
作者&投稿:呼伯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Pattern recognition and neural network
英 [ˌrekəɡˈniʃən] 美 [ˌrɛkəɡˈnɪʃən]
n. 认识,识别; 承认,认可; 褒奖; 酬劳;




The neuron


如同生物学上的基本神经元,人工的神经网络也有基本的神经元。每个神经元有特定数量的输入,也会为每个神经元设定权重(weight)。权重是对所输入的资料的重要性的一个指标。然后,神经元会计算出权重合计值(net value),而权重合计值就是将所有输入乘以它们的权重的合计。每个神经元都有它们各自的临界值(threshold),而当权重合计值大于临界值时,神经元会输出1。相反,则输出0。最后,输出会被传送给与该神经元连接的其它神经元继续剩余的计算。


正如上述所写,问题的核心是权重及临界值是该如何设定的呢?世界上有很多不同的训练方式,就如网络类型一样多。但有些比较出名的包括back-propagation, delta rule及Kohonen训练模式。

由于结构体系的不同,训练的规则也不相同,但大部份的规则可以被分为二大类别 - 监管的及非监管的。监管方式的训练规则需要“教师”告诉他们特定的输入应该作出怎样的输出。然后训练规则会调整所有需要的权重值(这是网络中是非常复杂的),而整个过程会重头开始直至数据可以被网络正确的分析出来。监管方式的训练模式包括有back-propagation及delta rule。非监管方式的规则无需教师,因为他们所产生的输出会被进一步评估。


在神经网络中,遵守明确的规则一词是最“模糊不清”的。因为有太多不同种类的网络,由简单的布尔网络(Perceptrons),至复杂的自我调整网络(Kohonen),至热动态性网络模型(Boltzmann machines)!而这些,都遵守一个网络体系结构的标准。

一个网络包括有多个神经元“层”,输入层、隐蔽层及输出层。输入层负责接收输入及分发到隐蔽层(因为用户看不见这些层,所以见做隐蔽层)。这些隐蔽层负责所需的计算及输出结果给输出层,而用户则可以看到最终结果。现在,为免混淆,不会在这里更深入的探讨体系结构这一话题。对于不同神经网络的更多详细资料可以看Generation5 essays


The Function of ANNs

神经网络被设计为与图案一起工作 - 它们可以被分为分类式或联想式。分类式网络可以接受一组数,然后将其分类。例如ONR程序接受一个数字的影象而输出这个数字。或者PPDA32程序接受一个坐标而将它分类成A类或B类(类别是由所提供的训练决定的)。更多实际用途可以看Applications in the Military中的军事雷达,该雷达可以分别出车辆或树。


The Ups and Downs of Neural Networks



神经网络的另一个问题是对某一个问题构建网络所定义的条件不足 - 有太多因素需要考虑:训练的算法、体系结构、每层的神经元个数、有多少层、数据的表现等,还有其它更多因素。因此,随着时间越来越重要,大部份公司不可能负担重复的开发神经网络去有效地解决问题。

NN 神经网络,Neural Network
ANNs 人工神经网络,Artificial Neural Networks
neurons 神经元
synapses 神经键
self-organizing networks 自我调整网络
networks modelling thermodynamic properties 热动态性网络模型

Neural network is a new technology in the field of fashion vocabulary. Many people have heard of the word, but few people really understand what it is. The purpose of this paper is to introduce all the basic neural network functions, including its general structure, related terms, types and applications.

