ica的solar application no是什么意思

作者&投稿:宗圣琴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We would recommend you for the Singapore Ministry of Education Tuition Grant Deed (TGD) uder the terms and confitions listed in Attachment 3.(意思是学校推荐你去TGD学院,相关条款参考3号附件) However , you are required to complete Attachment 1a , pay for and attend English classes in year 1(你要填写表格1A,并且付费). The course fre for this NAFA(学校名)-administered English course is $642......

In order to confirm your acceptance of our offer ,please read through and sign on all relevant sections in the Acceptance Form (please complete Attachment 1) and make a non-refundable deposit of $**** ti retain your TGD place(完成你的如读手续,你需要在接收表的相关地方签名,看附表1,同时需要缴纳XX美元,这些缴费是不可退的). Please return the abovementioned attachment to the Marketing& Admissions Department (Level 2) and make the necessary payment at the finance Department(Level 1)at NANA Campus 1,80 Bencoolen Street **** For internationl telegraphic transfers(如果是国际汇款的话,就把上面的附件交到他们的MAD部门,地址也已经写了), please refer to Attachment 2,We will consider you have withdrawn form the programme if we do not receive the necessary forms and deposit within 15 working days form the above date. (如果在15天内不及时递交表格以及交钱,你的资格将被取消)

As a foreign applicant , you must apply for a valid Student's [Pass with the Immigtation and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) in order to study in nafa as a full-time student.(作为全日制外国学生,你必须到ICA申请有效的学生卡)please note taht the ICA student's Pass application has to be done online(这个申请必须网上完成). NAFA will issue the CIA SOLAR + Number and the ICA application procedure between 20 ...........after you make payment for the non-refundable deposit of $.... (当你缴纳费用后,NAFA会将证件以及号码给你)If you or your appointed agent does not apply the Student's Pass online by 20 may 2009, we will assume that you have withdraw from the course because ICA usualy needs about 2 months to process an appication (ICA需要两周时间去完成你的申请,如果你或者你指定的代理人没能在09年5月20日前完成网上申请,你的资格将会被取消)

After you have obtained your ICA Student's Pass, please make payment on the remaining course free and administrative frees(less the $.... non-refundable deposit 0 and all other ecessary frees at our finace Department by 13 July 2009.(当你正是入学后,你必须于09年6月13日完成其他费用的支付)WIth the ICA Student's Pass and receipt of the payment of frees,you may attend the Freshmen's Orientation Programme form 14 to 15 July 2009 and choose the modules you intend to take in Semester 1 of year 1 The Orientation schedule will we sent to your home by the end of june 2009(凭ICA学生证以及缴费的收据, 你就可以于6月底报到,参加课程了)

一般情况下不需要local contact的passport资料,既然ICA要求,无论能不能批都要给,因为不给肯定不批。为了增加成功率,你可以一并提供往返机票和预订酒店的资料。

solar application no

铜鼓县19139444611: ica的solar application no是什么意思 -
牧府坤宝: solar application no 太阳能应用号

铜鼓县19139444611: 新加坡留学签证 现在收到学校发过来的SOLAR Application Number,已经在网上提交完了,eform 16. -
牧府坤宝: 我网上申请的,现在状态是request documents,但因为某些原因学校没有把这要求不是的,自己申请必须有SOLAR NUMBER 和ID.否则没办申请 除非楼主是

铜鼓县19139444611: 请问,新加坡学生准证批准后,马上会收到点子版的IPA吗?我儿子的学生 -
牧府坤宝: 知道你儿子申请学生准证时的SOLAR或者SOLAR+申请账号吗?知道的话去ICA网站用账号登陆,就可以下载电子版的IPA了,这东西不会发邮件.

铜鼓县19139444611: 请问,如何在新加坡ICA网站查询学生证的信息
牧府坤宝: 你的Solar号码是当时申请的时候给的,会有一张要求打印的纸,上面有. 这是进入查询的唯一依据,如果丢了的话应该就进不去了,ICA的网页存在很多不合常理的问题,你是不可以找回号码的. 只有等他们发信给你了.

铜鼓县19139444611: 太阳能的工作原理是什麽 -
牧府坤宝: 认识太阳能电池太阳能电池系一种利用太阳光直接发电的光电半导体薄片, 它只要一照到光, 瞬间就可输出电压及电流. 而此种太阳能光电池 (Solar cell)简称为太阳能电池,或太阳电池(在台湾的早期...

铜鼓县19139444611: trade - in allowance是什么意思 -
牧府坤宝: trade-in allowance [英]ˈtreɪdˌɪn əˈlauəns [美]ˈtredˌɪn əˈlaʊəns 贴旧换新折价 [例句]The truck dealership grants solarwind company a " trade-in allowance " of $ 3 for the old truck , and solarwind company pays the remaining $ ...

铜鼓县19139444611: 急!!!关于新加坡旅游签证和学生证我收到淡马锡理工的录取通知书,
牧府坤宝: 申请solar number是预约申请你的学生准证的时间,新加坡是反签,所有的签证手续都是在新加坡完成的,所以不想其他欧美国家那样需要去大使馆面试什么什么的. 预约...

铜鼓县19139444611: 光伏接线盒出口欧洲的认证是什么啊 -
牧府坤宝: 光伏接线盒出口到欧洲要做的认证是: CE认证,Solar keymark认证 前者是出口要求的强制认证,后者是一个自愿性泛欧洲认证标志,属于第三方认证.标有Keymark标志的产品,可以向消费者或者使用者证明该产品符合相关的欧洲标准. 朋友若有此产品需要做CE和MCS,也可以联系我.

铜鼓县19139444611: 什么是SOLAR KEYMARK认证 -
牧府坤宝: Solar Keymark是由欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)对太阳能热利用产品统一颁发认证标志“KEYMARK”,现在大多都太阳能热水器的集热器做此认证!执行标准如下:太阳集热器产品要求(EN12975)和工厂审核要求(EN12976).如果需要详细资料,可以给我发消息!不过都是英文的!

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