
作者&投稿:子丰云 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.I feel like going to the People's Square with my friends this Saturday.
同义句:I (would )like to (go ) the People's Square with my friends this Saturday.

2.It's 7.30.He goes to school,but he doesn't have breakfast.
同义句: It's 7.30.He goes to school( without) (having )breakfast.

3."People now know more about SARS and the right ways to keep themselves safe." the doctor said to the reporters.
同义句:The doctor ( told)the reporters (that )people now ( knew) more about SARS and the right ways to ( keep)themselves (from)it.

4.Susan has been in this city for more than ten years.
同义句:( It) (is )more than ten years (since )Susan ( moved)to this city.


【I am good at painting and drawing.】
词组【do well in】=【be good at】擅长....


l am good at painting and drawing

I am good at painting and drawing.

应填 :is there “句型转换”有两种形式,一是按要求转换句型(如:要求将陈述句转换为否定句或一般疑问句;改为祈使句或感叹句;对划线部分提问等);二是“同义句转换”。本题型在中考中重要是测试我们运用英语“句型”的能力。“四位一体”的“句型转换”专项训练,就是为了发展我们这方面的能力。...

如何转换下列so that的同义句?
一、so...that与too...to的转换 二、so...that与enough to的转换 一、so...that与too...to的转换当that引导的从句为否定式时,从句主语与主语的主语相同时,so...that可转换为too...to结构;若从句主语与主句的主语不相同时,so...that可转换为too...for sb.to结构...


所谓同义句转换句子用另种形式表达出来而且意思变因此掌握句型越多做题越方便、快捷、容易每种练习方式总有定规律循 1.用具有相同意思词或词组进行转换:例:She has a good time in Wuhan.转换:She enjoys herself in Wuhan.例:He spends some money on books every week.转换:He pays some ...

1. The glass broke in pieces.-> The glass smashed.意:玻璃摔得粉碎。2. All people want to live in peace.-> All people want peace.意:所有人希望和平。3. The thief was in handcuffs.-> The thief was handcuffed.意:小偷被拷上了手拷。4. My grandpa is stone deaf.-> My ...

1:feel like drinking 2:fifteen minutes 'walk 3:wasn't able to because ,away 4:I was late for school this morning because I woke up very late 5:aren't able to afford 6:he can be 7;is the writer 8:no unhealthy 9:as difficult as 10:is there you like best 11:visited ...


what‘s the matter with your friend【同义句】What's wrong with your friend?i’ll sleep with you【一般疑问句】Will you sleep with me?she feels bored【划线部分提问】bored画线 How does she feel?we are going to【have a football match】括号部分提问 What are you going to do?toda...

怎样才能学好英语中句型转换 疑问句,否定句呢?有没有窍门
分类: 外语\/出国 解析:rr365\/Article\/rjbzkyy\/chzx\/200501\/1132 转换题分“按要求转换句型”和“同义句转换”两部分。如何做句型转换题呢?我们还是看看下面的例子吧。一、肯定句变成否定句或一般疑问句时应注意的问题 把含有be动词、助动词和情态动词的句子改为否定句时,只须在这些动词后加not;...

When is your birthday?=(What's )the (date )of your birth?He's thirteen.=He's thirteen(years )(old ).(His ) (age )is thirteen.The price of the shoes is 15 yuan.The (shoes )(cost )15 yuan.

邵东县15797585290: 英语同义句在线转换
撒义银花: not hurry

邵东县15797585290: 在线英语同义句转换 -
撒义银花: 1.I feel like going to the People's Square with my friends this Saturday. 同义句:I (would )like to (go ) the People's Square with my friends this Saturday. 2.It's 7.30.He goes to school,but he doesn't have breakfast. 同义句: It's 7.30.He goes to school( ...

邵东县15797585290: 在线同义句转换,急急急!~ -
撒义银花: 1.Daisy nodded his head to me.2.There was no reply.=There was no response.=Nobody replied/responded.=There wasn't any reply/response

邵东县15797585290: 在线同义句转换. -
撒义银花: 【I am good at painting and drawing.】 词组【do well in】=【be good at】擅长....希望帮到你,祝学业进步!若有疑问及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

邵东县15797585290: 同义句转换器 -
撒义银花: 1 why don't you take a holiday ?=why (not take) a holiday?2 I hope that I'll see you again.=I hope (to see) you again.3 Please show us how you can do that.=Please show us how (to d...

邵东县15797585290: 同义句在线转换,急!~ -
撒义银花: Sorry, 第2句好像有点别扭,但也勉强可以.1. About two thirds of Earth is covered by water.=Around seventy-five percent of Earth is covered with water.2. Remember not to waste or pollute me(water?).=Don't forget never to waste or pollute me(...

邵东县15797585290: 英语同义句转换(每空一词)在线等!We left the classroom after we finished the homework.We -- __the classroom -- we finished the homework.All the ... -
撒义银花:[答案] didn't leave until only failed other things like

邵东县15797585290: 同义句转换 -
撒义银花: He was seen to be playing football by me just now.

邵东县15797585290: 英语同义句在线转换 句型转换 -
撒义银花: 1.【While swimming 】in the river,we saw a fish jump out of the water.2.【It was】 on the playground 【that 】Tom lost his watch yesterday.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.

邵东县15797585290: 在线英语同义句转换 -
撒义银花: like best are from arrive why not I often skate

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