
作者&投稿:应饼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急求以下英文翻译(非机器译), 高积分相送,非常感谢!!!~

Lives at accessories necessary plan:

CAVA DECOR to imitate the European and American classical style to live at the accessories, the pure hand-planted, does old as before, has reappeared the former days Europe land palace upper class indoor arrangement aspect inelegance and the luxury, the depth is savored the high customer affection everywhere home life. The product by for sale abroad primarily, in domestic once was “Da Vinci”, “a US gram US” and so on famous furniture brand accessories necessary business. The CAVA DÉCOR product is very suitable to make the European and American classical style the furniture and the European land breeze realm of love institute decoration embellishment

*product and management characteristic:
First, uses fine materials. The wood construction uses the import or the domestic product superior high quality, has processed the density board or the solid wood after the high temperature high pressure; The semblance sticks on rolls the dermis or embosses PVC to imitate the skin; Carries on handpainted and color effects processing in the style of antiquity by the specialized art designer, the tone dignified elegant noble, in the repackaging develops voluntarily the hardware fitting in the style of antiquity, enables the product the whole effect to achieve the age to be remote, hereditary hands down, spanning space and time obsolete feeling.

Second, the cosmetic and the usability unify. In the traditional clock, puts up, the picture frame, the umbrella barrel, the periodical rack, the book likely depending on, the candlestick, the box package, the jewelry out-of-the-box, but also developed the CD frame, the remote control box, the floppy disk box, the wall hanging, the wine chest Taiwan chair and so on to underline the cosmetic to conform to the modern rhythm of life decoration product in the style of antiquity.

Third, dependable quality. All in the domestic going on the market product is exports the order form increment production with to approve after exporting the commodity inspection transfers selling internally; The principal use's density board and the paint are the environmental protection products which non-toxic non-pollutes.

Fourth, low-price quality merchandise management superiority. By the foreign trade order form increment production stock, on-hand merchandise treats sells, the ample supply and prompt delivery, unloads cargo rapidly. The design tidal current, the variety is rich, the quality is stable. The marketing channel goes directly to the terminal, the purchasing price is inexpensive, the profit is rich. Leaves the type to meet the list, does not prepare goods without the burden, post-sale service earnest thorough.

* accessories purchase and necessary worry:
① Many furniture factories and furniture dealer, after attractive furniture exhibition hall prepare, to purchase the appropriate handicraft embellishment atmosphere everywhere to rush about seeks ......
② The decoration company and the designer, after the careful design and the construction completes the refined indoor spatial arrangement, finally is also to purchase the appropriate handicraft embellishment atmosphere everywhere to rush about seeks ......
③ When the furniture factory and the furniture dealer embellish the attractive furniture exhibition hall when the Meilun US is bright, the customer when buys the furniture requests when the necessary accessories buys together your exhibition hall, you sell do not sell? After selling out, the exhibition hall atmosphere is also sold out. How to manage? Makes up the goods immediately! The next list - production pneumatic conveying - takes delivery of goods - the top carriage, 20 natural lifespans quick.
④ After the dealer sells out, will call the furniture factory to make up the accessories, the furniture factory will blame the dealer “to ignore a proper occupation” is called you to sell the complete bikes you actually to be busy at selling the components. Looks for the accessories factory, only makes up several goods factories also to have to politely refuse; The quantity is short to the accessories wholesale market takes the goods to have to leave the high price. Uses in arranging embellishes accessories' purchase characteristic is “the multi-variety single unit wrap” is not redundant, buyer counter-offer dynamics is limited, the post-sale service middle man also manages? Sells the accessories: Advantage…Run…Turning…......, matches the accessories: Numerous…Bothersome…Angry…Working ......, how to manage?

* gives us! Ten year production experience, five year matching for practice; Many years accumulated the nearly ten thousand varieties, have the original taste and flavor “the European and American classics” the series, to have in the colony evolution variation “the Caribbean Sea character and style” the series, also have cover the even common people to install “the England London local custom” the series; Everything moistens British belt US to have everything expected to find including the French and Spanish element accessories.

A plan: Necessary feeds specially the relations with the brand furniture factory establishment accessories. Invites the factory, the essence to select elects thin; Buys is out of stock the number, own feeds specially; The batch prepare goods, price preferential benefit; The relay mixes, charge d'affaires physical distribution; The post-sale service, the headquarters settle accounts.

