
作者&投稿:彘董 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Handan City, a municipality under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province, is located at the southern end of Hebei Province。(邯郸市是河北省辖市,位于河北省南端。)

Handan at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountains, west of Taihang Mountains, east of North China Plain, and adjacent to Shanxi, Shandong and Henan provinces, with a total area of 12073.8 square kilometers.(邯郸在太行山东麓,太行西麓,华北平原以东,毗邻山西、山东、河南等省,总面积12073.8平方公里。)

Handan has a history of 3,100 years, and 8,000 years ago it gave birth to the early Neolithic Cishan culture. (邯郸有3100年的历史,8000年前诞生了早期新石器时代的西山文化。)

Handan was the capital of Zhao in the Warring States Period, Cao Wei was the capital of Linzhang in the late Han Dynasty, and the first capital of Zhili Province in the Qing Dynasty.(邯郸是战国时期赵国的都城,曹魏是汉末临漳的都城,清代直隶省的第一个都城。)

During the War of Liberation, Shexian was the headquarters of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army and the seat of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Region Government. (解放战争期间,涉县是八路军第1299师的司令部,晋冀鲁豫边区政府所在地。)

In August 1949, the Hebei Provincial People's Government was established and Handan Special Zone was established. (1949年8月,河北省人民政府成立,邯郸特区成立。)

In 1993, with the approval of the State Council, Handan was abolished, and the prefectures and cities were merged. (1993年,经国务院批准,邯郸市撤销,州市合并。)

The counties under the jurisdiction of Handan were assigned to Handan City, which was called Handan City.(邯郸市划归邯郸市管辖,称邯郸市。)








Handan has a long history and brilliant culture, relics breathtaking, it is a famous city.

Wu Ling Congtai

Wu Ling Congtai Handan city in the middle of the street west of China, covering 360 acres. Legend has it King Wuling of Zhao was built in the Warring States period (325 BC to 299 BC), has over 2,000 years of history. From the table because of its many connections from bases out, "a non-connected, Gu Ming Congtai", or Congtai Ling Wu said. Congtai now 26 meters high, both north and south doors. From the south gate of lions went up the stairs to the top, right side of the Taiwan wall containing "Fuming-East, West to successes" of eight ancient Chinese characters, and displayed the Congtai geographic patterns. South outside the towering monument engraved with the contemporary Chinese writer Guo Moruo board Congtai autumn of 1961 when the name of the poem; North door, the head Li Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong in 1705 received the Congtai was an Stele, a tribute to Zhao ling WANG Hubijishe historical performance. Congtai the first layer is a compound. Ride south of the Northern Dynasties compound housing kiosks called "Wu Ling Museum," in front of "back to Lan Pavilion", Westinghouse as "wishful Menuhin," is the east-Lingtai, Congtai from here at the highest level. Lingtai in force at the entrance containing a-ling WANG Hubijishe murals. Ride north to south circular arches on the door, and that there are "Wu Ling Congtai" four of the ancient Chinese characters, the doors inside engraved with the "North-South husband and wife, brother and sister Tianjin," Zhu characters, a wide spread of the "second-mei," the story of happened here.

