
作者&投稿:厍鸦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Wusong of Liangshan Haohan went home to visit his brother and passed Jingyanggang on the way. Having drunk eighteen bowls of wine at the Okayama Hotel, he staggered up to the Okayama.
It was not much fun to see a tree that said, "Nearly because of the Tigers in Jingyanggang, they hurt people, but there are former businessmen, they should join forces to cross the hill, please don't mistake yourself."
Wu Song believed that this was written by the restaurant to be frightening, in order to let the passers-by stay in his shop, ignore it, and continue to move forward.
When the sun was setting, Wu Song came to a broken temple and saw an official notice posted on the temple door. After Wu Song read it, he knew that there were tigers on the mountain.
He wanted to go back to his hotel, afraid of jokes from the shop owners, and went on. Because of the alcoholic attack, he found a big bluestone, lying on his back, just about to fall asleep, suddenly listened to a gust of wind whistling, one eye up, the white tiger on his forehead rushed towards Wusong, Wusong quickly dodged, hiding behind the tiger.
As soon as the tiger rolled over, Wu Song hid away again. The tiger was in a hurry and roared loudly. He hit Wusong with his tail. Wusong jumped away again. In the instant when the tiger turned around, he raised his whistle stick and hit the tiger head with all his strength.
Just listen to "click" and the whistle stick hits the branch. Wu Song threw away half of the stick and sat on the back of the tiger. He grabbed the skin on the tiger's head with his left hand and hit the tiger's head with his right hand.
Before long, he bled his eyes, mouth, nose and ears everywhere and could not move on the ground. Wu Song was afraid of the tiger pretending to be dead.
He raised the semi-sentinel stick and hit it for a while. When he saw that the tiger was really out of breath, he stopped. From then on, Wusongwei was famous for its earthquake.


Wu Song fighs the tiger.

武松回家探望哥哥,途中路过景阳冈。在冈下酒店喝了很多酒,踉跄着向冈上走去。兴不多事,只见一棵树上写着:"近因景阳冈大虫伤人,但有过冈克上,应结伙成队过冈,请勿自误。"武松认为,这是酒家写来吓人的,为的是让过客住他的店,竟不理它,继续往前走。 太阳快落山时,武松来到一破庙前,见庙门贴了一张官府告示,武松读后,方知山上真有虎,待要回去住店,怕店家笑话,又继续向前走。由于酒力发作,便找了一块大青石,仰身躺下,刚要入睡,忽听一阵狂风呼啸,一只斑斓猛虎朝武松扑了过来,武松急忙一闪身,躲在老虎背后。老虎一纵身,武松又躲了过去。老虎急了,大吼一声,用尾巴向武松打来,武松又急忙跳开,并趁猛虎转身的那一霎间,举起哨棒,运足力气,朝虎头猛打下去。只听"咔嚓"一声,哨棒打在树枝上。老虎兽性大发,又向武松扑过来,武松扔掉半截棒,顺势骑在虎背上,左手揪住老虎头上的皮,右手猛击虎头,没多久就把老虎打得眼、嘴、鼻、耳到处流血,趴在地上不能动弹。武松怕老虎装死,举起半截哨棒又打了一阵,见那老虎确实没气了,才住手。从此武松威名大震。Wu Song goes home to visit my brother on the way, pass by Jingyang ridge. In the gang under the hotel to drink a lot of wine, stagger forward to hill walking. Xing few things, we saw a tree read: " the proximate cause Jing Yang Gang beast wounding, but there have been Gangke, should be going out into the team had to hill, do not delay. " Wu Song thinks, this is the restaurant to write to scare people, to live is to let passing his shop, went so far as to ignore it, to continue to move forward. When the sun was going down, Wu Song came to a break in front of the temple, see the temple is pasted a piece of official notice, Wu Song reading, we know the mountain is a tiger, stay back to hotel, afraid of the joke, and continue to move forward. Because the attack attack, they found a large piece of stone, lay back, just want to sleep, he felt a gust of wind whistling, a gorgeous tiger lunged toward Wu Song, and Wu Song hastened to a Dodge, hide behind the tiger. The tiger sprang, Wu Song and hiding the past. Tiger anxious, big growl, with the tail to call Wu Song, Wu Song hastily jump, and take advantage of that Yisha tigers turned around, the lifting shaobang, transporting enough strength, but towards the tiger. Just listen to " Kacha" sound, whistle on the branch. The tiger beast, and ran at Wu Song, Wu Song dropped half stick, riding homeopathy in the back, the left hand seized on a tiger's head skin, right hand hit a tiger, the tiger fight not long eyes, mouth, nose, ears bleed all over, lying on the ground does not move. Tiger Wu Songpa feign death, raise half shaobang hit a, see the tiger is not angry, just stop. From that time on Wu Song great fame.

而现代则有日本著名插画家正子公也的《绘卷水浒》中油画风格的人物图。连环画之中,刘继卣的《武松打虎》堪称经典之作。 而漫画中则有蔡志忠的水浒漫画和当代漫画家黑背的《梁山》系列,以轻松诙谐的方式表现水浒故事。此外还有梁伟家和日本横山光辉等人的漫画画册都较为著名。


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