

Alice: Mister Rabbit! Oh, mister Rabbit! Oh dear, I’m sure he came this way. Do you suppose he could be hiding? Hmmm... not here. I wonder... No, I suppose he must have... Oh! Why, what peculiar little figures! Tweedle Dee... and Tweedle Dum!

Tweedle Dee: If you think we’re wax-works, you ought to pay, you know!

Tweedle Dum: Contrariwise, if you think we’re alive you ought to speak to us!

Dee & Dum: That’s logic!

Alice: Well, it’s been nice meeting you. Goodbye!

Dee: You’re beginning backward s!

Dum: Aye, the first thing in a visit is to say: How

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Scene 1 Prologe 场景1:序幕
N: It was a nice sunny day. Alice and her sister were reading a book.
ALS: (困) What’s the use of the book without pictures or conversations?
Rabbit: Oh dear! I shall be late!
ALS: What’s that? A rabbit with a watch?
N: Alice followed the rabbits and she got into a rabbit-hole. It went deep into the ground. Alice couldn’t stop herself falling.
ALS: Well! After a falling like this, I can fall anywhere!

Scene 2 Big and Small 场景2:大和小
N: Would she ever stop falling? Suddenly, she was sitting on the ground. She stood up and saw the rabbit.
ALS: Look! The rabbit!
Rabbit: Oh MY GOD! How late it’s getting!
N: Alice ran after the rabbit like a wind. Suddenly, she ran into a large room. It was dark, and she couldn’t see the rabbit.
ALS:How can I get out? (看到钥匙)A key?
N: Alice found a small door and unlocked it easily but she couldn’t get through it. Then she found a bottle of water.
ALS:(拿起瓶子) What’s this? (疑惑)DRINK ME? It could be dangerous! Hmm, it tastes nice! What a strange feeling! I’m getting smaller?!
N: She was right. A few minutes later, she was able to get through the small door. She got through the door. She discovered a piece of cake in a box near her.
ALS: Now nothing can surprise me now. I’ll eat the cake. (吃蛋糕)Now I am so tall! I became as tall as a house !
Rabbit: Oh, the(PS:发”de”的音) Duchess! She’ll be angry, and she’s waiting for me! Oh dear!
ALS: Oh please, sir——
ALS: I’m getting smaller again! That’s great!
Rabbit: Oh, where are my gloves? Alice?
What’re you doing here? (急切地)Run home and bring me some gloves now! Be quick!
N: Alice hurried away, but she didn’t know where the house was. She was lost. Finally she found a house. She got into the house.

Scene 3 the Cheshire cat 场景3:柴郡猫
ALS: It’s a kitchen! Look, here comes the Duchess. Please, why does your cat grin like that?
Duchess: It’s a Cheshire(PS:”切希尔”的音) Cat(柴郡猫). That’s why. Oh, I’ve to go now. The Queen has invited me to play the chess.
N: The Duchess went out of the room, and the cat grinned at Alice. Alice gets closer to the cat.
ALS: Please, can you tell me the way to home?
Cat: But where do you want to go to? If you want to play the chess with the Queen, turn left.
ALS: I’d like to.
Cat: Then turn left, and you’ll see me there.
N: The cat vanished, and Alice decided to turn left. She wanted to play with the Queen.

Scene 4 the Queen’s Game 场景4:皇后的游戏
N: Alice went to the Queen’s castle. Suddenly, she saw a pack of cards.
ALS: OH! the king and the queen comes !
Queen: Who’re you?
ALS: My name’s Alice, Your Majesty.
Queen: Hmm, Alice is a good name. Can you play the chess?
ALS: Yes!
Queen: Come on then!
ALS:OK….. (看到猫)Hey, what’s this?
Cat: Hello, Alice. How do you like the Queen?
N: Alice didn’t like the Queen but she saw the queen was walking toward her, so she said,
ALS: She’s clever. She’s the best player.
King: Who’re you talking to?
ALS: It’s a friend of mine: a Cheshire cat.
Queen: I didn’t like it.catch it!
N: But the cat suddenly vanished. The Queen tried to find it but she couldn’t.
Queen: I’m so angry! I won’t play this! (跑了)
ALS: Wait for me! (跟着)
(趴在桌上继续喊”Wait,~~Wait for me)
(摇ALS)Alice’s sister: Wake up, Alice dear~ You ‘ve been asleep a long time!
Alice: Oh, my sister? I've had a very strange dream~

在这个世界里,她时而变大时而变小,以至于有一次竞掉进了由自己的眼泪汇成的池塘里。她还遇到了爱说教的公爵夫人、神秘莫测的柴郡猫、神话中的格里芬和假海龟直到最后与扑克牌王后、国王发生顶撞,急得大叫一声。爱丽丝终于从奇妙的梦境中醒来。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(又名爱丽丝漫游奇境;英语:Alices ...

《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)是迪士尼的一部3D立体电影,其灵感来自于英国童话大师刘易斯·卡罗尔的《爱丽斯漫游仙境》和《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》。由蒂姆·波顿执导,米娅·华希科沃斯卡、约翰尼·德普、海伦娜·邦汉·卡特和安妮·海瑟薇等联袂出演。影片于2010年3月26日在中国内地上映。影片讲述了...

又名: 爱丽丝漫游仙境 \/ 魔境梦游 \/ 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 导演: 蒂姆·波顿编剧: 琳达·伍尔芙顿 \/ 刘易斯·卡罗尔主演: 米娅·华希科沃斯卡 \/ 约翰尼·德普 \/ 海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 \/ 安妮·海瑟薇 \/ 克里斯平·格洛弗 \/ 更多...类型: 奇幻 \/ 冒险制片国家\/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2010-03...

爱丽丝漫游奇境记好词好句英文版:1、Perhaps there was no place for me in your life at first, at the moment when you quietly discovered it.译文:也许一开始你的生活中没有我的位置,在你悄悄发现的那一刻。2、I am the place where the setting sun and the eaves converge, your ...

翻译:在这里,爱丽丝与那些可爱的老朋友们重逢了:虚张声势的睡鼠,美丽的白皇后和她可憎的姐姐红桃皇后,还有双胞胎兄弟,毛毛虫,白兔,疯帽子等等。4、She suddenly woke up and found that all this was her own dream.翻译:她猛然惊醒,才发现原来这一切都是自己的一个梦境。5、A lovely little...

2. 爱丽漫游奇境中的优美英文句子 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》名言第十位:在渡渡鸟严肃地提议休会以便立即采取更有效的补救措施来把大家弄干之后,小鹰说:“请说英国话!这些个词儿都挺长,我连一般都没听懂,而且我相信你自己也听不懂。” Number 10 spot is given to Eaglet:Alice and many animals and birds along wi...

爱丽丝漫游仙境 Scene 1 Prologe 场景1:序幕 N: It was a nice sunny day. Alice and her sister were reading a book.阳光明媚。爱丽丝和姐姐在看书。ALS: (困) What’s the use of the book without pictures or conversations?爱丽丝:没有插图和对话的书有什么用呢?Rabbit: Oh dear! I ...

I due to Clare a English programmes will,we will take "Alice in wonderland" in hengdian.Hero,just as its name implies is to Alice,and then the white queen,red queen,mad hatter,the march hare,the mock turtle,the dormouse,Cheshire cat,the dodo,lizards,bill,the gryphon and ugly...


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