求一篇英语口语对话,关于未来世界想象的,带译文,明天可上用 谢谢

作者&投稿:洪民 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A: hi, b, long time no see, you look so happy, New Year must be driving.
B: well, very happy, all the men of his house to go home together ate the reunion dinner, and then go to the many relatives a guest, have a lot of good and many red packets.
A: well, not for a long time and the family is a very happy matter?
B: yes, your years are you going?
A: in addition to guest besides, several days ago and high school students of the open society, then went to the old high school go go, visit the teacher, feeling really miss, to leave a period of time, he found that his Alma mater much changed.
B: I haven't go to school, next time, also want to look at, ha ha. Oh, my car arrived, walk first one step, bye-bye.
A: bye, see you next time!

A: Hi. Where would like to have a trip in the coming vacation ?
B. Well, I like Dalian best , so I want to go travelling to Dalian with some friends. Would you like to join us .
A: I would like to go travelling with you but I don't think Dalian a good place .
B: What suggest do you have ?
A: I think Beijing is a better place.
B; Why do you suggest we go there?
A; There are so many places of interest that have attracted many tourists in the world.
B; That sounds good. I also like Beijing especially some delicious local food, such as Beijing Duck.
A: OK. Let's go there and invite some of our classmates.
B: I can't agree more. We will surely have a good time .

Split-second lunches, color-keyed disposable dishes— all part of the instant society of tomorrow.
  The early vision of disposability was it was somehow melted into atmosphere. They didn’t really think about the garbage component with all this disposability.
  Disposability goes along with the idea of everything being very clean and neat and ordered.
  The scientific house is most scientific in the kitchen where this unique stove is able to cook a meal in mid-air. Magnetic coils underneath the stove-top can keep the pan hot enough to cook a mouth –watering meal while the top of the stave is remains cold and safe to touch. When the stove is turns off, the pan drops and a presto electromagnetic bacon eggs !
  I remember as a kid getting these wonderful books, Popular Science or Popular Mechanics, that were full of fanciful and wonderful ideas, and one of these images shows a housewife with a garden hose in her living room and she is hosing down her couch. Plastic for furniture ,why not? Metal for clothing. Sure. If we can do it, let’s try it.
  A perfect example of how you just had to ignore human nature to see that part of the future. You know how many times has AT&T tried to introduce picture phones just to have people go, “No, I don’t want them to see me !”
  “The place where electronic abounded a marriage of sight and through of sound. A wonderful coupling of vision and speech, and a ride to the future and a past within reach.”
  The role of electronics was wildly underestimated. But that was because they were looking at the future from a standpoint where computers were huge things that took whole rooms full and spinning wheels of magnetic tape.
  It’s partly because we always envisioned the future in terms of what we have now only a lot better, so that people in the year 1900 didn’t think of computers, they thought of pneumatic tubes that went real, real, real, real fast. They thought by now you’d be spending your vacations certainly in Mars or Jupiter or some place, maybe a little bit cooler.
  I really would like to take that vacation in space now and I’m not sure it’s going to ready in time.
  And the fact that we can fly into space or communicate instantly with one another over vast distances, even the fact that we have been able to extend our lives by decades, none of that has really changed who we are. It’s in fact the one prediction you can confidently make about the future, but it a hundred or another 1000 years from now. The standards by which we measure a person’s goodness or evil will be the same as they are today, no matter what our kichens look like or how we travel the highway of the universe, the essential ingredients of a moral man or woman won’t be changed.

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