假如你是rose brown ,请根据部分提示语,用英语向同学作自我介绍在展示你的学习用品。30词左右

作者&投稿:唐咸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

不给分不回答 嘻嘻

读法 英 ['stændəd]     美 ['stændərd]    
n. 标准;规格;水准;军旗
adj. 标准的;普通的;规范的;权威的
1、permanent standards 永久性的标准
2、recognized standards 被承认的标准
3、unified standards 统一的标准

1、By what standard do you measure it?
2、By what standard?
3、I scaled it all to 25% for the Standard phase.

Hello,everyone. I am Rose Brown. I have a lot of books,pens,erasers and notebooks. But in all of them, I love one notebook best. The note was given me as a birthday present by my mother. It has a beautiful cover with blue sky. A lovely girl was sitting in the flowers,smiling. It makes me full of energy. I like this notebook best.



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