
作者&投稿:钟离物 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

how are you?
how is going with your work?
It's long time no see you.
why do you work in the weekend?
but it is the same as me, i must work in the weekend.
i think you are a hard working man and responsible for work.
i am so sorry that i am blue these days.
i cannot sleep every night.
pls forgive me that i chat with u when u are working, which will affect on your work.
if you have spare time, we can have a meet.



Today is your new work the next day, and the workers get along? Happy? Work should be very busy now, so be sure to take good care of yourself, don't get sick. Want to see has always been a healthy you.

Today is the second day at your new work,how are you going on with your workmates?Are you happy?You must be very busy now, so take good care of yourself ,don`t get sick. Hope you health!(Best wishes for you!

today is your second day at your new job, how are you with the other workers? Are you happy? You might be busy, so you have to take care yourself, don't get sick,I want to see you being healthy

Today is your second day at new job, how are you get along with other workers? Are you happy? You should take care of yourself with the busy work and not be sick。I hope that you will be healthy forever!

Today is your second day of your new job, can you get alongs with your colleagues? Do you enjoy it? You may be busy in these day, so you must take care of yourself,dont get cold。I hope you have a healthy body,always.

建议对中文表述顺序稍微整理一下。我熟练运用Excel、Word等常用office软件,能做文字、资料、录入和处理工作。I am proficient in Office software such as Excel, Word, and good at inputtng and management of data.能对电脑做一定的维护,排除电脑问题和故障。I am capable of computer maintenance ...

I bought some apples,but I have something to do this summer so I can not go to U.S.No I want to demise to the other.

3.在该市,因吸毒和赌博而引发的罪行在发展,当地政府似乎找不出对付这一问题的办法。With the development of crime due to the drug and gambling in this city,the government seems can't find out the solution.4.在那些日子里,我能弄到什么就看什么,只要是英文写的 In those days,i read...

Mr.___,I've sent you the invitation by mail on Sep. 2nd.Actually, I tried to send it through fax at first, but it returned that neither the telephone number nor the fax number exists.If you have received the invitation, please leave me a message to inform me. I hereby...

你可以自己看呀 你这个是销往欧洲的,俗称欧水。真货。Information on IMEI *** (你输入的串号)Type Allocetion Holder: 手机的品牌 Mobile Equipment Type : 具体型号 GSM Implementation Phase:手机网络类型(如2G,2.*G或3G)IMEI Validity Assessment:串号有效性评价,如果是Verylikely,则...

1.你已经打过电话给他了吗?是的,我今天上午10:45打给他的.Have you called him yet?yes, i called this morning at 10.45.2.下个月张家要搬去新家了,他们在原来的家里住了20多年了.下个月张家要搬去新家了,他们从1980年就住在这了.The Zhang's are moving to their new home next ...

有时也称布雷顿森林机构(取名于美国新罕布什尔州的一个度假胜地,从1944年6月1日至22日共有45个国家的代表出席了会议),这些机构中包括了国际贸易基金组织以及世界银行集团之一的国际复兴与发展银行。后来经多回合的协商后签署了以促进贸易和抵御保护主义为目的的《关税及贸易总协定》。The World Trade ...

They are carefree with no worries and burden. Since born, directly they will be taken care by their parents.Come to think of it, how I wish I could return ot my young age wihout any pressure and live happily everyday. Such a life is indeed wonderful.没有用电脑翻译的哦 ...

麻烦英语高手帮我翻译一下 很着急 先谢了
翻译结果如下:With control theory, electronic technology, computer technology, communications and network technology development, control system has gone through a long development times. Control system has gone through a base-pneumatic instrument control systems, electric modules, the modular ...

provincial supervising 13、 储运部 storing 14、 产品陈列室 displaying room 15、 电教室 computer room 16、 总工程师室 chief engeneer 17、 供应部 providing dept.谈不上特别准确的翻译,这都要根据您单位性质和企业文化而定。

安义县19344906716: 麻烦帮我英语翻译一下以下句子,谢谢 -
翁友首抗: sorry i slept early last night. got it until get up. LOL u r sooo cute! i believe u do not forget me i am busy with exams,so much to recite! forgive me if i don't reply you quickly.and i am thinking about the video you said last time. how soon can i have a look?looking forward :) 我觉得这样比较符合和外国人聊天~我平时就这样跟我外国朋友这样发的~

安义县19344906716: 麻烦帮我用英语翻译一下几句话 -
翁友首抗: Feel sorry that the thing is really not to think of like that like you , very much, those photographs are that there my secondary other people is naughty come , haw-haw, has let you lose hope.I am sorry that things are not like you to think, those pictures I ...

安义县19344906716: 麻烦帮我用英文翻译这段话,感谢 -
翁友首抗: 我每一天坚持在YH上给你留言,昨天你突然问我为什么今天没有给我留言,我对你说,因为你从没给过我任何回复.我想对你说,如果你在乎我,请你不要那么沉默,请你让我知道,你有在乎我.I keep leaving a message on your YH ...

安义县19344906716: 麻烦帮我翻译几个句子,谢谢!!! -
翁友首抗: I telephoned my boss and colleages this morning because we were told by the supplier that the goods would be delievered soon. We generally described the situation after...

安义县19344906716: 英语翻译,以下句子麻烦帮我翻译下,谢谢 -
翁友首抗: To celebrate I subtract ( weight ) 2KGs, cheers!还可以说.To celebrate, I cut (weight loss) of 2KGs, Cheers!望采纳

安义县19344906716: 麻烦帮我英语翻译一下以下句子谢谢今天是你新工作的第二天,和工作人员相处的怎样?开心吗?现在工作应该会很忙,所以一定要照顾好自己,不要生病.... -
翁友首抗:[答案] Today is the second day that you work here,are you happy to get along with people?now you will be so busy,so please take care and do not let yourself ill,I hope you are in good health all the time.

安义县19344906716: 麻烦帮我用英语翻译一下这4句子!谢谢大家啊!有点急
翁友首抗: 1 this boy has no brother. 2Is you dresser in your room? 3 do your friends have a basketball? 4. Let's go and play football.

安义县19344906716: 麻烦帮我翻译一下这个句子吧,翻译成英语.谢谢啦!!!
翁友首抗: 这个 "朋友"在国外没这样说法.我有在网上和中国人买过东西,他叫我 friend 我感觉好别扭,我心里想 I'm not your friend. 哈哈,各国文字用法不同吧.你就这么说, Hello, because of our time difference, I may not be online when you contact ...

安义县19344906716: 麻烦帮我用英语翻译一段话,谢谢 -
翁友首抗: I still love you, though uttered that hate you, in fact, I just want to use this as a way to alleviate their suffering, yes, I can be very selfish .. I really love love you , The former I naive to think that we will go hand in hand last, but now I began to fear that, over ...

安义县19344906716: 求英语翻译: 麻烦帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文.谢谢!急!!!! -
翁友首抗: 因为日本这边节假日休息,今天才开始上班.所以这么晚才给您回信,真是不好意思! Because the Japanese side holidays rest, started to work today. So to your letter so late, really sorry! 我只会说日语,英语现在正在学习中.这将给您带来诸...

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