
作者&投稿:柘爽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It tells us should love our motherland,and to better serve the motherland.

Brave heartAs the words in “I have a dream” says: “we can be never satisfied as lo as justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like mighty stream”. 'Brave heart' is a film about freedom. It is a story of Scotland's greatest national hero Sir William Wallace who was the leader of the Scottish resistance forces. I could member it clearly that he always said: “Every man dies, not every man really lives. They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!” If he had not have hopes of life, he could not have been a passion man. If he had not have incumbency to his country, he could not have been a hero. What is Brave heart’ real meaning? It means have a brave heart when you are in a force; it means to have a brave heart to facing yourself and never defect you mind; it means to have a hope for what that someone else could not think about. That is the valuable of have a brave heart and your life. The cruel emperor died, the comrade in arm draw down their tear and the killer felt disappointed in this word “freedom” in this moment when a hero named Wallace shouted out in the end of his life. He has a brave heard because he could said that he want to lead his army fright with England’ normal army; he could imagine he can beat “long leg” in England’ land; he could think his countrymen were all have freedom in their life. Obviously it is a heart from a hero. He never gives up his dream .He was cleared in every fright besides the friendship with Robert: the Earl of Bruce .All of this film is full of blood and wile. However, to have a comfort, two ladies in this film have a kind and mercy heard: Wallace’s wife and the princess in Scotland. Men fraught for power or land and ignored emotions of other things, these two ladies were the only person who cared about person’s sensibility. They are like a tinder rain drop from the red bloody sky. In this cruelly film men are means everything and we can hardly see women, but they are here to give our hero love and warm, they are here to warm this blooding world.To draw a conclusion, from this film I learned to be braved when you are facing your life crossing and never give up your belief and confident, and having a wonderful wish in your future. Yes, like Wallace said in a force your enemy may take your lives, but they'll never take your freedom! Life may make you upset but it will never beat you. Keep your desire of life. You’ll see life is better than it seems. And do not forget the person who always love you or gave love to you.我以前写的课程作业。哈哈··给你用了··

After 3 months\' seeking I finally found the movie BRAVE HEART yesterday, which won many awards, especially the Oscar Award of 1996. But the real reason what made me so curious and looking forward to this movie is because of another well known one, GLADIATOR. These two were same kind and they all were with high comments on the web.So, when I got it, I was about to watch it at the New Year\'s Eve.
  At the beginning , I was attracted by scotland pibroch, slow and comfortable voice spreading between mountains and valleies, and inside the voice you can hear a little bit grieve, it hint us that\'s an ancient tragedy story. But with the development of the story, I was a little disappointed, because the scene couldn\'t shock me. As if a man who was used to Chinese Vodka, ER GUO TOU, he would lose interesting at beer. That\'s same. You know, It was produced 10 years ago, and during this decade, MATRIX, THE LORD OF RING, KING KONG, etc. , luxury digital effect, grand and breathtaking scenes , shocked background music, all these had strengthen our nerves, and this made us not easily get into any other movies. Anyway, we should feel lucky, because we had seen so many excellent works.
  Another point I had to mention is Mel Gibson, in this movie, he was not only the first actor, but also the director, oh, he was so great.


接下来,华莱士父亲的葬礼上,风笛哀怨忧伤;在华莱士与美仑约会时,风笛流畅欢快;在战斗时,风笛低沉厚重。风笛作为一种音乐无处不在,所在之处作用又各不相同。风笛与弦乐的使用,是本片的一大亮点。影评 《勇敢的心》是由好莱坞影人梅尔·吉布森自编、自导、自演的一部电影,影片在为人们展开一幅...

布拉德皮特经典电影:重温经典,感受男神魅力 布拉德·皮特是好莱坞的当红男星,他的魅力和演技备受观众和影评人的认可。他曾经出演过众多经典电影,每一部作品都展现出他的演技和魅力。今天,我们就来一起重温布拉德·皮特的经典电影,感受男神的魅力。《勇敢的心》《勇敢的心》是一部由梅尔·吉布森执导的...

