求英语翻译! 1.中国现在的人口是十年前的2倍。 2.长江是那条河流的5倍长。 3.这对夫妇已经结婚20年了。

作者&投稿:敏姚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

长江的英文: the Yangtse River
River 读法 英 ['rɪvə(r)]     美 ['rɪvər]    
n. 河;江;河流;水道
1、The guide led us to the river.向导带领我们到河边。
2、Growing along the river are tall palm trees.沿着这条河生长的是高大的棕树。
1、busy river交通繁忙的河流
2、commercial river通商河流
3、crisscrossing rivers纵模交错的河流
4、deep river水深的河流
5、frozen river封冻的河

2、river用于专有名词,其前须加定冠词。英国人喜欢将专有名词置于river之后,而美国人喜欢将专有名词置于river之前。如the River Amazon(英)/the Amazon River(美) 。
1、inland river内河
2、large river大河
3、long river长河
4、narrow river窄小的河流
5、shallow river水浅的河流

That river is 300 kilometers long.

1:The population of China is twice as large as that ten years ago.
2:The Yangtze river is five times as long as that river
3:The couple have been married for 20 years.
3:倍数+in+the+n+of+n (注意倍数的说法一二倍用序数词,其它用基数词加times)
拿大小举例子吧 比如说A是B的三倍大
1:A is three times as large as B
2:A is twice larger than B
3:A is three times in the size of B

1. The population of China is twice larger than that of 10 years ago.
2. The Yangtze River is five times as long as that river.
3. The couple have been married for 20 years.

1. The population now in China is two times as that of ten years ago.

2. The Changjiang River is five times the length of that river.

3. The couple have been married for 20 years.

1. China 's population is ten times 2 years ago.

2. The Changjiang River is 5 times the length of the river.

3、 The couple have been married for 20 years.

开福区15782459216: 英语翻译:据第六次人口普查报告,中国现在有13.7亿人口. -
苦费小青: 据第六次人口普查copy报告,中国现在有13.7亿人口.According to the sixth census report, Chinese now has a population of 1.37 billion.望采zhidao纳,谢谢

开福区15782459216: 中国的人口是多少 英语翻译 -
苦费小青:[答案] What's the population in China? 希望能够帮到楼主

开福区15782459216: 中国的人口是多少 的翻译 两个句子 -
苦费小青:[答案] 很高兴为你解答. 1.How many person are there in china . 2.what is population of China. 希望能帮上你,步步高升.在下感激不尽.

开福区15782459216: 中国的人口是多少 的翻译 两个句子 -
苦费小青: 很高兴为你解答.1.How many person are there in china .2. what is population of China.希望能帮上你,祝你学业有成.步步高升.满意请采纳,在下感激不尽.谢谢!

开福区15782459216: 英语翻译.我国目前有13亿多人口,人力资源总数为7.1亿左右,约占世界人力资源总数的30%以上,然而,尽管我国有着巨大的人力资源数量,但是,总体素... -
苦费小青:[答案] Our country has more than 1,300 million, the total population of human resources for the first, about the world's human resources of the total number of 30% or more, however, despite our country has a...

开福区15782459216: 帮我翻译些句子谢谢1中国有13亿人口(二种译法)2.在世界上中国人口最多3.中国是世界上拥有最多人口的国家 -
苦费小青:[答案] 1.The population of China is 1.3 billion./China has 1.3 billion people.2.China has the largest population in the world.3.China is the country that has the largest population in the world.

开福区15782459216: 两句英语翻译 -
苦费小青: 1、中国的人口是欧洲人口的两倍. The population of China is twice larger than that in Europe.2、中国的人口比欧洲人口两倍还多. The population of China is more than twice larger than that in Europe.老师讲的是对的.你问这个问题恰恰说明这...

开福区15782459216: 英语翻译中国是世界第三大国家的国家.中国有13亿人口.中国是发展中国家.他拥有很长的历史.中国也是一个很美丽的城市. -
苦费小青:[答案] China is the third largest country in the world The population of china is 1300000000 China is a developing country The history of China is very long China is also a beautiful city

开福区15782459216: 英语翻译1 中国有13亿人 China has a population of 1.3 billion.The population of China is 1.3 billionThere is a population of 1.3 billion in China.这三种写法是否... -
苦费小青:[答案] There are 1.3 billion people in china.China occupies an area of nine point six million square kilometres.What's the square of China?What's the population and the square of China?China has...

开福区15782459216: 中国有十三亿人口的两种英文翻译是什么? -
苦费小青: The population of China is one thousand and three hundred millon

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