
作者&投稿:寸蔡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

TVXQ, children of God!
These five boys create an incredible miracle of the world!
The new group TVXQ includes Hero, Max, Xiah, U-Know(我喜欢), Micky. From 1999 to 2003, they prepared total fives years to become singers. The group name “TVXQ” just like Kongfu cartoon, it means “Korea has high reputation in whole Asia and world”. Because their aim is not only popular in Korea, but also in whole Asia, so during the preparation, they accept various kinds of training, like dancing and singing, and language training include Chinese and Japanese. What’s more, every member of TVXQ is extraordinary excellent singer, and each of them has bright and vivid characteristics. Therefore, there is no other group can compare with TVXQ.
Every member of TVXQ is leading singer, because every one of them has superexcellent ability in singing, Rap and dancing, so it’s hard to distinguish who is leading singer.
TVXQ has the meaning of the god of east grow up.
TVXQ stands for Tong Vfang Xien Qi
”U-Know” means “to become the sunshine and salt of the world” and “to become the one who understands you”.
(We call him Haizi, Tudou, Doubao…)
”Micky” means “mysterious person”
(we call him Mimi, Dami)
”Hero”, like this name, means to become a hero singer famous in the world.
(we call him Jinxiaohua, Huahua, Zaizai…)
”Xiah” ‘s name is originated from “Yaxiah”, he hopes he can be the most excellent man in Asia.
(we call him Xiuxiu, Xiu…)
”Max” means “to become the strongest man in singing filed”. He can be the strongest man if he tries his best.
(we call him Minmin, Xiaobing, Bingbing…)
















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Dong Bang Shin Gi means 'The Gods Of The East Are Rising'. It consists of five young boy Xiah, Hero, Micky, Max and U-Know from Seoul, South Korea. Though the band was constructed and put together by SM Entertainment, they are far from your typical boy band.

They were discovered through weekly auditions held by the company. The only member that did not audition was Xiah, who earned his spot being brought into SME through a television show. SME were looking for fresh new talent, hoping to form a new band. The rest of the members displayed their strengths in singing, dancing and rapping, which impressed those at SME, instantly earning them a spot in the company. It wasn't easy sailing from than on. The five young men weren't automatically put together, nor were any of them given a record deal but given an opportunity to achieve their dream. It would be years before they would officially debut, during that time, they would train to perfect their craft. As some of the members trained, others were put on to perform.

U-Know first debut was not with the band but as a back-up dancer and a rapper for one of the company's own singers, Dana. It was later on, SME determined that his talents were being wasted and placed him in what was soon to be known as Dong Bang Shin Gi.

Their first performance was back in December of 2003, opening for major headliners Boa and Britney Spears. Those in the venue had no clue who DBSK were but little did they know, that the opening act, those five young men were destine to make a large impact on Korean Pop.

Weeks later, after their first performance, they made their official debut in Korea, unleashing their first single 'Hug'. The medium-tempo accapella dance number was the perfect introduction, displaying the new and young image of the five boys that would take Korea by storm. After the success of their first single, they released their second single 'The Way U Are', showing a new and different image of the five heart-throbs. Many fans were stunned and shocked at the new look of the cute boy band. Despite the new look, they would continue to make an impression on the Korean public, doing varies activities and events to spread the music that was DBSG. The success has continued as they released their much anticipated 2nd studio album 'Rising Sun' and through out the rest of their singles and previous album.

Even with their beautifully sang ballads and choruses Dong Bang Shin Ki is more than just an accappella group but they're pop [Hug], R&B [Tonight], dance [Rising Sun], and maybe even a little bit of rock [Tri-Angle & Free your Mind featuring The Trax]. They have displayed through out many of their singles and their two albums that they are not to box themselves in. They want to expand their music to touch everyone in all music genres. However, it is probably best said that the beauty of their songs are exposed at its fullest when not accompanied by the sounds of instruments but sang by the lovely voices of the five.

Five different men with five different personalities, yet alike in so many ways, all with one common dream and that is to perform. Being exposed to such fame and celebrity in their late teens, one would think that the boys would be at least a bit stuck-up but thats far from it. The boys are down to earth, full of modesty and are completely humble. They owe much of their success to the fans and constantly showing their gratitude and thanks whenever they can. The boys have learned English, Japanese and Chinese [though not completely fluent] to help them communciate with their everlasting fan base. With such busy schedules at the tender ages of 17-19, the boys still find time to focus on their education, attending school to work towards finishing high school or college.

