
作者&投稿:无非 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A:hey.lixiao.long time no see. how are you?
B:I'm fine, thanks. and you?
A:im fine, too. how is it going?
B:everything is nice
A:wonderful.you know nowadays NBA players are quite free.
B:yes,everything is about money. damn it. i have no match to watch
A:don't worry about it! everything gonna be fine. and i got a great news
for you!
B:what news?
A:i should ask you first that are you free on Saturday night?
B:come on! tell me about it!
A:OK,kobe will lead a all star team to nanjing to give us a show!
B:which kobe?
A:the kobe bryant
B:no kidding me!
A:that's ture! so do you have time?
B:wow! Yes ! i got enough time for that!that makes me so excited!
A:that's great!
B:Where it is?
A:In the olympic stadium.
B:Oh, that's awesome. But I have been there before and the ticket
should be very expensive.
A:Don't worry about that. I have got an extra ticket and you can use it.
B:Excellent! thank you! Which teams competition?
A:It's between America all star and Australia all star. I bet on America.
Do you?
B:sure! A is always the best team in the world.
A:OK! so that's a deal. see you on Saturday night!
B:see you!

Danny:Hello. Aunt Cindy,this's Danny. do you shop online often?
Cindy:Yes. It's very convenient and the price is even lower.
Danny:Last week, I tried to buy some books online, 字数被限制100个

Shop Assistant:Welcome to our shop ,May i have you ,sir?
Customer:Good afternoon ,I’m just looking around .
Shop Assistant:I see ,i'd be happy to show you around and explain some of our products to you ,if you like .
Customer:That will be nice .Do you sell doll ?I want to buy one for my friend's birthday .
Shop Assistant:Oh ,we have a good variety here .What kind do you like ?
Customer:I guess something moderate in size and color .
Shop Assistant:How about this one ?


Sales:Good morning, Can I help you?
Customer:I looking for a light blue sport jacket.
Sales:What‘s your size, sir?
Customer:I think the medium size fit me all right.
Sales:A moment ,please. While i get it for you.
Customer:Thank you. Perhaps the large sizw will also do.
Sales:Yes, Let me see. Ah, here might be the right one: the medium size. And I think the color is right for you.
Customer:Oh, I like ligit blue. I'll try it on. Hmm...it seems to fit. How much is it?
Customer:All right. I'll take it.

有不明白请再追问 thanks

A(shop assistant):Welcome to our shop,can I help you?(what can I do for you?)
B(customer):Yes,please.I would like a dress.
A:What color do you want?
A:What saze?
A:How about this one?
B:I think it's too large.Can you give me a small one?
A:Here you are.
B;Let me try it on.Oh,it's comfortable,how much is it?
A:It's just for fifty yuan.
B:I'll take it.Thank you.
A;You are welcom.
Karen walks into a boutique. She wants to buy a scarf....
Sales Assoc: Hi, are you being helped?
Karen: No, I'm not. I'm interested in some scarves.
Sales Assoc: All our scarves are in this section. What do you think of this one here? It's made of silk.
Karen: Hm, it looks nice, but I'd like to have something warm for the winter.
Sales Assoc: Maybe you would like a heavy wool scarf. How about this one?
Karen: I think that's what I want. How much is it?
Sales Assoc: It's...seventy-five dollars plus tax.
Karen: It's a little expensive. Do you think it's possible to get a discount?
Sales Assoc: Hm, since you like it so much, how about a 10 percent discount. That's the best I can offer.
Karen: That's good. Could you wrap it up for me?
Sales Assoc: Sure. Is there anything else I can get for you?
Karen: No, that should be it. Thank you.
A:"Hi ! What a surprise to see you here !"
B:"Hi ! Why not ?"
A:"I thought you would never cook !"
B:"Yes ! I do cook. I am a vegetarian. I always come here to buy some fruits and vegetables."
A:"Really ?"
B:"I attended cooking classses in Beijing. I learned some tips on how to cook chinese food. I was lucky to have good teachers to teach me how to do delicious cooking."
A:"I did not know that you were a good cook. I like cooking very much but I am not that good."
B:"Come on ! We all learn from each others."
A:"You should know how to make an Apple salad with bean then?"
A:"Of course. Why don't you follow me home so that I can show you how to make a delicious Apple Salad !"
B:"Oh, dear ! Not today, please. I 've got to cook for Adam ... How about on this Sunday ?"
A:"Ok then.How about giving me a call? "
B:"Why not...! I will give you a call days before I pay you a visit. Is that alright ?"
A:"OK.Then I've got go now. Are you going too ?
B:"Oh, no. Not yet. I still a lot to buy. I come here only twice a week. Since tomorrow I've planned to visit Aunt Lenny in Shanghai, I better buy extra food and vegetables for my daughters. They know cooking."
A:" Ok then, Bye!"
B:"Bye !"