勇敢的心 I remember seeing this movie for the first time in late 2003, and I was impressed. I saw it again last night, and I was even more impressed. The acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant. For me, all my guesses were incorrect. Everything that happens in ...

电影《勇敢的心》是讲具体哪个英国王朝?哪个时代?哪个君主? 及相关...
影片一改正义者总是胜利和一贯定律,在结尾处是一个悲剧,一声催人泪下但又振奋人心的“自由”给整个影片画上了个圆满的句号。尽管斗争没有胜利,但斗争还在继续,华莱士的死已经判定了这场战役的胜负。——影评 柳五 1995年的影坛几乎完全被《勇敢的心》所占领,梅尔·吉布森成为该年度的最大赢家。《...

3、《勇敢的心》史诗般的片子,主题深沉凝重却又不失轻快,场面宏大,视觉和音乐效果一流,优美 流畅。 虽然最后结局令人遗憾,但其悲壮程度足可以感染所有的观众。 "自由!"梅尔吉普森林行刑前的呐喊,至今响彻在耳边。4、《美丽心灵》影评人说"2000年的奥斯卡最佳影片给了《美丽心灵》而不是《指环王...



勇敢的心电影的全部背景音乐:作曲:James Horner 1、Main Title 2、 A Gift Of A Thistle 3、Wallace Courts Murron 4、The Secret Wedding 5、Attack On Murron 6、Revenge 7、Murron's Burial 8、Making Plans 9、Sons Of Scotland 10、The Battle Of Stirling 11、For The Love Of A ...


石嘴山市18783628667: 电影勇敢的心观后感 英文的 谢谢了 -
冻帖十味: 《勇敢的心》影评Set in the late 13th century, 'Braveheart' is the story of one of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace. leader of the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free ...

石嘴山市18783628667: 求《勇敢的心》英文影评,500词左右. -
冻帖十味: The story of Braveheart is simple, but powerful. Peaceful William is driven to rebellion when his wife is killed. He becomes so devoted to the rebellion he starts, he sells his life to it, fighting both the corrupt Nobles of his country and the English ...

石嘴山市18783628667: 勇敢的心的英语影评,100词左右 -
冻帖十味: Fight for freedom, die for freedom ----a life of colorful figure in Scotland history There was a time when the local people in Scotland had to pay the taxes and the beautiful girl's fist night to English ruler in return for 'protection'. If the money and the ...

石嘴山市18783628667: 电影勇敢的心,英文观后感 -
冻帖十味: I remember seeing this movie for the first time in late 2003, and I was impressed. I saw it again last night, and I was even more impressed. The acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant. For me, all my guesses were incorrect. Everything that ...

石嘴山市18783628667: 勇敢的心英文观后感 -
冻帖十味:[答案] [勇敢的心英文观后感]Let us recall again the side to see the long process of history, how to create heroes, you will find from our own side, a life .There is a direct their shadow. First, the inheritance of childhood Wallace is not natural endowment from the ...

石嘴山市18783628667: 需要一个《勇敢的心》的中英影评
冻帖十味: 电影中的威廉•华莱士不仅拥有勇敢和信念,还有令人惊叹的头脑.历史上,真正成功的主帅都是即能和士兵共同作战,又有鼓舞士气的技巧.华莱士深知他手下的士兵都是临时招募的,他们并不懂什么大道理.所以,华莱士先用俚语和说笑吸...

石嘴山市18783628667: 关于电影《勇敢的心》的评论,最好是英文的 -
冻帖十味: Brave heart As the words in “I have a dream” says: “we can be never satisfied as lo as justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like mighty stream”. 'Brave heart' is a film about freedom. It is a story of Scotland's greatest national hero Sir...

石嘴山市18783628667: 求 电影 勇敢的心 的英文评论或介绍 -
冻帖十味: Braveheart review : One of the most powerful and emotional scenes in Mel Gibson's epic film Braveheart is when William Wallace uses the remains of his strength to...

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