In their short career of approximately two years, their popularity has grown to such incredible heights. With the releases of 'Always There' and 'Rising Sun' from their second album and their new Japanese single 'My Destiny', they are taking the Asian world by force and don't seem to be slowing down any time soon. True to their name, they have expanded outside of their native country of Korea, directing their eye on the rest of the Asian market. But their music hasn't solely touched the hearts of those in Asia but around the world.

The Gods from the East certainly are rising..

Real name : Kim Jae-joong
Physique : 178cm, 63kg
Place of birth : South Chungcheong Province
Blood type : O
Hobbies : Computer games, listening to music
Talent : Singing, imitating other singers
Ideal woman : Someone with a good first impression.
Prize winning : The Best Looks Prize at the second SM Best Competition
Real name : Shim Chang-min
Physique : 184cm, 61kg
Place of birth : Seoul
Blood type : B
Hobbies : Listening to music, singing, computer games, reading
Talents : Vocal and dance
Ideal woman : Cute and active style
Prize winning : The Best Singer Prize at the 6th SM Best Competition

Real name : Kim Joon-soo
Date of birth : January 1st, 1987
Physique : 178cm, 60kg
Place of birth : Gyeonggi Province
Blood type : B
Hobbies : Playing the piano, soccer, computer games, singing
Talents : Vocal and dance

Real name : Jeong Yoon-ho
Date of birth : February 6th, 1986
Place of birth : South Jeolla Province
Physique : 183cm, 66kg
Blood type : A
Hobbies : Listening to music, reading, exercising, song-writing
Talents : Vocal and dance
Prize winning : The Best Dancer Prize at the 1st SM Best Competition

Real name : Park Yoo-cheon
Physique : 180cm, 64kg
Place of birth : Seoul
Date of birth : June 4th, 1986
Blood type : O
Hobbies : Song-writing, basketball
Talents : Vocal, lyrics, song-writing
Prize winning : Special Prize at the 2003 KBN Youth Song Festival, Grand Prize at the 2001 American Song Contest (Virginia)

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下关区18792101911: 急求东方神起成员英文介绍!!!5只都需要!!! -
芷峡肝胆: tvxq are now very famous in asia and even in some western countries.they have been debuted for more than five years.before that,they also have trained in sm for several years.they sang and danced,learned a lot of things and practised all day long,...

下关区18792101911: [求助]仙后打破吉尼斯记录的英文报导原文由于英语课上的一节自由讲课需要制作一个英文课件我想讲神起希望亲们能给我帮助1、五只的介绍2、个人简介3、... -
芷峡肝胆:[答案] 我只有第3个原文:TVXQ in Guiness World Record 2008 The fanclub of Asia's Top Artists group TVXQ,known as Cassiopeia has been recorded to The Guinness World Record Book of 2008,for the BIGGEST fanclub o...

下关区18792101911: 谁能帮我写一篇5句话的英文自我介绍(简单的词)
芷峡肝胆: I am -- I am come form China ,I am Chinese I am -- years old,and I am a student . I study in Middle Shool My favourite lesson is maths,I don't like English

下关区18792101911: 谁帮我写一篇英文的自我介绍啊???不要太长,小学生那种水平,就可以啦,10句话,1分钟左右 -
芷峡肝胆: My name is Huang Jinghao. This year 12 years old. There are 3 people in my family, my father my mother and me. I...

下关区18792101911: 帮我写个英语自我介绍吧5分钟左右的 -
芷峡肝胆: 1.i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree ...

下关区18792101911: 请帮忙提示一下用英语怎样写自我介绍的作文. -
芷峡肝胆: 第一句: my name is第二句:I was born in (地方)in (年)第三句: there are XX persons in my family.第四句:my father is a (职业)and my mother is (职业)第五句: I am now working / studying in (单位 或学校)第六句: I think (你对你的座右铭的理解)第七句: I hope (你的理想)

下关区18792101911: 简单的英语自我介绍,5句以上就可以,只求速度回答此问题,因为我1小时后就要去考试 -
芷峡肝胆: Hello,everyone.My name is ***(你的名字),I'm *(你的年纪) years old.I study in ***(你的学校名) Primary School.I'm in Grade*(你的年级) Class*(你的班级). I like football and English very much,and i often play football with my classmates...

下关区18792101911: 我是五年级的学生,请帮我写一份英文自我介绍 -
芷峡肝胆: my name is ***,i am *(填岁数) years old.i come from ***(填你的 所在地) i study in ******(所在学校) now.my teachers and frends are very frendly to me. i am very glad to be here.

下关区18792101911: 五年级英语自我介绍稿 -
芷峡肝胆: Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly I am 12 years old,born in shandong province . I was ...

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