急求地心游记英文观后感 150词

作者&投稿:子阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Remove a star from the rating if you take this Journey without wearing 3-D glasses. That's where the real fun comes in. Otherwise you have a family-friendly retelling of Jules Verne's 1864 novel (best remembered is the 1959 movie with an overqualified James Mason, a shirtless Pat Boone and a gorgeous Arlene Dahl) in a romp that is lazily content to connect the dots instead of breaking new ground. Brendan Fraser is Indiana Jones stalwart and goofily charming as Trevor Anderson, a science prof who retraces the steps of his brother, who died searching for the center of the earth. With his 13-year-old nephew (Josh Hutcherson) in tow, along with a Icelandic babe (Anita Briem) in the role of guide, Trevor finds his way by carrying a copy of the book Verne wrote 144 years ago (score one for literary merit). In 2-D, it's all achingly familiar. In 3-D, the story comes alive, despite the tacky sets and gimmicks. Put on those glasses and you get toothpaste spat in your face, a T-Rex breathing up your nostrils, and what may be the longest fall in movie history. I don't know if 3-D could improve all movies (nothing could make The Love Guru funny) but it sure works here.

What makes for a successful family film? Is it memorable characters, a wealth of emotion and a unique premise? Or is it simply putting enough action on screen to make sure the adults don't get bored and the kiddies don't fall asleep? Journey to the Center of the Earth, which opens today in theaters everywhere, banks on the latter. The 92-minute film moves at a brisk pace, barely stopping for exposition as the characters hustle through a variety of different adventures thousands of miles beneath the Earth's surface. The 3-D element and B-list cast only add to the theme park feel of the entire enterprise, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Journey to the Center of the Earth may not be concerned with a deep story and intriguing character development, but it's quite the ride nonetheless.

Instead of taking its story from the novel by Jules Verne, this latest film adaptation weaves the book into the plot in a more interesting way. Trevor (Brendan Fraser) is a geeky scientist whose brother disappeared years ago while trying to find a route to the center of the Earth. When he finds a copy of Verne's novel that also contains his brother's notes, he realizes that the famed author may have been writing fact instead of fiction. Determined to find a volcanic tube that leads to the planet's core, Trevor takes his nephew Sean (Josh Hutcherson) to Iceland, where they team up with a gorgeous guide named Hannah (Anita Briem). After a long fall sends them plummeting below the Earth's surface, the trio find a land that contains a beautiful ocean, magnetic rocks, man-eating plants, an angry Tyrannosaurus Rex, and other strange wonders.

Much like last year's Beowulf, the best reason to see Journey to the Center of the Earth is to experience the 3-D. The film is being released in the format on about 1,500 screens, and it's definitely worth seeking out a theater that's equipped with the technology. After the brief setup the film is jam-packed with CGI, and the experience is much more effective when birds, yo-yos, flashlights and monsters are flying out of the screen. The format works perfectly for this type of film, which is more concerned with providing a thrill ride anything of substance.

With visual effects whiz Eric Brevig making his feature directorial debut, it's no surprise that the CGI is impressive. Where the movie falters is with its story and characters, which are about two dimensions short of being in 3-D. The script devolves into a series of action set-pieces after the first twenty minutes, only stopping for brief moments thereafter to develop an afterthought of a romance and to deal with the mystery of Trevor's missing brother. Brevig keeps things moving a bit too quickly, and the result is a movie that has all the weight of cotton candy.

While the film offers little to chew on, there's no denying that some of the adventurous antics on screen are tons of fun. A dangerous mine car ride straight out of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom provides some excitement, as does a scene where Trevor and Sean try to out run a T-Rex. However, the best sequence in the movie involves Sean jumping across a series of floating magnetic rocks that are suspended in mid-air. Though similar to moments in hundreds of video games, the director manages to elicit giddy thrills with the high-flying stunts. With each of these set-pieces coming one after the other and numerous things jumping at you from the screen, it's impossible to get bored during the film's short running time.

