
作者&投稿:房褚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


As mentioned in an early article, there are two types of credit cards: secured and unsecured. This article will explore some of the issues of secured credit cards.

What is a secured credit card?

A secured card is a credit card that requires you to deposit a certain amount of money into a savings account, money market account, or certificate of deposit. The minimum amount usually ranges between $200 and $500 but this will vary from one company to another. Your deposit is considered your security and some card issuers will even allow the deposit to earn interest.

The amount that you deposit into the account is your credit limit. You should understand that sometimes the limit will be for the full amount that you put into the account but with some companies your limit may be a percentage of the total amount that you deposited.

A secured credit card is not a debit card. This is important to understand because if full payments are not made each month, interest will be charged on the outstanding balance.

Who should consider using secured credit cards?

If you have no credit history at all, using a secured credit card can be a good way to begin establishing your credit. Many young people who are just starting out may choose this as an option.

If you have bad credit, you may wish to use a secured credit card to help you improve your credit score. In addition, a secured credit card may be the only source you will have for obtaining a credit card. There are some transactions that require the use of a credit card. This might include car rentals or hotel reservations. If you need to make those types of transactions and cannot get an unsecured credit card, this might be the only way you can get a true credit card.

What to look for in a secured credit card:

Interest Rate: Do not be fooled into thinking that because you have no credit history or a bad credit report that you have to settle for exorbitant interest rates. Make it a point to shop around for the lowest rates that you qualify for before you apply for a secured credit card.

Fees: Pay close attention to any fees that will be charged to you or to your account once it is opened. There are some companies that will charge ridiculously high fees that will reduce your initial deposit before you even use the card. Stay away from those companies. Look for companies that have no fees whatsoever or for those companies that charge a all one-time fee to set up the account. Annual fees for attractive secured cards typically range from $20-$35.

Scams: It is sad to say that there are companies out there who are in the business of ripping people off. They prey on the vulnerability of those who may be in a credit crunch. Some of the things they do include promises of getting you "quick credit" for a price. Another popular scam is to ask you to call a 900 phone number for "secrets" to getting a credit card or credit repair. Your phone company will charge you a high rate for using a 900 number and you never get the information that was offered.

The best advice to avoid secured credit card scams is that if it sounds too good to be true it is. Use your common sense and do not be taken by these crooks.

Credit Improvement Issues: Even with a very good payment history on your secured card it can takes many months before you begin to see improvement in your credit record. You have to be patient when repairing bad credit. You also have to be art. Make sure that the company that issues the secured credit card to you will report your good payment history to the three big credit reporting agencies. Not all companies report and if they do not report you are simply wasting your time.

Keep in mind that they will also report your bad payment history if you do not pay on time. Be careful and make your payments on time each and every month.

credit card是什么卡?

credit card就是信用卡。


2.准贷记卡:是指可在信用额度内先支付后还款,但不享受免息还款期,存款有息的银行卡。卡片可在境内及具有银联标识的境外受理点使用,具有信用消费、转账结算、存取现金等功能。借记卡是由持卡人先存款、后使用的卡。credit card指的是信用卡,信用卡一种对信用合格的消费者发行的信用证明,持卡人可以先使用,后还款。

信用卡英文是credit card,容易理解,是基于个人信用(credit),信用卡也叫「贷记卡」。  储蓄卡英文是debit card,也叫借记卡,这是比较专业的说法,但和「借」有什么关系呢,很难理解。  有人说,你存在储蓄卡里的钱相当于借给银行的,所以是借记卡,这虽然说得通,但并不是专业的解释。因为这里的「借」和「贷」是财务术语,来自复式记账法,和这两个字的本身的意思没有任何关系。信用卡上有“VISA”或“MasterCard”标识的,在国外可以直接刷卡消费,而储蓄卡或现金就要先兑换了。








Credit Cards

Personal credit cards are becoming more common in China. Banks and other financial institutions are encouraging their customers to change the way they buy things.

Credit cards, otherwise known as “plastic money”, are being offered on very good terms to encourage the change. Consumers will be able to “buy now, pay later”, and many see this as an advantage.

But people need to be careful. There are dangers associated with credit cards. Some people find it very easy to exceed their budget. They are tempted to purchase goods that they do not really need, and can become quickly overburdened by debt.

The credit cards often charge a high rate of interest, which exacerbates the problems for these people.

However, used wisely credit cards can improve the quality of people’s lives. They can give people access to money to meet sudden unplanned expenses.

Properly handled, they can let people control their expenditure and the monthly statements provide a record of where their money has gone.









文章要有明确的主题,必须具备4个条件:准确、鲜明、深刻、集中。以作文“The English teacher I Admire Most”为例,文章的主题是关于记叙我最欣赏的一位英语老师,因而就不能泛泛谈论老师这一职业或自己的几位老师。










Credit Card Cash Advance Pitfalls

Credit card cash advances can provide consumers with convenient and instant access to "cold cash" in times of financial need, but cash advances should be avoided if at all possible. Informed consumers realize that cash advances are typically accompanied by fees and exorbitant interest rates (there is also no grace periodfor cash advances). Moreover, cash advances can be a major stumbling block for consumers seeking debt relief. We hope the following tips help consumers avoid the pitfalls associated with cash advances.

Fees for cash advances vary, but fees can be very costly. Fees are computed using two calculation methods. Many card issuers calculate fees on a percentage basis, which typically ranges from 1% to 4%. Other issuers charge "flat fees" for advances. "Flat fees" are not based on the amount of the advance and, therefore, are always the same.

