
作者&投稿:宰闻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Last Rose of Summer

Thomas Moores

'Tis the last rose of summer,
Left blooming alone.
All her lovely companions
Are faded and gone.
No flow'r of her kindred,
No rosebud is nigh,
To reflect back her blushes
Or give sigh for sigh.

I'll not leave thee thou lone one
To pine on the stem,
Since the lovely are sleeping
Go sleep thou with them;
Thus kindly I scatter
Thy leaves o'er the bed,
Where thy mates of the garden
Lie scentless and dead.

So soon may I follow
When friendships decay,
And from loves' shining circle
The gems drop away!
When true hearts lie withered
And fond ones are flown
Oh! Who would inhabit
This bleak world alone?



The Olympics of Ancient Greece

Although records cannot verify games earlier than 776 B.C., the contests in Homer's Iliad indicate a much earlier competitive tradition. Held in honor of Zeus in the city of Olympia for four days every fourth summer, the Olympic games were the oldest and most prestigious of four great ancient Greek athletic festivals, which also included the Pythian games at Delphi, the Isthmian at Corinth, and the Nemean at Argos (the Panathenaea at Athens was also important). The Olympics reached their height in the 5th–4th cent. B.C.; thereafter they became more and more professionalized until, in the Roman period, they provoked much censure. They were eventually discontinued by Emperor Theodosius I of Rome, who condemned them as a pagan spectacle, at the end of the 4th cent. A.D.

Among the Greeks, the games were nationalistic in spirit; states were said to have been prouder of Olympic victories than of battles won. Women, foreigners, slaves, and dishonored persons were forbidden to compete. Contestants were required to train faithfully for 10 months before the games, had to remain 30 days under the eyes of officials in Elis, who had charge of the games, and had to take an oath that they had fulfilled the training requirements before participating. At first, the Olympic games were confined to running, but over time new events were added: the long run (720 B.C.), when the loincloth was abandoned and athletes began competing naked; the pentathlon, which combined running, the long jump, wrestling, and discus and spear throwing (708 B.C.); boxing (688 B.C.); chariot racing (680 B.C.); the pankration (648 B.C.), involving boxing and wrestling contests for boys (632 B.C.); and the foot race with armor (580 B.C.).

Greek women, forbidden not only to participate in but also to watch the Olympic games, held games of their own, called the Heraea. Those were also held every four years but had fewer events than the Olympics. Known to have been conducted as early as the 6th cent. B.C., the Heraea games were discontinued about the time the Romans conquered Greece. Winning was of prime importance in both male and female festivals. The winners of the Olympics (and of the Heraea) were crowned with chaplets of wild olive, and in their home city-states male champions were also awarded numerous honors, valuable gifts, and privileges.

The Modern Olympics

The modern revival of the Olympic games is due in a large measure to the efforts of Pierre, baron de Coubertin, of France. They were held, appropriately enough, in Athens in 1896, but that meeting and the ones that followed at Paris (1900) and at St. Louis (1904) were hampered by poor organization and the absence of worldwide representation. The first successful meet was held at London in 1908; since then the games have been held in cities throughout the world (see Sites of the Modern Olympic Games, table). World War I prevented the Olympic meeting of 1916, and World War II the 1940 and 1944 meetings. The number of entrants, competing nations, and events have increased steadily.

To the traditional events of track and field athletics, which include the decathlon and heptathlon, have been added a host of games and sports—archery, badminton, baseball and softball, basketball, boxing, canoeing and kayaking, cycling, diving, equestrian contests, fencing, field hockey, gymnastics, judo and taekwondo, the modern pentathlon, rowing, sailing, shooting, soccer, swimming, table tennis, team (field) handball, tennis, trampoline, the triathlon, volleyball, water polo, weight lifting, and wrestling. Olympic events for women made their first appearance in 1912. A separate series of winter Olympic meets, inaugurated (1924) at Chamonix, France, now includes ice hockey, curling, bobsledding, luge, skeleton, and skiing, snowboarding, and skating events. Since 1994 the winter games have been held in even-numbered years in which the summer games are not contested. Until late in the 20th cent. the modern Olympics were open only to amateurs, but the governing bodies of several sports now permit professionals to compete as well.