The performances are perfectly serviceable considering that the characters have no depth. Fraser has made a career out of mugging while fleeing CGI monstrosities, and he acquits himself well here. Hutcherson is a stand out as the slightly troubled, awestruck teen, and he makes sure his character never falls into the trap of being shrill and annoying. They make a believable team, though Anita Briem barely registers as the supposedly feisty Hannah. She's the one actor in the film who can't breathe additional life into her cardboard character.

If you see Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3-D, it makes for an entertaining romp that will enthrall kids and won't leave adults feeling insulted. It may be a piece of completely forgettable fluff, but at least it provides some fleeting thrills before the end credits roll.

Characters wave tape measures at the screen for no reason other than to make an audience bob and weave. Goofy Brendan Fraser spits toothpaste in our general direction. Fanged fish leap into our virtual laps. When a yo-yo springs from Josh Hutcherson's hands, we jump in our seats.

It's recommended you journey to a theater with 3-D capabilities if you're taking the family to see Journey. Though available everywhere in the standard, everyday, two-dimensional presentation (read: flat as a board and about as interesting), Journey makes excellent use of modern 3-D technology and actually harkens back to campy science-fiction of the 1950s.

Geologist Trevor Anderson (Fraser) and his nephew Sean (Hutcherson) follow clues left in a tattered copy of Jules Verne's novel Journey to the Center of the Earth that they hope will lead them to Sean's missing father, Max (Jean Michael Pare). Their mission transports them to Iceland, where adorable mountain climber Hannah (Anita Briem) pilots them to a volcanic tube that carries them... well, you've read the title, so you get the idea.

Journey makes about as much sense as a National Treasure film and moves as rapidly. For a film that gleefully apes Steven Spielberg -- with rampaging dinosaurs, hurtling mine cars, and a distracting father-son complex -- Journey actually equals this summer's Indiana Jones sequel on the assembly line of escalating dangers.

The rattling calamity is obvious, sure, but surprisingly effective. On normal screens, though, Journey will lose its added visual dimension (pun intended), and subtract most of its fun.

Like any conscientious movie critic, I do what I can to avoid clichés, and since I am only human I don’t always succeed. But I have long vowed never to stoop to what I regard as the lowest kind of hackery, which is to describe a motion picture as a thrill ride, a heckofa ride or any other kind of ride.

So what am I supposed to do about “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” a new movie that shares its name with a beloved Jules Verne novel, copies of which occasionally appear on screen? On their way to the titular destination, the three main characters — a geologist (Brendan Fraser), his young nephew (Josh Hutcherson) and an Icelandic mountain guide (Anita Briem) — speed down steeply inclined tracks in wheeled cars, rather like a roller coaster. A bit later, as they fly through the subterranean air, one of them predicts that they will descend into something “just like a water slide.” Near the end, after they have parasailed, fled from beasts and surfed on magnetic rocks, they whiz down a green hillside on a sled improvised from the jawbone of a dinosaur. If this movie is not a ride, then what is it?

One thing it may not be, quite, is a movie. The 3-D technology, which you experience (in the theaters where it’s available) through spiffy gray-tinted glasses, does provide a few “Wow!,” “Eww!” and “Yikes!” moments, though the most impressive of them are also the least spectacular, as when Mr. Hutcherson swings a yo-yo or Mr. Fraser, after brushing his teeth, spits into the sink. Otherwise the effect messes with your ability to see clearly what is in the frame, so that the actors look like cutouts arranged in a snow globe.

Not that they have much dimension to work with, since the script, by Michael Weiss, Jennifer Flackett and Mark Levin, is as functional as the direction, by Eric Brevig, is fussy. The geologist, whose brother vanished trying to prove his Vernean hypothesis, takes the brother’s adolescent son to Iceland, where they meet the mountain guide, whose father also vanished into the center of the Earth. A lot of scientifically preposterous, mildly diverting stuff happens down there, and then, just like that, the ride is over.


For decades theme parks have made attractions out of 3D movies-- Universal's Terminator 3D, or MGM's Muppets 3D-- so it makes sense that the first big live-action 3D movie of the current 3D craze feels like a theme park attraction. The journey of Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D feels like a visit to Frontierland, with boat rides, mine carts, and one heck of a log flume. Experiencing it all in glorious 3D ups the ante-- it'll be a brave 8-year-old who never finds his palms sweating.

