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coffee ground:咖啡渣
ground 又有土的意思嘛~这个waiter一语双关了一下,算是个冷笑话吧。。。看懂了么?)

Although my home is nowhere near the city center, there are no air pollution and traffic jams.
上面翻译中的主句是个there be....句型, 该句型是存在句的常用基本结构,there在句中处于主语位置,起形式主语的作用,真正的主语是随后的名词词组 no air pollution and traffic jams。其谓语动词通常是be的各种时、体等形式,在该句中为are.从句Although my home is nowhere near the city center在句中作状语.

Not everyone can become a great artist,
but a great artist can come from anywhere.
但是伟大的艺术家可能来自任何地方 (但任何地方都有可能出现伟大的艺术家.)

Ratatouille 我最爱的句子收藏:

Great cooking is not for the faint of heart.
* You must be imaginative,
strong hearted.
* You must try things that may not work.
And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from.
Your only limit is your soul.
What I say is true. Anyone can cook.But only the fearless can be great.
我说的是真话 任何人都可以烹饪。但是只有勇者才会成功
In many ways, the work of a critic is easy.
We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment.
We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read.
But the bitter truth we critics must face is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.
* 可是,我们评论家必须面对一个难堪的事实 :以价值而言, 被评论家批评为平庸之物的同时我们的评论也许比他更为平庸
But there are times when a critic truly risks something and that is in the discovery and defense of the new.
The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations.
The new needs friends.
Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source.
To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement.
如果说那一餐和它的创造者挑战了我对精致美食先入为主的观念, 这仍只是轻描淡写的说法
They have rocked me to my core.
In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto,
"Anyone can cook."
But I realize only now do I truly understand what he meant.
* Not everyone can become a great artist,
but a great artist can come from anywhere.
It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France.
现今在食神餐厅掌厨的天才出身之低微令人难以想像,依在下之见, 他是法国最好的厨师
I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more.
* It was a great night. The happiest of my life.

楼上的,应该是 Not everyone而不是Not anyone吧。。

Not anyone can become a great artist, but may appear anywhere in the great artists

1.他的外貌给我留下很深的印象;His appearance deeply impresses me.2.自从你走后,我们非常惦念你;We miss you very much since you left 3.学生们盼着放假;Students are looking for holidays.4.我每天尽量腾出些时间锻炼身体;I try to spare some time to do exercise every day.5.他工...

求! 100句汉译英句子
It's 8000$.8000元。Considering its five tickets, could you give me a discount?我一共买了5张,能否给我一个折扣?I am sorry.恐怕不行。I'd like to have dinner first, and then play table tennis, and finally play chess, how much is the total? 我想先吃饭,再打乒乓球,最后玩一下棋,总共多...

1. Excuse me,where's the nearest post office?打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里?2.Could you tell me how can I get to the nearest post office?可以告诉我怎么去最近的邮局吗?3.Could you tell me the way to the nearest post office?可以告诉我去最近的邮局的路吗?4.Is there a pos...

21.这是他最近的一部电影 This is his latest film.22.这是个居住的好地方 It's a good place to live.23.你想学啥语言 Which language do you want to learn?24.我很幸运在这有六个月的英语课程 I am lucky because I have a six-month English course here....

答案是对的 我虽然也是那么写的 但是我认为那是错的 keep worries to ourselves 当然是把焦虑放在心里的意思了

1、谢谢你给我带来这个好消息。Thank you for bringing me this good news.2、A作为一个伟大的教师不在于他自己的伟大,而在于他教出了一个伟大的学生。As a great teacher,A's greatness is not in himself,but in the great student he brings up 3、好心当成驴肝肺。regard a goodwill as a...

他性情中既有老虎的(勇猛)和猩猩的(憨厚)。tiger 老虎引申是粗暴的人,ape猩猩 引申为粗笨大汉 也可以翻译为:他是个凶暴的粗笨大汉。

in record time空前的,创纪录的 The project was completed in record time.工程在从未有过的短时间内完成了。所以,。。。港口发展在从未有过的短时间内完成了。

高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
1.我们有一只幸福的家庭.We have a happy family.2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll ...

1这次期末考试考得不好,尤其是英语这门课程。=>The final exam to get bad, especially English-speaking course.2我减少了玩电脑的时间。=> I have reduced the time playing computer.3下个学期,我会在学习上变得更勤奋,更努力。上课,我会比以往变得更加 认真,下课后,我会按时完成作业。若...

安康市13929129492: 翻译一个句子.谢谢.
郭梦冻干: People who lives on this Earth 在这个地球上生活的人们 Every day can only see to a setting sun 每天只能看到一次落日, But they still had in the different place look at the setting sun the freedom 但是他们仍然有在不同地方看落日的自由 Perhaps ...

安康市13929129492: 翻译一个句子
郭梦冻干: Give you a jacket, the front is safe, followed by happiness, good fortune is the collar, sleeves Ruyi is, happiness is the button, pocket full of warmth, wear it so that it will accompany you every day! Happy New Year!

安康市13929129492: 翻译一个句子
郭梦冻干: First walk along the street. Then turn left on the second corner. On the left you will see a library.

安康市13929129492: 翻译一个句子
郭梦冻干: I am a genius, but it's pity that the god is jealous of the gifted people! I am a genius, it's only that the god is jealous of the gifted people!

安康市13929129492: 翻译一个句子
郭梦冻干: 我建议这样翻译: 人生若只如初见,当时只道是寻常 If only life were the same as when we first met. Yet at that time I said it was nothing but ordinary. 要是人生能像我们第一次见面一样就好了.然而那时我说这不过是普普通通. 分析:这两句都...

安康市13929129492: 翻译一个句子 -
郭梦冻干: Members of the literary and artistic work, and participated in the various evening activities, in 2006 the New Year's Day event, and organizational planning and participating in the exercise were the most popular comedy program award.

安康市13929129492: 翻译一个句子
郭梦冻干: it 是主语started是谓语 a new age of production是宾语 后面是定语从句修饰agethat是代替先行词age 作从句主语 (这个地方语法存在问题) used robots to do the labor 是谓语后面是定语从句 修饰labour that定从主语 might be too dangerous 是...

安康市13929129492: 翻译一个句子 -
郭梦冻干: 李さんは张さんのことが好きだとしても、张さんは贫乏ですから、李さんは彼と结婚しなかった.

安康市13929129492: 帮忙翻译一个英语句子
郭梦冻干: 把句子结构整理一下,就变成了Every day everything is getting better and better in every way. 每一天事情都从各个角度变得越来越好.

安康市13929129492: 翻译一个句子~~ -
郭梦冻干: 经过五年的贫穷工作,我与一个很好的中产阶级女儿相爱了.这是发生在我身上很振奋的事

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