
作者&投稿:纳委 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
有一首歌好像是庄心妍 也好像是李宇春唱的 叫什么名字来着 什么什么的对白 我排这~


填 词:李宇春
谱 曲:李宇春
刚下的地铁还不算拥挤 你那边飞机碰巧也落地
东京下雨 淋湿巴黎收音机 你听几点几
当半个地球外还有个你 当相遇还没到对的时机
夏天一去 又是冬季 7-11 暖杯巧克力
秒针转动 DI-DI-DA 小小时差 DI-DI-DA
我早茶月光洒在你头发 平行的画 DI-DI-DA
几时交叉 DI-DI-DA 下个路口再见吧
忙碌会议你头脑转不停 我街头散步偷偷喘口气
伦敦叹息 倾听悉尼 同时期 就像在一起
我偏爱弗朗明哥的热情 你倾心维也纳古典钢琴
不曾相遇 未曾熟悉 深呼吸 你会在哪里
秒针转动 DI-DI-DA 小小时差 DI-DI-DA
我早茶月光洒在你头发 平行的画DI-DI-DA
几时交叉 DI-DI-DA 下个路口再见吧
秒针转动 DI-DI-DA 小小时差 DI-DI-DA
平行的画 DI-DI-DAa 几时交叉 DI-DI-DA


是《Eyes like yours》吧!

歌曲:Eyes like yours

歌手:李宇春 出处:成都3强总决选

Oh, you know I have seen
a sky without sun
a man with no nation
Saints captive in chains
A song with no name
for lack of imagination
Ya he ya he ya la he
And I have seen
darker than ebony
Ya he ya he ya la he
And now it seems that I
with out your eyes could never be
My one desire
All I aspire is in your eyes
forever to live
Travelled all over the seven oceans
There is nothing that I wouldn’t give
Came from Bahrein
Got to Beriut
Looking for someone
comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
and i could not find eyes like yours
Oh, you know I have seen
A woman of means in rags
and begging for pleasure
Cross the river of salt
Just after I rode a ship that
sunk in the desert
Ya he ya he ya la he
And I have seen darker than ebony
Ya he ya he ya la he

And now it seems that I without your eye
Could never be
My one desire all I espire
is in your eyes forever to live
Travelled all over
the seven oceans
there is nothing that I wouldn’t give
Came from Bahrein got to Beirut
Looking for some one comparing to you

Tearing down windows and doors and I cou
not find eyes like yours
Rabboussamai fikarrajaii
Fi ainaiha aralhayati
Ati ilaika min haza ikaaouni
Arjouka labbi labbi nidai
Lokking for some one comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
and I could not find eyes like yours


楼上的文盲啊!那是<EYES LIKE YOURS>!
Oh, you know I have seen
A sky without sun
A man with no nation
Saints, captive in chains
A song with no name
For lack of imagination

Ya he…
And I have seen
Darker than ebony
Ya he…
And now it seems, that I
Without your eyes could never be

My one desire, all I aspire
Is in your eyes forever to live
Traveled all over, the seven oceans
There is nothing that I wouldn't give
Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut
Looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours

Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut
Looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eves like yours

Oh, I have just seen
A woman of means
In rags and begging for pleasure
Crossed a river of salt
Just after I rode
A ship that's sunk in the desert

Ya he…
And I have seen
Darker than ebony
Ya he… (呀嘿~)
And now it seems, that I
Without your eyes could never be

My one desire, all I aspire
Is in your eyes forever to live
Traveled all over, the seven oceans
There is nothing that I wouldn't give
Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut
Looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours

Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut
Looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours

歌手:李宇春 出处:成都3强总决选

Oh, you know I have seen
a sky without sun
a man with no nation
Saints captive in chains
A song with no name
for lack of imagination
Ya he ya he ya la he
And I have seen
darker than ebony
Ya he ya he ya la he
And now it seems that I
with out your eyes could never be
My one desire
All I aspire is in your eyes
forever to live
Travelled all over the seven oceans
There is nothing that I wouldn’t give
Came from Bahrein
Got to Beriut
Looking for someone
comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
and i could not find eyes like yours
Oh, you know I have seen
A woman of means in rags
and begging for pleasure
Cross the river of salt
Just after I rode a ship that
sunk in the desert
Ya he ya he ya la he
And I have seen darker than ebony
Ya he ya he ya la he

And now it seems that I without your eye
Could never be
My one desire all I espire
is in your eyes forever to live
Travelled all over
the seven oceans
there is nothing that I wouldn’t give
Came from Bahrein got to Beirut
Looking for some one comparing to you

Tearing down windows and doors and I cou
not find eyes like yours
Rabboussamai fikarrajaii
Fi ainaiha aralhayati
Ati ilaika min haza ikaaouni
Arjouka labbi labbi nidai
Lokking for some one comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
and I could not find eyes like yours 我爱春春!

eyes like yours



李宇春于2006年从四川音乐学院毕业。以下是她的学习经历:1. 1984年3月出生。2. 1990年9月至1996年7月,就读于成都铁旅缓路一小(小学)。3. 1996年9月至2002年7月,就读于四卜返川新都一中(中学)。4. 2002年9月至2006年7月,就读于四川音乐学院(本科)。在校园期间,李宇春在1996年至2002...