Journey 3D is predictable, cheesy and not even a little edgy, but it's also as much fun as you're likely to have in a PG movie this summer. A retelling of Jules Verne's original story that takes the 19th-century novel as fact, the movie is a dream come true for anyone who's every imagined stepping through the wardrobe or riding the Hogwarts Express. If the lead characters are a little bland and unoriginal, it's all the better for us to put ourselves in their spelunking shoes.

Brendan Fraser stars, however improbably, as geology professor Trevor. His brother Max disappeared years earlier while researching "volcanic tubes," essentially express lanes to the center of the earth. Trevor has continued Max's research and is in danger of losing his department as a result, but during one fateful weekend visit from Max's son Sean (Josh Hutcherson), the numbers of his research align and inspire Trevor to embark again on Max's old expedition. Along the way Trevor and Sean meet up with an old scientist's daughter in Iceland (Anita Briem), and the three trek up a mountain to find one of Trevor's geologic sensors. But, of course, it's only a few wrong steps before the journey heads way, way down below.

Over the course of the intra-terrestrial adventure, there's some uncle-nephew bonding and a rote romance. But it's all reasonably interspersed among thrilling scenes of action, the better ones including jumping, flesh-eating shark that attack a raft, a rickety mine cart/roller coaster, and a T-Rex that, for whatever reason, lives happily in the earth's molten core. Each of the scenes make copious use of CGI, but with the 3D glasses and the highly unrealistic setting, it's not as egregious as it was in, say, the newest Indiana Jones.

And the 3D is used for all kinds of fun gags, like a yo-yo flying at the audience's face, or fish snapping their teeth seemingly inches away. But it also effectively draws the audience into the story in a way a normal movie this predictable couldn't manage. Moments that might otherwise be groan-inducing become much-needed comfort or comic relief for an audience that's as close to part of the action as they can get.

The chef flaw of Journey 3D is in how long it takes to get going, and how much time is dedicated to nonsense science explanations of phenomena the audience is perfectly willing to accept as is. But luckily the science talk is abandoned as soon as the trio begins its journey, and the characters spend most of their time shouting things like "Watch out!" and "Find the geyser!"

You could accuse Journey of being crudely commercial, hitting all the audience-pleasing beats without too much creativity in the mix. But that would be denying the sheer pleasure of going through an experience with a predetermined ending-- like any given romantic comedy, or, say, a roller coaster. Strap on your 3D glasses, keep your hands and arms inside the seats, and enjoy the ride.

Families looking for something to while away summer could do a lot worse than make this particular trip to the earth's core. It's the latest of many versions of Jules Verne's evergreen action yarn.

Everyone from Pat Boone in 1959 to odd comic Emo Philips thirty years later have made the trip… but this one is "the first live-action, narrative motion picture to be shot in digital 3D."

What that basically means is that you get everything from a cockroach's feelers waving over an audience of squealing ankle biters to a foul-fanged piranha leaping over their ducking heads. It's great.

Brendan Fraser - an actor seldom out of khaki - is the amiable college geophysicist who follows in the footsteps of his missing explorer brother…and finds himself tumbling down a volcanic tube in Iceland.

Joining him hurtling towards the earth’s core are his cocky nephew Sean (Bridge To Terabithia’s Hutcherson) and nubile mountain guide Hannah (Briem).

Miraculously landing safely with a big splash in a prehistoric pond, they find themselves in a surreal universe where mushrooms grow twenty feet tall, subterranean seas lap on sandy shores and dinosaurs are on the prowl despite having no apparent sources of food.

But let’s not get too pedantic. Just enjoy it for what it is – a Saturday morning pictures yarn with a bigger budget and a fancy 3D camera borrowed from James “Titanic” Cameron.

OK it’s a commercial template for a theme park ride…but it's also a thrillingly enjoyable action caper that makes joyous use of the clever-dick technology available to it.

First-time director Eric Brevig, who cut his teeth as a special effects supremo on Total Recall and Pearl Harbor, knows his craft and keeps the action simple and effective.

Highpoints include Sean gingerly hopping across a chasm on shifting stepping stones held in place by a magnetic force, a drooling T-Rex and the salty crossing of a ocean containing writhing serpents.

