
作者&投稿:愈力 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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Write one paragraph essay on any topic you choose that contains:1.a thesis 2.a beginning 3.a body,and 4.a reasonable end
Expand the one-paragraph essay you produced in the writing task for Unit one into a three paragraph essay that contains:1.introductory paragraph that presents the thesis and draws the reader's attension and interest 2.a body paragraph that supports or proves the thesis in a coherent manner,and 3.a concluding paragraph that refers back to or sums up the thesis.
Write the introductory paragraph of an essay on a topic you choose for yourself.It 1.must definitely present the focal message clearly 2.optionally provides relevant information leading natually to the thesis,and 3.may substaintially catch the reader's attension and give them an incentive to go on reading the essay.
On the basis of the passage below,write a concluding paragraph that 1.refers back to the introduction. 2.sums up the argument or the central message, 3does not introduce any information ,and 4.leaves a lasting final impression with sound logic and creativity.
Write a descriptive essay on a person or an object or a place that:1 contains first of all a focal message(which may prove that the essay is worth reading),2 give relevant and only relevent details,3.creates a general impression and ideally an emotional response,and 4.shows a clear unity and natural coherent in three paragraphs:an introductory paragraph,a body paragraph and a concluding paragraph.
On the basis of an experience,write a narrative essay of three paragraph that 1.takes the form of a story, 2.conveys a central message, 3.gives concrete and relevant details that support the central message, 4.is introduced and ended properly, 5.and has a well-organized plot with a climax,setting and characters
Write a three-paragraph persuasive essay in which: 1.there should be a clear point or position, 2.the introduction should be clear and attractive enough, 3.the argument should be based on sufficient explanations and detailed support, 4.and there is a clear unity and natural coherent
Write an essay to introduced a process,and as usual the essay should:1.be properly introduced and concluded; 2.contain a body paragraph or more describing the sages of the process clearly;and 3.follow a certain logical order.
Write an argumentative essay that:1.has a well-defined argument and a strong position; 2.provides background information and possibly counter arguments; 3.supports the point with sufficient facts and evidence; 4.shows logical coherence;and 5.winds up in a clear and definite conclusion.

能不能帮我想想关于《青春岁月里的那瞬间》作文的题材,思路,我不知 ...
我的 能不能帮我想想关于《青春岁月里的那瞬间》作文的题材,思路,我不知道到底要写关于什么事情?!!...我猛然想起自己的任性,心生悔恨。让大好的时光都白白流淌„„我静静地望着这微小而昂扬的生命,心...21世纪的我们本应该拥有远大的理想和抱负,应该拥有自己的爱好和兴趣,应该向着一个属于自己的方向而努力...


I and computer's story the computer, is in the 21st century family an essential individual contribution. My family also has a computer. I and the computer have pull the unceasing emotions, could not say gratitude and grudges. Both of us sometimes are the good friends, sometimes ...

向东方的”,指某人或某事处于在东部或趋向于东方的状态。5、east在句中只能用作定语,无比较级和最高级形式。五、omit 英 [ə'mɪt] 美 [ə'mɪt]vt. 省略;遗漏;忘记;删去 I could omit the overseas section at this point.我可以暂时把海外部分省略掉。

在这一个月的社会实践中,我亲身经历了面试、培训、试用期、正式工作的全过程。 面试时,和我一起参加蒙牛乳业招聘的大概有30多人,都是来自石家庄各大高校...这次的实践对我走上社会起到桥梁的作用,对将来走上工作岗位有很大的帮助。社会实践告诉我,21世纪这个经济的时代,大学生应具备新的观念和不断进行技术创新...

资助政策 助我成才 的作文怎么写啊?求指导,提纲,不要范文!!!
贫困生面临啲最主要啲问题是生活问题和心理问题.国家啲资助无疑解决了第一个问题, 同时也部分解决了第二个问题.获得资助之后, 我不必再为生活问题而东奔西走地兼职, 节省下来啲时间, 我系统地补习了课程, 成绩有了明显啲提高.21世纪啲大学生应该全面发展, 善于创新, 于是, 在学好专业课啲同时, 我...