3个回答 #活动# 《请回答2022》答题瓜分现金奖池 OfferComing留学 2022-12-24 · OfferComing一站式留学攻略 OfferComing留学 向TA提问 关注 展开全部 shopping 英[ˈʃɒpɪŋ] 美 [ˈʃɑːpɪŋ] n.购物;从商店采买的东西 v.去商店买;在商店购物;逛商店;(向警察等)告发 例句:...


went shopping 1、读音:英 [went ˈʃɒpɪŋ] 美 [went ˈʃɑːpɪŋ]2、释义:去购物。3、语法:去购物的固定搭配是go shopping,过去式自然就写作went shopping,用作动词的意思是“(到…)去买东西〔购物〕”。4、例句:She went...



11个回答 #热议# 作为女性,你生活中有感受到“不安全感”的时刻吗? OfferComing留学 2022-12-24 · OfferComing一站式留学攻略 OfferComing留学 向TA提问 关注 展开全部 shopping 英[ˈʃɒpɪŋ] 美 [ˈʃɑːpɪŋ] n.购物;从商店采买的东西 v.去商店买;在商店购物;逛商店;(...

我正要去购物的英文:I'm going shopping shopping 读法 英 ['ʃɒpɪŋ] 美 ['ʃɑpɪŋ]1、n. 购物,买东西 2、v. 购物(shop的ing形式)短语:1、shopping plaza 购物广场 2、shopping street 商业街 3、shopping spree 疯狂购物;抢购狂欢 4、...

Here is good for go shopping.


购物计划 shopping plan 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...

利川市13945592812: 要一个关于“买东西”的英语对话……2人对话3分钟左右 -
贝咬金葡:[答案] A:售货员 B:导游 C:游客 C:I'd like to buy some souvenirs for my kids,something with Chinese characteristics.Do you know any nice shops? B:Sure.What about Liulichang?There are many shops selling traditional Chinese artifacts. C:Great.I'd love to ...

利川市13945592812: 购物英语对话两个人的对话,3分钟左右最好大一水平. -
贝咬金葡:[答案] 购物英语对话 A:Could you tell me how much it is? (您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?) B:In the neighbourhoud of $ 500. (500美元左右.) A:That's way too much money. (价格太贵了.) B:We can make dow by model. (我们可以根据型号给予优惠....

利川市13945592812: 用英文写一篇两个人买东西讨价还价的对话 -
贝咬金葡:[答案] can i help you? yes,i am looking for a shirt. how about this one? oh yes,i like it.how much is it? 100 yuan. can you give me a discount? ok,let's make it 90 yuan. ok,i'll have it.

利川市13945592812: 二人英语情景对话 购物两个人的英语对话,在杂货店卖水果或蔬菜的情景,2 - 3分钟 -
贝咬金葡:[答案] 楼上的,你们英文读的慢到什么程度了啊,这点怎么读3分钟啊. 这个是断买围巾的谈话过程,英文原版.这个网址有整个谈话过程,还能发音呢! Karen walks into a boutique.She wants to buy a scarf. Sales Assoc:Hi,are you being helped? Karen:No,...

利川市13945592812: 用英文写一篇两个人买东西讨价还价的对话 一般水平的谢谢 个位 -
贝咬金葡:[答案] A:How much is this clothes?这件衣服多少钱? B:It costs $125.125美元. A:That's unreasonable!I'd take it for $100.How ... $110.要110美元. A:Well,I'll take it.好的,我就买一件吧. 以下是一些关于讨价还价的句子,供参考. 直接杀价: That's ...

利川市13945592812: 求 一段与shopping有关的英语两人对话,要二十句左右.谢谢… -
贝咬金葡: A: Hey, what are you doing here? B: I'm just shopping. A: What are you shopping for? B: Some new clothes. How about you? A: Same here. B: Have you found anything nice yet? A: I found a few pairs of pants. B: Where'd you get those? A: I found ...

利川市13945592812: 关于购物的英语2人对话 大越两分钟左右 尽量长点 -
贝咬金葡: Dorothy : How much is our budget? Billy : Ten thousand dollars. Dorothy : We've already bought an oven, a washing machine, a dishwasher, and a refrigerator. We don't have much money left, do we? Billy : There's still more than enough money for ...

利川市13945592812: 求英语大神帮忙编一段关于网上购物利弊的情景对话,是两人形式的,谢啦. -
贝咬金葡:[答案] Amy: Hi, John! Your new hat is quite cool! Where did you got it?John: Thank you! I bought it from the Internet with 30% off the price.Amy: Really? You are so lucky! Buying things on the Internet can b...

利川市13945592812: 两人英语购物对话. -
贝咬金葡: A: Hey, do you know there will be a new shop opened next Sunday ?B: Oo, really? Where is that?A: It is not far away from here. It is on the 6279 Snow Hill Street.B:Ok. It is not that...

利川市13945592812: 购物英语对话 -
贝咬金葡: 购物英语对话A: Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?)B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.(500美元左右.)A: That's way too much money.(价格太贵了.)B: We can make dow by model.(我们可以根...

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