"Neural network" actually came from biology, and neural networks we refer the correct name should be "Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)". In this article, I will also use the two interchangeable terms.
A real neural network is a few to a few billion cells called neurons (composed of tiny cells in our brains) are composed of, they are different ways to connect and type into the network. Artificial neural network is trying to model this biological system structure and its operation. There is a problem here: we biological neural networks do not know much! Thus, between different types of neural network architecture is very different, we know only the basic structure of neurons.
The neuron
While already recognized in our brain, about 50 to 500 kinds of different neurons, but most of them are based on special cells in the basic neuron. Contains the basic neural synapses, soma, axon and dendrites. Synapses between neurons responsible for the connection, they are not directly physically connected, but they have a very small gap between to allow electronic signals from one neuron to another neuron. Then the electrical signals to the soma will be an internal electronic signal processing and its processing result will pass axon. The axon of these signals will be distributed to dendrites. Finally, dendrites with these signals and then to the other synapses, and then continue to the next cycle.
As a basic biological neurons, artificial neural networks have basic neurons. Each neuron has a specific number of inputs, will be set for each neuron weight (weight). Weight is the importance of the information entered an indicator. Then, neurons calculates the weight of the total value (net value), while the total weight of all the input value is multiplied by the total of their weights. Each neuron has their own threshold (threshold), while the power is greater than the critical value of the total value of weight, the neuron will output 1. On the contrary, the output 0. Finally, the output can be transmitted to the neuronal connections with other neurons to the remaining calculations.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- As written above, at issue is the critical value of the weight and how to set it? The world has many different training methods, as much as the network type. But some well-known, including back-propagation, delta rule and Kohonen training mode.
Because of different structural systems, training is not the same rules, but most of the rules can be divided into two broad categories - regulatory and non-regulated. Supervising the training rules need to be "teachers" tell them how a particular input to the output should be. Then the training rule to adjust the weight of all the needs of value (this is a very complex network), and the whole process would start again until the correct data can be analyzed by the network. Regulatory approach of the training model includes back-propagation and the delta rule. The rules of non-regulatory approach without teachers, because they produce the output will be further evaluated.
In the neural network, comply with the rules clear word is the most "obscure" the. Because there are too many different types of networks, from simple Boolean networks (Perceptrons), to the complex network of self-adjustment (Kohonen), to the thermal dynamic network model (Boltzmann machines)! These have to comply with the standards of a network architecture.
A network including multiple neurons, "layer", the input layer, hidden layer and output layer. Input layer to receive input and distribute to the hidden layer (because the user can not see the layers, so do see the hidden layer). The hidden layer is responsible for the necessary calculations and output to the output layer, the user can see the final result. Now, to avoid confusion, would not be here more in-depth study architecture talking about it. Different neural networks for more detailed information can be read Generation5 essays, including a multiple neural network "layer", the input layer, hidden layer and output layer. Input layer to receive input and distribute to the hidden layer (because the user can not see the layers, so do see the hidden layer). The hidden layer is responsible for the necessary calculations and output to the output layer, the user can see the final result. Now, to avoid confusion, would not be here more in-depth study architecture talking about it. Different neural networks for more detailed information can be seen Generation5 essays.
Although we discussed the neurons, training and architecture, but we do not know what the actual neural network.
The Function of ANNs
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Neural networks are designed to work with patterns - they can be divided into two categories-type or association type. Category-type network can accept a few, and then classified. For example, ONR program accepts a number of the image and the output figure. Or PPDA32 program accepts a coordinate and to classify it as Class A or B (type of training provided by the decision). More practical use can be seen Applications in the Military in the military radars, the radar could pick out a vehicle or tree.
Lenovo model to accept a group of numbers and the output of another group. HIR procedures such as acceptance of a 'dirty' image and the output of a learned and the closest it an image. Lenovo model also can be used in complex applications such as signature, face, fingerprint recognition.
The Ups and Downs of Neural Networks
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Neural network in this area has many advantages, making it more popular. It is in the type classification / recognition is very good. Neural networks can handle the exception and not the normal input data, which are important for many systems (such as radar and sonar systems). Many neural networks are mimic biological neural networks, that is their mode of operation modeled on the work of the brain. Neural networks also have to help the development of neuroscience, it can, like humans, accurate identification of objects and the speed of computers! The future is bright, but now ...
Yes, the neural network are also some bad points. This is usually because of lack of sufficiently powerful hardware. Power derived from the neural network to process information in parallel, that is, a number of data simultaneously. Therefore, to simulate a serial parallel processing machines is very time-consuming.
Another problem with neural networks is a problem in building a network of defined conditions are not - there are too many factors to consider: training algorithms, architecture, number of neurons in each layer, the number of layers, data show, etc. There are other additional factors. Therefore, more and more important over time, most companies can not afford to repeat the development of neural network to effectively solve the problem.

