
作者&投稿:习豪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

English as a foreign language, and its ultimate goal is to communication, therefore, English teaching should also to cultivate students' English communication skills as the basic goal. However, in China's English teaching class, in the face of the students' English foundation is different, the present situation of the vocabulary is limited, the teacher may through the body language to simplify the language of instruction, auxiliary classroom teaching. Body language can accurately and effectively express the speaker's intention, make knowledge visualization, improve the teaching effect.

Material is used in the 333-332-00 sp26, but sp26 this material minimum quantity is very large, considering the project's annual consumption is small, so can use sp27 this material to replace, the attachment is the sp27 SPEC, please let us know,

理论的时间安排是1/3学习1/3学生工作和活动1/3休息 学习是首要任务,也是主要目的,大学里的图书馆是个好去处,在掌握专业课程之外,尽量多去图书馆吸取精华 里面的很多资源都是毕业后无法利用到的 学生工作和活动也是大学生活的重点,多参加学校活动,有机会尽量争取担任一些学生干部职务,即使你认为学生干部不能锻炼什么,那些经历对你的将来也是大有好处的 我很反对一些两耳不闻窗外事的人,往往都是高分低能的人,将来出了读研读博应该没有更合适的去处了 再有就是休息了,身体才是革命的本钱,不用讲你也明白 不管千万要记住的是
Theory of time arrangement is a third study a third student work and activities to rest a third study is the primary mission, is also the main purpose of the university library is a good place, in the grasp of professional course, but as much as possible to the library absorbs the essence inside a lot of resources are after graduation can't use to students work and activities are also the focus of university life, participate in school activities, have the opportunity to strive for as far as possible as some students cadres, even if you think the student cadres cannot exercise what, those who experience to your future is of great advantage to the I'm against some two ear not smell things outside the window, often are high scores low energy, the future out of the reading study bo should no more suitable place for the another is the rest, the body is the capital of revolution, don't speak you also understand that no matter must to remember is

A theoretical way to arrange time is to spend one third of your time on study, one third on work and one third on rest.
Study should be given priority. The library is a good place for study. Besides those taught on the class, we shall spend more time on brousing books in library to adopt more knowledge. After we are graduated, we will not have such good chance to spend time in library.
Work and activity are also very important in college life. Try to participate more in school activity and try to get some student jobs in the student union. Even if you can not learn a lot from student work, the experience will be benefit for your future development. I disagree with the opinion that the only job for student is to study because students with high score may have low ability. They will have difficulty in finding a job although master degree is gained.
The last but not least is rest. A good health can provide you more chance to develop yourself.
One more thing that you need to remember is that you can not be indulged in computer game which will ruin your life.

the arrange of time theory is 1/3 used for learning,1/3 used for students' work and activities, and 1/3 used for rest.
Learning is a priority, also the main purpose of the university library is a good place to go, as much as possible to go to the library to acquire specialized courses were absorbed. Inside of a lot of resources to not take advantage after graduation. Student work and activities is also the focus of university life, and more to participate in school activities, have the opportunity to strive to serve as student leaders positions, even if you think that student leaders can not exercise what those who have experienced a lot of good to your future is. I am very much opposed to some ears do not hear out of the window, are often Gaofendineng of future out there should be no more appropriate place for a graduate school for Ph.D. study. And then there is the rest of the body is the capital of revolution, do not say you understand. No matter must remember, do not indulge in the game. The games harm to ah.

帮小弟个忙,把下面中文翻译成英文,谢谢 知道你因为考试的原因,心情烦 ...
I know you do not bother to contact me as you are turmoil because the coming examination. I have on other meaning but hope you come back to yourself soon.




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