Huangliangmeng Lvxian Temple located 10 kilometres north of the city of Handan, was built in the Song Dynasty, the Ming and Qing dynasties have been carried out rehabilitation and expansion. Covering an area of about 20 acres, is a grand-scale, better preservation of the Ming and Qing Dynasties era buildings, the province is a key units to be protected, is a resort famous monuments at home and abroad. Lvxian Temple sit Northern Dynasties South, in front of a tall, "Erlonghuzhu" glass Zhaobi, "Handan ancient concept of the" four characters on the amount set in the door. Door to the front yard, the hospital South Zhaobi containing "Penglai fairyland" four character rock carvings, T Potential danced in the wind, Cangjin strong, Lu Dongbin Legend has it for writing. And carved stone is relative to the axis of the complex Dammann, hanging on the door with the name of the emperor Mengjiajing "wind Leilong a Sin Temple," board. Dammann is in the hospital, the hospital built a pond, pool construction of a bridge, a central angle of 1.80nosy kiosks, quiet and elegant. The red walls around surrounded by lotus fragrance in the pool, it is delightful. North has three pools, in the afternoon, the door is the door that read "God Dongzhou," things for both sides of the Moon Gate. Progressive Kenneth doors north, and positive for the hard-Shan Zhong Li Temple, Miankuo three, three-deep, before platforms, plastic Zhongli, and the two child like, there are things the clock tower, Drum Tower, there Song Gu Cuibai embellished, indeed ancient concept of elegant legacy. Zhongli north of the Palace is a hospital, a Hall of the most majestic positive, Huang Liang Dream Lvxian Temple Zhudian - Lu:jie Temple, Yashan-glass roof Miankuo deep into all three, before and after a single-step Gallery, the multicolored-lau The whole wing angle raised hope eaves days. Lu Dongbin hall and child like plastic, Liangbi inlay Diyong Stele 5. Baidian and a hallmark of the platform, on both sides of the Queen Mother for the East and West Princes Dian Dian all seven. North is the most Lu:xianchaodu Jones WHO Sheng sleep Palace, also known as Sheng Dian. A large hall carved Sheng Qingshi slept like, the first full East West, Erwo sideways, legs Weiqu, drowsiness dim, lifelike. High Erche bed long Wuchi, like connecting with sleep. East, West, the north has murals painted on the wall, displayed a pillow and Jue Sheng, a McGREGOR and dreams, "wealth and splendor magic for the end, Mr Liang a lifelong dream of a" mood. A hallmark of corridors Ming and Qing period of Beike, Handan Scholars Wang Yun-chuen, and the plum blossom was an Suogui: "wake up the realization of Dao Huang Liang, with the moon can be heart-searching", popular appreciation of visitors.

Diaoyu City in the southwest of the city, about four km from the city centre, is the all-Miyagi sites, the East, West, North Third City, a planar shape for a total area of 5.12 million square meters. Houzhu site is bounded by the river, located in the Taihang Mountains Tumo, earth building Canyuan 3-8 metres high, winding ups and downs, momentum magnificent. City layout tightly on the ground of large-scale rammed earth Taiwan, such as Long Taiwan, Taiwan will be the North, South, such as Taiwan's underground rammed earth have a broad-based site. Long-biggest things width of 265 meters, 285 meters long from north to south, and 19 meters high, was the site of the main palaces, and displayed China's feudal society initial construction of basic urban landscape.

Xiangtangshan Grottoes in Handan City in Gushan Fengfeng Mining Area, two hours north-south, about 15 km away from. Grottoes because of the mountain, the realm of people, the team that walks away, can move a sonorous echoes, Gu Ming Xiangtangshan Grottoes. Existing Grottoes 16, Cliff Figures of more than 450 niches, size statue more than 5,000 statues, carved by a large number, such as that in mind. It is found in Hebei Province has been the largest caves, the State Council also announced the first batch of national key units to be protected.

Toddlers Bridge, Enter Lane, Cishan cultural sites, the former site of the Eighth Route Army division headquarters on January 29, the former Military Region Jinjilushu…… Handan would you like travel through a time tunnel, a profound sense that changes in the history of the vicissitudes of life and feelings Culture 3000 to the accumulation of profound and true.



邯郸是成语的发源地 全部释义和例句>>Handan is the cradle of Chinese idioms.

河北省邯郸市邯山区渚河路141号 谁帮我把它翻译成英文
河北省邯郸市邯山区渚河路141号 No. 141, Zhuhe Road, Hanshan District, Handan City, Hebei Province

求英文翻译:河北省邯郸市邯山区陵园路891号1栋3单元402室。在线等_百 ...
Hebei Handan Hanshan Cemetery Road 891, Unit 3, No. 1, Room 402 或Hanshanqu cemetery road, Handan city, Hebei province, No. 891, unit 3, building 1 room 记得把分给我,谢谢

中国河北省邯郸市滏河北大街42号 英文翻译
Handan City, Hebei Province, China No. 42 Hebei Street Fuming

全邯郸市的旅游计划 Handan city tourism planning 全邯郸市的旅游计划 Handan city tourism planning

No. 62, South Zhonghua street, P.O. Box 1-58 Handan, Heibei, China South Zhonghua Campus, Hebei university of Engineering, P.O. Box 1-58 Handan, Heibei, China

根据您提供的中文信息,译作英文如下:No.1,Unit 4,Building No.2,Courtyard 51,(A),NongLin Road,Handan City,Hebei Province,China.每段之间用逗号隔开...