As a visible focus of world energies, the Olympics have been prey to many factors that thwarted their ideals of world cooperation and athletic excellence. As in ancient Greece, nationalistic fervor has fostered intense rivalries that at times threatened the survival of the games. Although officially only individuals win Olympic medals, nations routinely assign political significance to the feats of their citizens and teams. Between 1952 and 1988 rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, rooted in mutual political antagonism, resulted in each boycotting games hosted by the other (Moscow, 1980; Los Angeles, 1984). Politics has influenced the Olympic games in other ways, from the propaganda of the Nazis in Berlin (1936) to pressures leading to the exclusion of white-ruled Rhodesia from the Munich games (1972). At Munich, nine Israeli athletes were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian terrorists. The International Olympic Committee (IOC), which sets and enforces Olympic policy, has struggled with the licensing and commercialization of the games, the need to schedule events to accommodate American television networks (whose broadcasting fees help underwrite the games), and the monitoring of athletes who seek illegal competitive advantages, often through the use of performance-enhancing drugs. The IOC itself has also been the subject of controversy. In 1998 a scandal erupted with revelations that bribery and favoritism had played a role in the awarding of the 2002 Winter Games to Salt Lake City, Utah, and in the selection of some earlier venues. As a result, the IOC instituted a number of reforms including, in 1999, initiating age and term limits for members and barring them from visiting cities bidding to be Olympic sites.


Games held in ancient times on the plain of Olympia in Greece every four years. It was a time for laying aside political and religious differences, as athletes from all the Greek cities and districts competed. The games included patriotic and religious rituals as well as athletic contests, and high honors were given to the winners. The Greeks counted their years by olympiads (periods of four years) and dated events from the first Olympics in 776 b.c.

The Olympic Games deteriorated under Roman rule of Greece and were halted in the fourth century. They were revived in the late nineteenth century, with goals of peace and fellowship modeled on those of the ancient Olympics. The modern Olympics include many athletic events of the original games, such as the discus throw.








就是在这样的条件下,古代奥运会连续举办了一千多年。据说,奥运会的脏乱程度令人闻之色变,以至于有这样一种说法——对于不服管教的奴隶,主人会以威胁的口气对他说:再不听话,就罚你去奥林匹亚看奥运会! (《南方周末》8.19赋格文)










奥运会自公元 776 年于希腊的奥林匹亚举行以来,已经有 1200 年的历史。当时的运动项目有五项全能(包含铁饼、标枪、跳远、赛跑和摔跤)、赛跑、拳击、摔跤、Pankration(拳击和摔跤的混合运动)、四轮马车赛跑和骑马。
奥林匹克的复兴始自 1896 年,当时希腊的雅典举办了第一次现代奥运会,当时有来自 14 个国家的 245 名运动员参加。 此后,参赛运动员、参赛国家和比赛项目与日俱增,在 2000 年澳大利亚的悉尼奥运会上,有来自 199 个国家的 10,000 多名运动员参赛。

冬季体育项目最早在 1908 年添加到奥运会中,当时是花样滑冰运动。冰球项目自 1920 年加入。在 1924 年,冬奥会第一次在法国的查米尼斯单独举行。 自 1994 起,冬奥会定于不和夏季奥运会同年举行,因此目前奥运会为每两年一届,冬季奥运会和夏季奥运会交替进行。




说起五环的来历,曾经有过这样一个有趣的故事。 1936年第11届柏林奥运会第一次举行火炬传递活动,火炬的传递路线自奥林匹亚开始,从希腊北部出境,沿多瑙河穿过奥地利,最后进入德国。为了烘托这一具有象征意义的活动,奥运会组委会主席卡尔•迪姆及其同事几乎完全按照古奥运会的情景来布置沿途经过的古希腊遗址。火炬到达德尔菲帕那萨斯山的古代运动场时要举行一个特别仪式,这时,迪姆突发奇想,在一个高约3英尺的长方形石头的四面设计并刻上了现代奥林匹克运动的五环标志,放在了古运动场的起跑线一端。仪式结束后,火炬继续北上,而这块作为道具的石头却被留在了古运动场。







A great deal of people can't give birth to child in now days on the world. In western countries those people would rather to adopt baby from orphanage, the kid possesses of exactly the same as other kids in their family. Chinese people is still very conventional, especially in some typical areas of China, people will try everything for their attempt to have a baby by their own, it's like a kind of faith planted in people's mind, it's the first aim to have a baby after marriage, then it's better and evident to have boy. In countryside of China, people will feel proud with a boy when they chat and concentrate on family details. Even in city, it's convinced that a happy family is consist of one boy and one girl. But it can only happens by coincidence due to the one child policy. On the other hand, from the difference between China and western countries we can see, China is still a developing country and people is still not as open as westerners.

纯手译, 供你参考,说的是中西方在领养孩子和生男生女上的差异。

A great deal of people can't give birth to child in now days on the world. In western countries those people would rather to adopt baby from orphanage, the kid possesses of exactly the same as other kids in their family.

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