
作者&投稿:支香 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Why did Jack cry?
2.The coat is not cheap enough for me to buy it.
3.Did you walk dack to your house?
4.Please eat after class.
5.Get to school on time.
6.Don't draw on the wall.
summer vacation is a long holiday.you can live it
happily,or you can live it boredly.for put my english
into practice,i joined in a english club.
every moring,the members read english books together.
my partner is a easy-going girl.she awayls help me pronouncing
the english words corroctly.and,i am very appreciate to her
foehelping me.
now,i ended the studying in the english club.and ,i feel
my english has made a great progress.i am so happy.

哈哈 现编的 厉害吧 记得凭我优秀啊

"Tangled" (Disney) was adapted based on a story called "Rapunzel" from the German fairy tale in the collection assembled by the Brothers Grimm; about a long-haired girl got locked up by an enchantress in a tall tower.

The long-haired girl was cursed by the enchantress and imprisoned in a tower in the forest. People could climb up the tower only if the girl put down her long hair. Once, she met a passing prince and the prince came every day to get to know her. However, the enchantress founded out. She cut off the girl's long hair in anger and made the princes blind. After several twists and turns,the girl finally reunited with the prince. As a world-famous classic fairy tale, Rapunzel has repeatedly been adapted for animation. So, Rapunzel, Snow White,Cinderella and The Little Mermaid had become Disney's classic beauty images. At this time of the generation, old wine in new bottles, Disney with the classic fairy tales again, declaring Walt Disney Production is going into the 3D animation world.

Adapted Plot: The protagonist is a long- haired girl named Rapunzel. Her hair was controlled by magic and she's living in an isolated tower since her youth. Until one day, there is a ruffian handsome thief named Flynn Rider come to the tower. He was smart enough to get away from all the chase and capture, so his winnings have been on the rise that makes him even more difficult to leave the country. When he came to the bottom of the tower and considers that this tower is the best hiding place. With his extraordinary ability, he climbed up the tower unarmed; not knowing that there is a beautiful girl lives up on top. This is where a romance begins......



首先,泡妞需要时间和金钱,因此girl = time * money。
俗话说,时间就是金钱,因此money = time。
因此girl = money * money = money²。

金钱是万恶之源 Money is the root of all evil. 这里的root既可以解释成根源,也可以解释成平方根。即money = √evil,因此evil = money²。

因此girl = evil。


英文中e.g.的意思是例如,比如;i.e.的意思是那就是说、换句话说。使用区别:英文中e.g. = for example的意思,当句子中需要举例子时用,举例:We need helpers of all types, engineers, scientists ( e.g. geologists) and teachers 我们需要各方面的帮手:工程师、科学家(例如地质学家)和...

基数变序数英语口诀:一二三,要全变,其余-th加后边。加-th有例, 你需格外记明白: 八去t,九去e, 字母f代-ve, -ty变成-tie.现在我们来看看上面这个口诀中的变化情况:1、一二三,要全变:one—first, two—second, three—third.这三个词的变化没有什么规律,必须死记下来。除此以外,...

我的电脑属性里高级里有个环境变量 将里面的系统变量里的LANG或pro_LANG的值删掉,再打开proe就是英文的了

俄语字母和英文字母转换对照表 А=А И=I Р=R Ш=SH Б=B Й=I(J) С=S Щ=SH(SCH)В=V К=K Т=T Ъ不用写 Г=G Л=L У=U Ы=Y Д=D М=M Ф=F Ь=J或 不用写 Е=E Н=N Х=H Э=E Ж=J(ZH) О=O Ц=C Ю=IU(JU)З=Z П=P Ч=CH Я=IA(...


倒着的e和正着的e 用英文怎么说
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如何将英文pdf转换成word文档 百度搜索在线PDF转word 上传文件转换 然后下载即可 为啥pdf转换成word后乱码 为啥pdf转换成word后乱码 :jingyan.baidu.\/article\/8cdae9b7ef6e315413cd15.韩语pdf转换成word都是乱码怎么办 应该是你的软件不行,你可以换个软件试试,因为你总不能在pdf里面把文章...

A的十进制数为65,E为69,相隔4个字符,将“4”用除2去余法(转化为二进制)得到00000100,已知A的码为01000001,则用01000001+00000100=01000101,即为E的码。ASCII值为8、9、10 和13 分别转换为退格、制表、换行和回车字符。它们并没有特定的图形显示,但会依不同的应用程序,而对文本显示有...

...里面的所有中文都改为了英文了 可是还是显示转换失败喔 求助啊 谢 ...
打开我的电脑 左键E盘 点属性 点工具 点检查磁盘 将磁盘检查选项里的 自动修复文件系统错误前的框打上勾 点开始 完成后重启电脑 再转换

朗读英文时遇到i. e., e. g., etc.如何处理?
朗读英文时,遇到 i.e., e.g., etc.就读它们的完整单词。1、i.e.i.e. 是拉丁文 id est 的缩写,它的意思就是“那就是说,换句话说”,等同于“that is,in other words” ,目的是用来进一步解释前面所说的观点。2、e.g.e.g. 是拉丁文 exempli gratia 的缩写,它的意思是“举个例子...

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