一、家庭背景与早期经历 出生于四川省成都市一个普通家庭的李宇春,从小就受到音乐的熏陶。她的名字由爷爷所取,寓意她如春天般生机勃勃。从小就对唱歌有着浓厚兴趣的她,无论在学校还是在家里,总是哼着顺口的歌谣。她的音乐才华很快在学校中崭露头角,多次参加歌唱比赛并获得优异成绩。二、超级女声与...

李宇春后台是谁 没有后台。根据查询李宇春简介显示,李宇春于2005年,获”超级女声“全国总冠军,成功出道,因此李宇春没有后台。李宇春,1984年3月10日出生于四川省成都市,中国流行女歌手、演员、词曲创作人、演唱会导演、玉米爱心基金终身形象代言人。李宇春的家庭背景怎样 李宇春出生在四川成都较为普通的一...


李宇春个人资料简介 李宇春人物的资料介绍
1、李宇春(Chris Lee),1984年3月10日出生于成都,中国流行女歌手、演员、词曲创作人、演唱会导演、玉米爱心基金终身形象代言人。2、2005年,获“超级女声”全国总冠军,登上美国《时代周刊》(亚洲版)封面。2006年发行首张专辑《皇后与梦想》,年终销量137万张,创立品牌演唱会“WhyMe”。2007年发行...

家庭背景:1. 音乐世家: 李宇春出生于一个音乐世家,父母都是音乐爱好者。家庭的音乐氛围为她日后的音乐事业打下了坚实的基础。2. 普通家庭背景: 虽然李宇春的父母都是普通的工作者,但他们对她的教育十分重视。在她成长过程中给予了她足够的支持和鼓励,使她能够自由地追求自己的音乐梦想。3. 自小...

家庭背景 1. 音乐世家:李宇春出生于一个音乐世家,她的父母都是音乐爱好者,这种家庭氛围为她的音乐之路奠定了坚实的基础。2. 普通家庭背景:虽然来自音乐世家,但李宇春的家庭并非娱乐圈内的显赫世家,她是一个普通的家庭长大的孩子,通过自己的努力和才华在音乐道路上取得了巨大的成功。个人经历介绍 1....


李宇春的所有的歌曲 一、明确答案 李宇春的歌曲众多,部分经典歌曲包括《皇后与梦想》、《燃烧吧青春》、《人间乐园》等。二、详细解释 1. 歌曲概览 李宇春作为华语乐坛的知名歌手,发行了多张专辑,包含了众多深受歌迷喜爱的歌曲。她的歌曲风格多变,涵盖了流行、摇滚、电子等多种音乐元素。2. 部分经典...

全州县19624981055: 李宇春在超女上唱的'呀嘿呀嘿'的那首英文歌叫什么名字? -
国呢硫酸: Eyes like your(歌名) ——李宇春(原唱:shakira) oh, you know i have seen a sky without sun a man with no nation saints, captive in chains a song with no name for lack of imagination ya he... and i have seen darker than ebony ya he ya he ya ...

全州县19624981055: 李宇春"呀嘿呀嘿"的歌名是什么??? -
国呢硫酸: 是《Eyes like yours》吧!歌曲:Eyes like yours歌手:李宇春 出处:成都3强总决选Oh, you know I have seen a sky without sun a man with no nation Saints captive in chains A song with no name for lack of imagination Ya he ya he ya la he And...

全州县19624981055: 那首什么"呀嘿呀嘿"是什么歌??是李宇春的吗?? -
国呢硫酸: eyes like yours 春春翻唱夏奇拉的

全州县19624981055: 李宇春参赛的时候唱的有首啦嘿啦啦嘿的叫什么名字?英文的叫什么?
国呢硫酸: Eyes like yours希望可以帮助到你

全州县19624981055: 湖南卫视文艺节目播放完后,有一段李宇春的唱歌呐喊~嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿~~ 求此嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿 MP3 -
国呢硫酸: 李宇春2011武汉why me演唱会!!!异域风情板块,演唱印度歌曲《吉米,来吧》后和现场歌迷万人铃鼓互动环节.

全州县19624981055: 春春超女时唱过首歌,里面有句词“呀嘿,呀嘿,呀嘿……”
国呢硫酸: Maria是这个我听的春春和原唱唱的不太一样不过春春唱的是另一只那个感觉

全州县19624981055: 2005年 "超级女声"第六名得主是??? -
国呢硫酸: 李宇春 冠军 周笔畅 亚军 张靓颖 季军 何洁 第四 纪敏佳 第五 黄雅莉 第六 叶一茜 第七 易慧 第八 赵静怡 第九 朱妍 第十

全州县19624981055: 谁知道川音有哪些娱乐名人呀,谢谢啦?谁知道川音有哪些娱乐名人呀,
国呢硫酸: 这两年应该就算超女快男了吧李宇春、何洁、谭维维、王铮亮、魏晨等

全州县19624981055: 李宇春唱的外国歌叫什么? -
国呢硫酸: 女人心&quot.zhlrc;女人心&quot:李宇春 专辑:女人心] [ar://www:李宇春] [al:玉米最爱] [t_time:(爱歌词网)www:(02; 搜索&quot.zhlrc.com] 欢迎您 李宇春-女人心 corazon de melao melao melao melao corazon de melao melao melao ...

全州县19624981055: 李宇春有首歌中带啊呀咦呀的歌词,这歌叫什么. -
国呢硫酸: 一楼的朋友回答得很好哦,既然她给楼主贴了试听地址,我就给楼主贴个视频MV地址吧谢谢楼主对这首歌的关注^_^另外,推荐李宇春的新歌《下个,路口,见》给你,同样很好听哦祝你每天都开心^_^

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