[ the Hebei province Handan City Fengfeng mining area middle school thirteen 2 unit residential building 3 floor of the west door ]

名称:Shexian Subbranch,Handan-Hebei Branch,Bank of China.地址:Bank of China,Shexian,Handan,Heibei China,P.R.of 接受国外汇款,请到开户地中国银行咨询其SWIFT代码,国际汇款必用

婺源县17586929210: 用英语介绍邯郸在英语课上介绍的. -
米狐雌三:[答案] Handan City is located in the south part of Hebei Province,between 36°20' –44 of latitude north and 114°03' -40' of longitude east.It abuts on three province Shanxi,Shandong and Henan.It is 150km away from the capital of Hebei Province Shijiazhuang ...

婺源县17586929210: 谁能帮我写一个关于邯郸的英文介绍,我面试用的,急等.主要是关于这些.邯郸市是国家历史文化名城和中国成语典故之都,西依太行山脉,东接华北平原,... -
米狐雌三:[答案] Handan city is a national historical and cultural city and allusion,according to West Taihang Mountains,east of the North China Plain,the border with Shanxi,Shandong and Henan provinces.Handan has a long history and splendid culture,is an important ...

婺源县17586929210: 这句话翻译成英语怎么说?“历史文化古城邯郸市” -
米狐雌三: Han dan , a ancient city with history and culture.

婺源县17586929210: 邯郸的英文介绍 -
米狐雌三: 要是光这个词语的话就是Handan 要是介绍邯郸的话要看你怎么介绍了

婺源县17586929210: 英语翻译“我来自邯郸市魏县,邯郸是历史名城,有着悠久的历史文化,我非常喜欢这座城市.”这句话用英语怎么说? -
米狐雌三:[答案] I'm from Weixian,HanDan which is a famous and historical city.I love this city very much which is full of nice stories and cultures in his long history.

婺源县17586929210: 求一篇关于邯郸的英语成语演讲稿急!!!!!!好了再追加分!!!!
米狐雌三: Handan: the hometown of idiom and allusionsCishan Culture an early Neolithic culture... 我呢也是邯郸人,呵呵,一篇关于邯郸古城的英文的介绍或者成语的介绍是早晚要用...

婺源县17586929210: 邯郸是什么之乡 什么时期是什么国的都城 -
米狐雌三: 邯郸是河北省最南边的一个地级市,战国时期为古赵国都城,古地理上邯郸位于两条驿道的交汇处是当时链连接南北的交通枢纽之一.城中旅游资源丰富:古战国的点将台、邯郸学步桥赵都遗址等等.现在的邯郸交通更加便利,京广铁路穿城而出.是南方进入北京的枢纽之一,中国四大钢铁集团之一的邯钢集团就位于邯郸市内. 注明一下:邯郸学步,中的“邯郸”不是人名,就指的是古赵都邯郸.楼上的有点错误

婺源县17586929210: 假如你是李华,你的美国朋友TOM正在学汉语,他对成语“邯郸学步”不太明白,请你用英语给他解释一下这...假如你是李华,你的美国朋友TOM正在学汉... -
米狐雌三:[答案] It was said that two thousand years ago,Yan mausoleum where life is a young,call him Shou Ling young!The Shou Ling boys do not worry about food and clothing,also be called on the appearance of seconda...

婺源县17586929210: 介绍一下河北邯郸市的历史?!
米狐雌三: 邯郸位于河北省最南部,与晋、鲁、豫三省接壤,总面积1.2万平方公里,其中市区面积457平方公里,总人口849.9万人,现辖四区、一市、十四县.四区为邯山区、丛...

婺源县17586929210: 怎样用英语介绍襄樊?谁能帮帮忙,帮我写一篇英语作文,就是介绍襄樊的历史文化和风景名胜,以及一些特色小吃之类的,我英语太差了,写不到,希望有... -
米狐雌三:[答案] Xiangfan is a famous national-level historical and cultural city in China,with a history of over 2800 years.It was the location of major battles during the Three Kingdoms period in 191 A.D.between Sun...

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