The mass productions, the massive expenses, massively abandon are now one of economic activity characteristics, to massive rejects properly processing is the mass productions and the expense guarantee. Enters after for the 21st century, our country to abandons the great nation development ...

Global competition and general growth of living standard have decided that China can't always have the advantage of cheap labor cost .It is a must to update the industry structure. There should be more demands for those highly-educated professionals. A prominent case is the ...

谁能帮我翻译成英文 不胜感激啊
As our 21st century ahead, to the world economy development of important features have performance for the globalization of economy and capital multinational flow. International capital markets further expansion and the process of global economic integration, the further promotion of the ...

I will emphasize on building a marketing team. Marketing department in a small business is quite often understaffed. The owner himself usually attacks the market right from the beginning, and for quite awhile he'll manage to get customers and orders solely based on his own personal ...

乌海市15089247055: 21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第一册答案 -
查趴平消:[答案] 要是能把第一册的综合练习答案一起给了就更感谢了!书都是复旦大学出版社出版的!21世纪大学英语第一册练习册答案 Unit 1 Part 1 Text Exercises

乌海市15089247055: 21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2谁有?老师用的PPT和课后答案!急 -
查趴平消:[答案] 这是答案 第一单元 1. charge 2. convention 3. efficient 4. obtain 5. competent 6. asessing 7. fulfill 8. conducting 9. ... 8.acceptable Sentence Structure VIII. 1.much less can he write English articles 2.much less can he manage a big company 3.much less ...

乌海市15089247055: 能给我21世纪大学英语综合教程1的答案吗 -
查趴平消: https://wk.baidu.com/view/3e40c837cdbff121dd36a32d7375a417866fc1a8?pcf=2&fromShare=1 百度文库的一个链接 是我找的,但不是我的 可以找了看看 里面加了原文 可以直接看图片的答案

乌海市15089247055: 21世纪大学实用英语综合教程 第二册 -
查趴平消: 这是21世纪大学实用英语综合教程1~3册 http://www.climbenglish.com/article.asp?id=83在线学习的网址 在学之前要下载它的软件就可使用收看课程这是1~4册的听力mp3 http://www.climbenglish.com/article.asp?id=115这是1~3册的课件ppt http://www.climbenglish.com/article.asp?id=153就是这样

乌海市15089247055: 21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第一册)课文mp3下载 -
查趴平消: 大学英语课文MP3在这可以下栽 http://lib.zsc.edu.cn/century21.html

乌海市15089247055: 谁有21世纪大学英语综合教程第二册课后翻译和答案 -
查趴平消: http://willevers.blog.163.com/blog/static/112630785200922712753971/http://wenku.baidu.com/view/112b6e94dd88d0d233d46ac5.html

乌海市15089247055: 21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程(复旦大学出版)第一册课文翻译 -
查趴平消:[答案] 学好英语必须要坚持,给你点建议吧:1、每天早上坚持早起读英语,培养语感.有些人说早读英语对考试用处不大,我觉得这是很错误的说法,因为英语是一个语言学科,多读对提高英语的写作跟听力等各方面的能力都有很大帮助.而...

乌海市15089247055: 21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册Text C阅读的答案 -
查趴平消:[答案] 1.A 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.A 【我知道难以相信,但是我的答案就是这样= 】

乌海市15089247055: 求21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程3答案,要完整的. -
查趴平消: Ⅰ. ADCDBBCBCAAACDB Ⅱ. 1. A 题意:“棒球在哪里?”“它在床底下.”根据答语under the bed可知是提问地点,所以应是where; how是表示 “怎么样”; What是“什么”,提问事物; Where is= Where‟s,由于句中已有is,故选A. 2. ...

乌海市15089247055: 21世纪大学英语综合教程2第四单元翻译121页 -
查趴平消: 你好,很高兴为你解答 解答 :21世纪大学英语综合教程2第四单元翻译121页 Twenty-first Century College English integrated course fourth 2 unit 121 欢迎追问,希望能帮到你,手输不易,求采纳!!你的采纳是我答题的动力!

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