
作者&投稿:虫池 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1、旅行能培养人的耐力。

Travel can cultivate people's endurance.


Travel teaches people tolerant of virtue.


A good companion can shorten the journey time.


Travel makes a wise man more wisdom, a fool more.


If you don't go to travel, miss more than just scenery.


Tourism is the best media to obtain sexual pleasure and romance.


Without knowledge of the tourists is a bird without wings.


What is the meaning of travel, is contrasted for life.


If there are no requirements for tomorrow, hold hands like a tourist.


Ass to travel, go back to home or do not change horses.


Tourism, is to relax. And travel, is to meet the heart.


A traveler without knowledge is a no wings bird.


A tourist, you don't come, I a person walk, you come and go.


People travel is not to get somewhere, but for tourism.


The world is a book, but people do not travel read only one page.


In travel, a person must take knowledge, if he wants to back to words of knowledge.


Tourism mentality to treat itself is undergoing any, you will reap all.


For a standard tourism resort, somehow I always political mistake to resist.


If you are going to travel, would you please say with me, because I want to go with you to travel.


So-called tourism, but from a place you hate, hate that other people's places.


Tourism is a kind of empathy of hand. So, just can have thick numerous enjoyment and harvest.


To travel together, how beautiful the scenery is not really, but each other in the process of enjoy happiness!


Want to forget, just going to travel to recover, as a result, more miss you, because when traveling in the heart with you!


Tourism doesn't care about the destination, but care about the way people and things and those wonderful memories and scenery.


I will brave to admit that I love is not a tourism itself, but with the man I traveled together!


For young people, travel is a part of education; For the elderly, travel is a part of experience.


"Look" is the purpose of the trip. The means to improve understanding of ethnic, cultural, and other places and eva luation.


Spent his entire career in overseas travel, although with a lot of people get to know each other, but not a friend.


A person with what purpose to travel, in his peregrinations, only know that for the purpose of the relevant knowledge with him.


Make everyone fall in love with travel, love enjoy trip, really enjoy traveling in the trip give happiness and enjoyment.


Travel, truth is no entry card, however, the truth also when wearing shoes, lies have run the halfway around the world.


Life is a journey, and travel; Is waiting for, is also the reunion; Is the adventure and treasure; Is the tears and singing.


The role of tourism is to use the reality to imagine: not to think about how things will go, but to look at how they actually are.


Our life is like a journey, thought is the guide, without the tour guide, all will stop. Target can be lost, strength will be wiped out.


Travel has many benefits: fresh with; Knowledge is big; See the new urban joy; Meet with unfamiliar friends; Can learn all kinds of elegant manners.

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5:in the life long journey with many detours, path, dangerous road, dark road, only the strong-willed and never stop the people, will have hopes of reaching the victory away.在人生征途中有许多弯路、小路、险路、暗路,只有意志坚定且永不停步的人,才有希望到达胜利的远方旅行的英文句子 15句...

下陆区15962615462: 谁能告诉我一些关于旅游的英文名言警句?急用 -
尧殃孟鲁: 生命可以被比作一次不知目的地的旅行. Life can be likened to a journey with an unknown destination. 旅行能加强浪漫气息和冒险意味. Travel will enhance romance and adventure. 我做好了旅行的所有准备. I have got everything ready for the trip.

下陆区15962615462: 关于旅行的英语谚语 -
尧殃孟鲁: “俊狼猎英”团队为您解答: 1.All roads lead to Rome .条条大路通罗马. 2.He who does not advance loses ground. 逆水行舟,不进则退. 3.Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.生活没有目标就像航海没有罗盘. 4.Travel east ...

下陆区15962615462: 谁有关于旅游的英语名句 -
尧殃孟鲁: 小心驶得万年船 交通安全: 行万里平安路 做百年长乐人 但愿人长久 千里路畅通 人生美好 步步小心 路无规不畅 国无法不宁 狭路相逢“让”者胜 处罚违章不留情 看似无情最深情 爱妻爱子爱家庭 无视交规等于零 乱穿马路 失道无助 超载超速 危...

下陆区15962615462: 急!急!急!请大家告诉我一些有关旅游的英语谚语或者英语版的名人名言.谢谢! -
尧殃孟鲁: 由于你要找的太多了,我就给你网址吧! 名人名言:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/19108924.html?fr=qrl3 比喻,拟人:http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q724683560.htm 谚语:http://club.ocer.net/3415/viewspace_416.html

下陆区15962615462: 关于旅游的英语谚语 -
尧殃孟鲁: Travel broadens the mind. 旅游开阔眼界.

下陆区15962615462: 关于旅行的英语格言或谚语 -
尧殃孟鲁: All roads lead to Rome .

下陆区15962615462: 关于旅行有哲理的英文句子
尧殃孟鲁:A road of a thousand miles begins with one step .

下陆区15962615462: 哪位能给我说哈关于旅游的英语谚语大家多多回答啊 -
尧殃孟鲁: 推荐这句-A guilty conscience needs no accuser. 自己问心有愧,无需别人责备.

下陆区15962615462: 关于旅游的格言 谚语 英语 -
尧殃孟鲁: 要爱一个人,就和他去旅游吧;要恨一个人,就和他去旅游吧;心在路上, 路在脚下.要爱一个人,就和他去旅游吧;要恨一个人,就和他去旅游吧;要了解一个人,就和他去旅游吧.....!仁者爱山 智者爱水上车睡觉 下车撒尿 一到景点狂...

下陆区15962615462: 求几句和旅行有关的英文哲理句子?
尧殃孟鲁: 太阳落下了,星星还会升起,在废弃铁轨徘徊的我,紧捏着过期了一年的书信,悄悄拜托天空的流云,那句,写在末尾的,我喜欢你…… The sun, the stars will also rises, in my tracks, wandering the overdue correspondence, a cloud, the sky quietly please write the sentence, in the end, I love you...

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