What helps is the likeable cast. Fraser is an affable old hand at this sort of thing, Hutcherson is one of the few American teens you don’t want to slap and Briern acquits herself well in her first major role.

It’s great, family fun. Go the journey.

A film that shares the same name with science fiction writer Jules Verne's book tries to share the same theme of his writing style. Verne wrote with inspiration as you actually thought what he wrote was real and NOT science fiction.

And that's what great movies are about. We enter a world and we believe everything that is happening.

So Journey to the Center of the Earth takes the name of the novel but doesn't take the books inspiration. For 90 minutes, I felt like I was on a amusement park ride that I wanted to get
off 15 minutes in. I like riding roller coasters with the best of them, but I get sick of them after the fourth time around. Sometimes lineups are good and blessings in disguise. It gives you time to talk about the last ride and prepare for the new one. Journey doesn't offer that, which is too bad.

I was given my 3D glasses and prepared myself for an interesting time. I know that this is really the future in film, especially in action films like these. But they are at their elementary steps in the process as they really don't seem to know yet what to do with 3D. Either it gets too busy or it's not busy enough. They haven't found that balance yet. Perhaps James Cameron's 3D Avator, coming out next summer will be the real start to movies to come. Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3D definitely isn't worth the extra price in admission. So please don't bother.

This is a film filled with cliche after cliche. It's actually offensive in a way as you can only take so much. There isn't much for special effects wizard turned director Eric Brevig to work with, but even his direction is as basic as you can get.

So it makes me wonder if they were paying too much attention on the 3D stuff than the actual direction and story. After all, Cameron has spent almost 3 years and going on Avator. The creative team of Journey of the Center of the Earth spent a faction of that time.

It's a new way to make a film, which I'm all for as we need some flare to the film watch experience. But the bottom line always is an entertaining story where they take you into their world and you're glad to follow them. Having a good story is the key before anything else and it seemed that they forgot that.
And I don't think we need to see anymore dinosaurs in movies anymore.

Journey to the Center of the Earth is a good fun movie. It is not as serious toned as the original film by the same title. But it is good in a different way.

The story basically involves a rock scientist, Frasier, and his nephew whom he had not seen in a while. While conducting some tests they soon begin on a journey to the center of the Earth by accident.

The acting was great. THe bond that Frasier's character and the nephew character develop is great. And the female guide that goes with them was pretty good also. I think Brendan Frasier may be one of the most under rated actors of his time. He has been in a few bad films, but he has a lot of good films under his belt as well.

This film has good pace as well. You do not have to wait long for action, and there is plenty of action.

SO this is a good action packed film with good acting. I prefer the original, but this is a really good film.



当品味完一本著作后,相信大家都有很多值得分享的东西,需要写一篇读后感好好地作记录了。那么你真的懂得怎么写读后感吗?以下是我收集整理的《地心游记》读后感,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 《地心游记》读后感1 纳是19世纪享誉世界的科幻小说家,他也被称为是“科学时代的寓言家”,相信大家一定读过凡尔纳的其它科幻...

中文名:地心游记 英文名:Journey to the Center of the Earth 其他中文片名:地心探险记 其他影片别名:Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth \/ Trip to the Center of the Earth 类型:冒险 \/ 科幻 \/ 幻想 发行年代:1959 导演: Henry Levin 编剧: Charles Brackett \/ Robert ...

《地心游记》中文名:地心游记 英文名:Journey to the Center of the Earth 其他中文片名:地心探险记 其他影片别名:Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth \/ Trip to the Center of the Earth 类型:冒险 \/ 科幻 \/ 幻想 发行年代:1959 导演: Henry Levin 编剧: Charles Brackett ...

细细品味一本名著后,相信你一定有很多值得分享的收获,需要写一篇读后感好好地作记录了。想必许多人都在为如何写好读后感而烦恼吧,以下是我为大家收集的《地心游记》读后感,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 《地心游记》读后感1 这是一部充满传奇和幻想色彩的小说,主人公克洛里登教授与他的侄子阿克赛尔发...