不知道是不是 我随便找的

pattern recognition
neural network
模式 model; module; pattern; schema
模式被输截入缩合 input-truncated condensation
模式变化 mode change
模式变换 mode conversion; mode change
模式辨认 pattern discrimination; pattern recognition
模式辨识 pattern identification
模式标本 type specimen
模式标识符 mode identifier
模式操作编辑序列 pattern operation editing sequence
模式操作符 pattern operator
模式操作数 pattern operand
模式操作字符 pattern operator
模式处理语句 pattern handling statement
模式传递函数 mode transfer function
模式串 pattern string
模式纯度 mode purity
模式存储器 mode memory
模式大气 model atmosphere
模式的解释 interpretation of scheme
模式定义 mode-definition
模式反应堆 prototype reactor
模式范畴 category; schema category
模式分隔 mode separation
模式分类 pattern classification
模式分类器 pattern classifier
模式分析 modal analysis; pattern analysis
模式符号 mode symbol
模式过敏故障 pattern sensitive fault
模式函数 mode function; pattern function
模式核对语句 pattern matching statement
模式核对运算 pattern matching operation
模式花样 mode pattern
模式化 hipping
模式化记号 hip token
模式混合器 mode mixer
模式基元 pattern primitive
模式激励器 mode exciter
模式集 set of patterns
模式简并 mode degeneracy
模式鉴别干涉仪 mode-discriminating interferometer
模式结构 mode configuration
模式解释 interpretation of scheme
模式精神病 model psychosis
模式竞争 mode competition
模式菌株 type strain
模式空间中的半平面 half plane in the pattern space
模式控制 mode control
模式理论 pattern theory
模式林 normal forest
模式令级分配 normal age-class
模式令级序列 normal series of age gradations
模式轮廓 mode envelope
模式弥散 modal dispersion
模式描述 pattern description
模式描述语言 pattern description language; schema description language
模式名 schema name
模式模拟器 mode simulator
模式母树枝 normal seed stand
模式培养 type culture
模式匹配 pattern matching
模式偏差 model deviation
模式频谱 mode spectrum
模式牵引 mode pulling
模式牵引效应 mode pulling effect
模式色散 mode dispersion
模式生长量 normal increment
模式生成 pattern generation

模式识别Pattern Recognition
神经网络Neural Network

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睢矩十八: neural net 神经网络;〔神经网路〕 A unique function of memory and information processing necessary for a biological type of computer memory. It includes (a) random organization; (b) the distribution of memory traces through the entire system; ...

丘北县19142797219: “模式识别与智能系统”用英语怎么说? -
睢矩十八: model id and intellectuall system 再看看别人怎么说的.

丘北县19142797219: 模式识别与人工智能是啥关系 -
睢矩十八: 人工智能是二级学科,模式识别是三级学科 模式识别应该在人工智能的一个分支,人工智能下包括人工智能理论,模式识别,神经网络,自然语言处理,专家系统等等好些方面 至于为什么二者并列,那是由于近年来,模式识别(行为主义--钟老师语)在人工智能领域起到的作用越来越重要,取得了很多重要的成果.就像八十年代神经网络盛行的时候,就经常把神经网络和人工智能并列起来(直到现在,还有一门课程就是AI & NN)

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丘北县19142797219: 为什么Matlab神经网络里面会有聚类分析,模式识别,还有fitting tools,神经网络和聚类、模式有区别吗? -
睢矩十八: 我的理解是 神经网络可以 用于预测,模式识别,聚类,fitting tools是MATLAB自带工具箱 模式识别与分类 都是基于原始数据通过学习训练网络 来预测新的数据源,通过预测结果来确定属于哪一类.真正的聚类分析是给定初始点迭代通过计算类间距离确定属于哪一类,谱系聚类和kmeans聚类.而神经网络倾向于 有监督学习,已经给定样本数据及所属类别输出为(0,1),(1,0),根据样本数据进行训练学习,再对新的数据进行计算输出,通过输出判断类别.

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睢矩十八: 第一种是,单词不懂,解决这个问题需要日复一日的去记单词的意思,没有什么捷径,我们都知道英语是需要持之以恒的,但是记单词的意思一般只要记住常用的意思就可以了,没必要去记生僻的意思,那样会混淆,等把常用的意思记熟了之后...

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睢矩十八: 这个是讲AI的artificial neural network时候用的. 例如说你要做一个AND logic.在你建立了一个artificial neural network以后,它是一个没有任何功能的空白network.这时候你需要training data来train你的network.这个时候的training data,就是...

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