
作者&投稿:保淑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请问怎么写英语作文? 材料作文 你刚才从海南岛回来,请用英语写一篇关于海南岛的报道。词数70_80。内...~

I just came back from Hainan. Hainan is the second biggest island in China, it's surely big. Over there you can feel the warm heat, and smell the fresh air! Hainan is a hot place, so you'll see beaches all around. Also there's plenty of enormous, tall, huge coconut trees.All because of the heat, you can go swimming, fishing and riding a boat or cannon... any time you want. Although it's hot you can still go to a restraunt near by! You could also eat some sea food such as delicious crabs,fish, oilsters...To much to say, I love Hainan island.

你一定的高分trust me 应为我是马来西亚人! 我才五年级!

是不是 山沟沟环境考虑

Last week I went to Hainan Island with my parents.
Hainan is China's second largest island. It in China's southernmost. The climate is warm, the air is fresh. There are beautiful beaches. There are many tall coconut tree. Many people like swimming, fishing, boating.That was so much fun. We had different kinds of seafood. For example,shrimp,crab and grouper. It is really delicious!
I like Hainan! Because of Hainan's scenery is beautiful, the seafood is delicious!


Hainan Island is in the south part of our country. On Island Hainan, you could enjoy
bright sunshine, fresh air and beautiful scenery. You will never forget that.
Hai Kou city is the capital of Hainan Province while it is also the biggest city on the island.
There, you could either go to visit the flower markets or enjoy the delicious seafood. There,
you could find many beautiful beaches. People love walking along the seaside or swimming in
the sea. There are many tall coconut palm trees to see.
Welcome to Hainan Island! I’m sure you will have a good time there.

Hainan Island has a beach, a tall coconut tree. Hainan Island can be swimming, fishing, boating, and can sample a variety of seafood.


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游记作文350字 小脚丫走天下--海南游

I went to Hainan with my parents during the summer holiday. We went there by plane. It was my first time to take a plane so I felt really excited and happy. We stayed there for a week. We visited Haiko, went scuba diving, swam in the sea, saw Wanquan River , Hairui ...


三沙作文导游词600字 海南省三沙市,是座刚成立一个多月的“新鲜”而美丽的城市。 三沙市包括南沙、西沙、中沙三个群岛,是我国领土最大、人口最少的县级市,也是我国版图最南端的城市。 三沙,以稀有独特的自然资源、纯净奇幻的美丽风光向世人展示着其蓬勃的生命力。 >>三沙之美 美在海水 三沙之美,美在海水。

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I have ever been to Hainan.I and my parents went to Hainan last year.I felt very excited and happy.That was suprised enough.Hainan's sky was bule,the sea was bule too.Sure,we were going swimming.That was so happy.Beside swim,here's foods I want to eat more and more.In...

今年暑假,我去了祖国最南端---海南岛。一下飞机给我的第一印象就是这里的空气湿度很大,黏乎乎的。以下是关于夏天的作文栏目为您带来的《海南的夏天作文》,希望我们的作文能让你喜欢。【篇一:海南的夏天真美】 海南的夏天,既不像能春天那样温暖,也不像冬天那样寒冷,它是凉风习习的。清晨,...

描写我的家乡海南作文3 家乡,是我们幸福的港湾。说到我的家乡——海南岛,我的幸福感、自豪感油然而生。提起海南岛,很自然地想到那蓝蓝的、无边无际的大海,海浪有节奏拍打着岸边的声音,像在不知疲倦地为人们演奏着交响曲。柔软的像棉花般的沙子铺满了整个沙滩。岸边站立着无数的海...

合作市19763033158: 英语作文:你刚从海南岛回来,请用英语写一篇关于海南岛的报道.词数:90 - 100.不要署名.内容还包括以...英语作文:你刚从海南岛回来,请用英语写一篇关... -
油卖护肝:[答案] Hainan Island is in the south part of our country. On Island Hainan, you could enjoy bright sunshine, fresh air and beautiful scenery. You will never forget that. Hai Kou city is the capital of Hainan Province while it is also the biggest city on the island. There, ...

合作市19763033158: 请问怎么写英语作文? 材料作文 你刚才从海南岛回来,请用英语写一篇关于海南岛的报道.词数70 - 80.内...
油卖护肝: Hainan Island is in the south part of our country. On Island Hainan, you could enjoy bright sunshine, fresh air and beautiful scenery. You will never forget that. Hai Kou city is the capital of Hainan Province while it is also the biggest city on the island. ...

合作市19763033158: 求一篇英语作文假设你刚从海南旅游回来,请写一篇关于海南岛的报道.要求包括以下要点:1.海南岛是中国第二大岛屿,2.气候温暖,空气清新,3.有海滩... -
油卖护肝:[答案] I just had a nice holiday in Hainan island. It is the second biggest island in China. The weather there is nice and wam. The air there is very fresh. There are several nice beaches in Hainan Island. There are also a lot of tall coconut trees. I swan in the sea ...

合作市19763033158: 求两篇英语作文!急用!第一篇:提示:你刚从海南岛回来,写一篇有关的报道.文章包括以下几点:1.中国的第二大海岛,气候温暖,空气新鲜(fresf),有... -
油卖护肝:[答案] I have just come back from Hainan.Hainan Island is the second island in China.The climate is warm and the air is fresh.There... such as crabs and lobsters.It is really a beautiful Island. 2.A:What do you like doing when you are free? B:I like surfing the ...

合作市19763033158: 假设刚从海南岛回来,写一篇有关海南岛的短文(英文)要点 1中国的第二大岛 气候温暖 空气清鲜 有沙滩 椰子树2可以进行许多的水上运动3可以品尝各种海... -
油卖护肝:[答案] Hainan Island is in the south part of our country. On Island Hainan, you could enjoy bright sunshine, fresh air and beautiful scenery. You will never forget that. Hai Kou city is the capital of Hainan Province while it is also the biggest city on the island. There, ...

合作市19763033158: 英语作文!刚从某地旅游回来,写信给朋友告诉他所见,对对那里的人和事的印象感受,并建议他去!! -
油卖护肝: Dear Jack, I'm writing to you to introduce a fabulous city for you.I had been in Guangzhou ,which leave a deep impression on me.The delicious food and hosiptal people is addictive to all of us.That' all.

合作市19763033158: 英语小作文 帮帮忙吧
油卖护肝: I have just come back from hainan island.hainan is the second largest island in our country.the weather there is warm all year round,the air there is fresh,so you will be comfortable there.the breah is large.and coconut palmtrees are very tall.you can ...

合作市19763033158: 写一篇英语作文
油卖护肝:I have just come back form Hainan. Hainan Island is the second largest island in China.The climate there is warm and mild,while the air is fresh and clean.What's more,there are many beautiful beaches and coconut trees. What attracts me most is ...

合作市19763033158: 假如你是黄燕,你刚刚旅行回了你的故乡三亚英语作文 -
油卖护肝: This summer, I and my father, mother, sister, brother went to SanYa by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel...

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