
作者&投稿:龙鸿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3.sevious 拼写错误(如果是serious,应该翻译成:很清楚的是,没有人会有真正的问题)。




1. now face is: how to raise the funds required to create a company.
2. it is said that had been scheduled for this month's meeting will be put off next month.
3. the bridge was named after the hero, the hero gave his life for the cause of the people.
4. taking into account his recent medical condition, I think his current score is also good.
5. put on the play for the first time on Saturday night, he said nothing.
6. he picked up the phone, dialed the hotel number.
7. it is said that meeting originally scheduled for this month will be postponed to next month.
8. don't you dare accuse me of when the teacher comes back, I won't talk to you.
9. a student who wants to find work, there is no master's degree does have a big effect.
10. put on the play for the first time on Saturday night, he said nothing.

Back in the bracket is to use keywords. 1. Now need to face thing is: how to raise the funds needed for the company to create. (reckon with) 2. It is said that this month, scheduled to be held the meeting will be put off down a month. (be scheduled to, put off) 3. The bridge is a hero named after the hero, for the people's cause laid down his life. (name after) 4. Considering his recent health, I think the test result is good. (Use a V - ing as adverbial) 5. Saturday night for the first time on the play, he didn't say anything. (on the subject of) 6. He stretched out his hand and picked up the phone and dialed the number of the hotel. (reach for) 7. It is said that, scheduled to be held this month's meeting will be held until next month. (be scheduled to, put off) 8. The teacher come back you can tell me ?

4、爱词霸 爱词霸,同于山词霸,它集词典、短句、翻译等众多在线工具于一体,致力于英语学习交流以及及时反馈英语相关问题的社区。5、百度词典 百度词典是由百度公司推出的,有着强大的英汉互译功能的免费翻译软件。它还包含中文成语的智能翻译,非常实用。支持全面的英汉词典、汉英词典、汉语字典、汉语词典、...

6. On second thoughts, the committee decided to give up the plan.7.As soon as the movie star stepped onto the stage, the audience stood up, cheering and applauding.8. After years of efforts, he begins to regard English learning as an interesting experiment\/ test\/ trial....

hobby is something that you may not excellent with ,but like doing.everyone has different hobbies,like busketball,football and swimming ,etc my favorite thing is playing computer,which came into a habbit at my forth grade.i love it because i feel relaxing when doing this i guess...

优美的英文句子,优美句子摘抄送给大家!1.I just couldn't live in a world where you don't exist.没有你的世界,我活着也没有意义。2.Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you.在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。3....

Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item.话说一个商店售货员忘记就一个商品向我们收费。If we keep silent,and profit from the clerk's mistake,we would drive home with a sense of sneaky excitement.如果我们保持沉闷,并从这位售货员的过失中获利,我们就会怀着一种鬼祟激动的...

Freight company has informed us of the discrepancy between the former estimate and the real of the weight, as a result, the sum of money needs to be reconfirmed.

1.helen had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music.helen 不得不大声喊压过音乐的声音才能被别人听到。2.you were silly not to have locked your car.没有锁车,真是太愚蠢了 3.i don't konw whether you happen to have heard,but i'm going to study in the...

励志,并不是让弱者取代另一个人成为强者,而是让一个弱者能与强者比肩,拥有实力相当的生命力和创造力。下面我为大家带来,欢迎大家阅读!励志的英文句子带翻译1:1 The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.舌无骨却能折断骨。2 Truth never fears investigation.事实从来不怕调查。3 A good ...

1. I alway associate the flower smells to my childhood.2. He took off his hat out of respect to the audience.3. I wish I would be a bit taller than you.4. It appears that they don't know what is happening.5. One more lesson you miss and you will fail the exam.6....

本品为中药,对心脏病疗效显著 :This article is a Chinese herbal medicine,and make full affect to the heart attack .用量:每日3次,一次两粒,发病时可以加服1~2粒,可长期服用 :Dosage:take the medicine three times a day and add to take 1~2 grains ,when morbidity may add the ...

杨凌区15130801564: 帮我翻译几句英文句子.在线等,谢谢1.We now live in____________the information Age.我们现在生活在所谓的信息时代2.Wherever he is,he_____________... -
万贷硫酸:[答案] the time what is called(so -called) always takes it as regulation five times high than three times more than

杨凌区15130801564: 在线等,求助,翻译英文句子.3句话.1.There is a wide spread concern over the issue that should we learn English on Internet .2. As far as I am concerned .3.I'... -
万贷硫酸:[答案] 1.广泛关注的一个问题就是我们应该在网上学习英语. 2.直到我得到关心为止. 3.我被这些人深深地感动着.

杨凌区15130801564: 求翻译英语句子!!在线等
万贷硫酸: You should change a point of view to think of it, your mother just care about you.

杨凌区15130801564: 求翻译英语句子,急用!在线等
万贷硫酸: 这是考研的英语句子!要翻译的逻辑性强,而且正确,谢谢.1.Science moves forward,they say,not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.2.Whether the ...

杨凌区15130801564: 英文翻译急!~~~~~~~~~~!在线等!速度 不难,1.我必须跑步.2.我可以回家吗?以上句子翻译 .改为否定句.一般疑问句,用yes和no回答 -
万贷硫酸:[答案] I have to run. I don't have/needn't to run. Do you have to run? Yes,I have. No,I haven't. Can I go home? Yes,you can. No,you can't.

杨凌区15130801564: 翻译句子,懂英语的来,要纯人工翻译,保证对,在线等.... -
万贷硫酸: The criminal ratio is high in the cities.The street is too dark for walking.The traffic often jams here.There are quite some traffic accidents her...

杨凌区15130801564: 求将几个句子翻译成英语. 在线等 -
万贷硫酸: 1、今天的课主要讲如何写新闻总结.(focus on;summary) Today's class was focused on how to write news summary2、老师让我们将难懂的单词划线并查字典找出其意思.(underline) The teacher let us underline the difficult words and look them up...

杨凌区15130801564: 翻译英语句子,不要网站上的在线翻译!...求英语达人,在线等. -
万贷硫酸: 1 Our company is made up by 4 departments.2 The bus is filled with passengers3 Chinatown is known for various kinds of Chinese cuisines4 I...

杨凌区15130801564: 英文句子翻译~~
万贷硫酸: she can fade, or even wither, but whatever, as soon as i catch a glimpse of her, waves of tenderness would surge in me.

杨凌区15130801564: 求翻译一段英文句子,在线等哟.
万贷硫酸: 通常是通过一遍又一遍地重复信息

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