B plan: Is us the region dealer. Does an exhibition hall, the head enters 50,000; Leaves the type 600, the factory prepares goods; Visits to promote, the guest meets the list; The wholesale and retail concurrently camp, obtains without labor the loans; The issuing order form, director produces goods; The factory base price, the profit is rich; Monthly accounting, relaxed turnover.

C plan: Opens our exclusive agency. 50 squares, the head enters 30,000; Leaves the type 400, prepares goods Yu Chang; Elects to sell the field, in the shop the shop factory; Crowded, Japan thousand months ten thousand; The project order form, lights up with pleasure, laborious one year, makes well-off.

D plan: The cross line engages in more than one kind of business the free inventory use not to limit. Lou Tang tube institute, exhibition hall scene; The display window embellishes, the atmosphere contrasts; Curtain skill, decorative lighting staircase; Main business side occupation, whole necessary; Registration buyer, surfer browsing; Does not suppose the agent, selects and purchases conveniently; The funds arrive deliver goods, charge d'affaires transports; Beijing and Shanghai broad deep, store very much; The variety is rich, same price homogeneity; The post-sale service, the standard is unified.

E plan: Your request, my service; Cooperates win-win, the preferred plan.



Some of the things that occurred within this month made me have further understanding about the small happiness feeling.
I was very excited and happy when I joined the baskedball team of GuoJiao department.
To prepare for this only game,I bought a basketball, the sports wear and lots of phitosite.
Every morning,I kept running to develop my endurance, and every evening,I practised basketball alone as mad as a hatter to improve my skills.
Do you know? In others it seems morning means sleepy and freezing,for evening: cold and loneliness, and for phitosite: unpalatable.
However, in order to pursue my dream, every tiny improvement could make me feel a little happy and excited,for example: 20 more goals or 300 meters more running.
This sort of small happiness feeling is made up of persistence,pursuing,enthusiasm and endeavor.
Anyway and for sure, life isn't always perfect.
Finally the game began, our team experienced both great victories and the abjective failures. But I never had a chance to be onstage,so that there wasn't any chance for me to show my effort.
I was very depressed but I tried harder, however, everyday I was so down that I couldn't feel any happiness.
Last week, we met a team which once had suffered defeat at our hands. Unexpectedly, that game became our last show.
We lost and I wasn't onstage till the end.
After the game, I cried and grieved deeply, I even thought that day was the end of the world.
My friends, can you understand what I've been through at that time? I watched my team lost the game but I didn't have a chance to help them, there was never a chance for me to show my proud training success.
I stared to hate basketball, my team members, and even my endeavor,I lost myself in regret and sorrow.I gave myself up as hopeless.
There seemed nothing could make me happy.
Days later,our team had a dinner together, though my team members felt sad for the failure, inexplicable is I felt another sort of happiness on them.
The team leader's speech was a wake-up call, he said,"Thanks for those games, they let me really know how to play basketball well, and what is more important is I knew you all,my dear buddies, I felt regretful but really happy."
I became sozzled that night, but I learnt so much.

电影《小幸感》的英文名是 Little Happiness。这个应该是比较准确的。
Things that occured this month have helped me better understand the meaning of "Little Happiness". I was so excited and delighted to join the basketball team of the school of GuoJiao. I bought a ball, a shirt and a lot of high-calorie foods so that I could be fully prepared for the only basketball game. Everyday, I got up early in the morning and jogged, just to excerise my endurance. Late at nigh, I play the ball alone crazily, to concentrate on improving my skills. And what you'll never know is that, instead of being tired and bored, I have been filled with joy and excitement all along the way. I could be cheered up by just a tiny progress I've made, evem though for others, morning may be filled with weariness and coldness, night may feel chilly and lonely, and those high-calorie foods may taste terrible. I was so happy to just achieve 20 more successful throws, or to run extra 300 meters. All these feelings of Little Happiness, are persistence, are perseverance, are enthusiasm, and are efforts. However, life is not always perfect. The game finally came to us and our team has witnessed great victories and sad losts, while I have been waiting for a chance to play and show what I've practiced. Though frustrated, I didn't give up and worked even harder so that I could leave the sadness and disappointment behind. Last week, we met the old rival team we've defeated before. To everyone's surprise, we lost the game and the opportunity to continue playing, marking the end of our journey in this game. I cried. It was the end of the world for me at that moment. How can we lose this game amd how could I not given a chance to play! So, can any of you understand my feelings? I saw our team losing the game, being able to doing nothing to save us or to show what I've prepared for this game.