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读了法国着名科幻小说作家儒勒凡尔纳所着的《地心游记》后知道了天下无难事,只怕有心人。 下面是我收集的《地心游记》读后感,供大家参考!【篇一】《地心游记》讲的是德国的一位矿物学家李登布洛克教授发现了一封密码信,他的侄子阿克赛尔破译了这封密码信,并告诉了叔叔,没想到引火烧身―被迫去了...

这一切的一切,都发生在《地心历险记2:神秘岛》上,这是继20xx年全球大获成功的《历险之旅1:地心游记》后,另一段惊心动魄的历险故事。 值得一说的是,该片我已经看过四遍,每次看过后,都有新的感受。仔细想来,该片吸引你白看不厌的主要有:既有美丽的风景,又有漂亮的剧中人,既有惊险的瞬间,又有享受的时刻...

当认真看完一本名著后,想必你有不少可以分享的东西,这时就有必须要写一篇读后感了!那要怎么写好读后感呢?以下是我精心整理的《地心游记》读后感,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 《地心游记》读后感1 今天下午,我在奶奶家怀着好奇的心情读完了《地心游记》。 不论是世界万物的进化与灭绝,还是人世间的战乱与变迁,都发生在...

东安县17734817543: 急求地心游记英文观后感 150词 -
贲鸿蜂毒: Journey to the Center of the Earth is a good fun movie. It is not as serious toned as the original film by the same title. But it is good in a different way.The story basically involves a rock scientist, Frasier, and his nephew whom he had not seen in a ...

东安县17734817543: 英语作文地心历险记观后感100词 -
贲鸿蜂毒: Today I and several students in the class and a mother to watch the movie "geocentric adventure". By watching the movie, let I learned: to believe in yourself, be brave in the face of difficulties, to have the courage to overcome difficulties. I like ...

东安县17734817543: 急求地心历险记观后感(用英文写的)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
贲鸿蜂毒: Even wanted to travel to the center of the earth? I am sure not many would have even thought of this. If it is travelling to a different country especially a popular tourist destination then I am sure all people will be willing. Even if it is a popular shopping ...

东安县17734817543: 地心游记的英语影评(200词)怎么写???
贲鸿蜂毒: This is the first digital 3D technology in order to complete the production of the action-adventure film. Trevor (played布兰登弗莱瑟) is a young geologist, he also studies the brother of Geological Sciences in 1997 to Iceland when the exploration of the ...

东安县17734817543: 地心游记英语读后感 -
贲鸿蜂毒: "The center" the wonderful spoke of the main characters, self uncle one day when reading in casually found a piece of parchment, there is a mysterious code above. After decoding, is let the alchemy of al, sarkozy's Sam. The letter to the effect that ...

东安县17734817543: 地心游记的英语影评怎么写 -
贲鸿蜂毒: I like this movie .Because the film is very science fiction. The characters in this movie are very brave and resourceful. If you can, I want to go to adventure, try to be a brave man. This film is very good, I like. 我很喜欢这部电影,因为这部电影非常科幻.电影里的人物也很勇敢机智,如果可以,我也想去历险,做一个勇敢的人,这部电影很好看,我喜欢.

东安县17734817543: 地心历险记读后感英文60字以内
贲鸿蜂毒: I liked many aspects of the movie..Anita Briem was very likable and I have always liked Brendan Frasier. I thought the special effects were very good, and a lot of the 3D effects were a lot of fun. More than once, I wanted to reach out in front of me and...

东安县17734817543: 地心游记的英文读后感
贲鸿蜂毒: di xin you ki shi yo Ben fei Chang hao de shu.

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贲鸿蜂毒: [《地心历险记2:神秘岛》观后感]为了纪念我们的五周月,我们出去看电影,《地心历险记2:神秘岛》观后感.我和老公都是爱看电影的人,不过我却是一个十分健忘的人.忘记的速度似乎比看电影的速度还快.我经常会彻底忘记我们曾看过...

东安县17734817543: 帮忙写一篇"地心历险记2"的英文读后感,100词. -
贲鸿蜂毒: " Geocentric adventure2" is a science fiction film, in the movie, you will enter into a fantasy world, a world you have never seen ... ...The protagonist Sean in order to search for his grandfather and explore the legend of the mystical Island, forced ...

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