An increasing trend is to combine both calculation methods. Combining calculation methods results in higher cash advance fees. An example of this would be an issuer that charges x% for an advance, but charges a minimum of $10 regardless of the amount of the advance. Another example would be an issuer that charges x% for an advance or $20, whichever is greater. Read the terms of your card agreement carefully. Fee calculation can get tricky.

A few issuers do not charge any fees at all. This is very rare, though.

Finally, if you must get an advance, avoid using ATM machines. ATMs charge an additional fee for advances. This fee is charged by the financial institution that owns the ATM.

Often the greatest potential pitfall for consumers who decide to get a cash advance involves finance or interest charges. The interest rate for cash advances is often several points higher than the normal purchase interest rate (the rate that is associated with everyday card purchases). Cash advance rates normally range from 20% to 25%. In contrast, the average purchase rate for a standard credit card ranges from 15.88% to 17.30% according to. However, a few issuers charge the same rate for both purchases and cash advances "Low Rate Report" for more info).

Other finance charge pitfalls involve grace periods and the payment method that a card issuer utilizes. Cash advances begin accruing interest immediately and, therefore, are not subject to a grace period. Thus, even if you pay your card balance in full when your bill arrives, you will still be accessed a finance charge for any advances.

A similar pitfall involves the manner in which payments are applied to your account. Most issuers apply payments to card purchases before they apply payments to cash advances (i.e. payments are first applied to purchases). If you carry a balance on your card, this can result in your a dramatic increase in your finance charges and overall interest rate.

Please be aware that any "credit card checks" that you receive in the mail are usually treated as cash advances! Card issuers often tout such checks as an easy way to pay off the bill of your choice or to acquire some extra spending money. While using a check may be convenient, it can be extremely costly. Many balance transfers are also treated as cash advances.

Dependency on cash advances can be an outward sign of serious debt problems. Consumers that regularly rely on advances to "make ends meet" urgently need debt counseling. Cash advances are so tempting that some cardholders fall victim to the "cash advance trap" and find themselves caught in a vicious cycle. If this statement applies to you or someone you know, please consult CardRating.com's "Get Debt Relief" section for a list of helpful resources


Today's Web developer needs to have a thorough knowledge of how to build commerce-enabled Web sites. One of the most mysterious areas, for clients and Web shops alike, is the process of setting up a Web-enabled credit card merchant account. The gold rush of e-commerce has spawned hordes of pick-and-shovel peddlers. If you search for information on credit cards, you'll find page after page of outfits, all offering to get your credit card scene together pronto and cheapo. All of them try to make the process of getting a merchant account sound extremely difficult and complicated (if you buy their product, of course, it becomes easy). I am sorry to say that not a few of these outfits are shaky, shady, or simply scams. What do you really need to get credit card transactions going on a site, and how do you find a reputable bank that's knowledgeable about the Internet?


Credit cards have had bad press over the past few months of the credit crunch they only cause more debt and have unfair rates of interest. . However, if a credit card is used in the correct way and you keep up with your payments, they can be very valuable in many aspects.

One of the most beneficial aspects of having a credit card is that it can help you to increase your credit score. If you have little borrowing experience, taking out a credit card helps to convey to other creditors that you are a responsible and reliable borrower.

Another benefit of owning a credit card is that it can be easier to buy things. Some companies, such as those in the travel sector like hotels, airlines and car rental companies prefer payment by credit card, and some do not accept cash payments at all. As well as this convenience, many card companies give insurance on large purchases. An example of this is when airline XL went bust in September,

A more obvious benefit of a credit card, and one of the main reasons people apply for a credit card, is that you have access to money during emergencies. If you resist the temptation of spending the money on your credit card, you are left with a good sum of money to use when you most need it. You only pay interest on purchases or on cash withdrawals, so keeping a credit card at home (where you won't be able to spend on it) can be very valuable.


What Are the Advantages of Business Credit Cards?

Easier to obtain than lines of credit, these cards can help

the all business owner conserve cash while still buying the equipment and supplies needed to keep the business moving forward. Surveys report that more than 65 percent of all businesses now have credit cards, and this number continues to rise. Of course, not unlike personal credit cards, the same warnings hold true: Business credit cards must be used cautiously and only for the sake of the business.

Although business credit cards typically carry an annual fee, it is usually rather nominal. A number of advantages are evident in such business credit cards, including:

Another advantage of a business credit card is that by using it, you are demonstrating the growth of business while promoting it at the same time. Even someone running a home-based business gains more credibility when flashing a business credit card.

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Moving空气 | 发布于2012-05-28 举报| 评论 3 2 12月英语四级考前密押作文十四:信用卡的利弊 参考资料: http:\/\/edu.21cn.com\/cet\/g_182_135366-1.htm 热心网友| 发布于2011-01-14 举报| 评论(1) 0 0 为您推荐: 留学生活英语作文 英语作文万能句子 英语信用卡的利弊分析 英语作文 信用卡...

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not see the goods to enjoy with friends and shopping.购物在互联网上,正受到越来越多的青睐。越来越多的人使用互联网来买东西。有人说,它是更方便,他们可以呆在家里买商店的东西,他们可在任何时间,白天或晚上。如果你想在互联网上买东西,你需要一张信用卡。你要在网站上输入您的信用卡号码和...

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