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coffee is served to them as they like it.我希望有这样一个妻子,她能照料好客人的一应需求,使他们有一种宾至如归的感觉,她要确保他们有个烟灰缸可用,能为他们添饭加菜,必要时还要替他们把酒杯加满,还要按照客人喜欢的口味给他们冲咖啡。上述为纯手工翻译,希望对你有用。附件中是word。

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above heavens. In the same place, I wiped out vanity being down-to-earth. Again, in the same place, I met people who are unforgettable for ever to me. I got the best friends I have ever expected, who brought me the very experience of 'friendship.'人工翻译,仅供参考。

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金堂县19159181476: 急求高手翻译一段英语对话,...
箕杜托尼: W: hair... Responsibility...T: this hair let us this meal is unpleasant, it stirred our fun!W: so serious! It was very sorry. Originally thought for our service will make you very satisfied. Ah! A root hateful hair, is you let us unhappy, and you make us lose the ...

金堂县19159181476: 急求一段英语的翻译!高手加分!!!
箕杜托尼: 我最近因为我没有经常去联系你而觉得很愧疚,同时忙碌变成了一个我聊以安慰的借口,但是这些天来日子的确就是这样过的.我迫不及待的想要赶快到圣诞能有些休息的时候.我希望你们也都能够享受你们假期. 真心的祝愿你们玩的开心,同时有些照片和你们分享.背景上的这个海滩是有名的bondi海滩. 另外,把所有的孩子都在照片里列好真的很困难

金堂县19159181476: (高分)急求一段对话的英文翻译.
箕杜托尼: you have to buy the tickets returning Hangzhou in Wenzhou. B? B: I see. B: Well, refund it for me! A! You can only take this car,累死了 A: What can I do for you! How long does it need to get to Wenzhou? Is it an express? Fares: a car can only carry ...

金堂县19159181476: 求翻译一段英文,急求!~When time is up at the end of a round, complete the current turn of each game that is still in progress. If a winner is not determined by ... -
箕杜托尼:[答案] 1 .球队有更大的生命点,赢得比赛.如果两支球队的生命点都是平等的,继续发挥,直到第一次改变人生的要点.如果生命点改变,在解决链中,总是能解决所有的影响,就这一链条才比较两队生命点. 2 .之后赢得比赛的进展是确定了,一队赢得这场比...

金堂县19159181476: 急!!!!!!!求翻译一段英文! -
箕杜托尼: Eid-al fitr holiday marking is a vast, propriety, righteousness, a holiday, the sino-tibetan family in the spring festival, the tibetan people over the years. On the ev...

金堂县19159181476: 急!求翻译一段英文短句,超简单的 -
箕杜托尼: I think a woman feels ugly when she's got the wrong man at her side 我认为,有一个不喜欢的男人在旁边时,这个女人会感到尴尬.And for any interested guys out there 以及给任何一个不属于那里的有趣的男人.out there=不属于那里的 I don't believe in men who make us feel unhappy 我不相信令我们不舒服的男人.who在这里是定语从句中的关系代词=men

金堂县19159181476: 求一段英文的翻译啊!!!急!!! -
箕杜托尼: 整个国家的人们在幸福和和平中生活.我们在科学和教育领域取得了巨大的进步.我们的祖国正在成为世界上的强国.例如,2001年,我们加入了WTO,我国发射了许多卫星进入太空,2008年,成功举办了北京奥运会. (翻译不妥的地方请谅解啊........O(∩_∩)O~)

金堂县19159181476: 高分求用英语翻译一段话、
箕杜托尼: Ting child, in fact, I love you. You know, before I have an idea of your views in mind to tell you, I want you to hear. Unfortunately, you did not give me this opportunity, nothing of. I thought about before, like a girl, mixed male and female friends do. I used ...

金堂县19159181476: 帮我把一段话翻译英语、急!高悬赏!
箕杜托尼: Although the monthly exam is over, but after that there will be many opportunities to prove himself. Despite this our results are not high, but this proves that our air is still very great improvement. Our life is full of sunshine, is not it? - Given the strength in the examination of all the friends.

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