You Would Have Loved This 歌词

作者&投稿:费度 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A Thousand Years - Christina Perri

Heartbeats fast   心跳开始加速   
Colors and promises   那些色彩和承诺   
How to be brave   如何才能变得勇敢   
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall   我担心我即将沦陷,该如何相爱   
Watching you stand alone   看着你独自伫立   
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow   我所有的不确定在某种程度上刹那间全部消失  
One step closer   近如咫尺   
I have died everyday waiting for you   我在每天等候你的日子里死去   
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you   亲爱的不要担心我一直爱你    
For A Thousand Years   爱了你千年   
I'll love you for A Thousand more   我爱你,比一千年更久远   
Time stands still   时光永驻   
Beauty in all she is   她的芳华未改   
I will be brave   我会变得勇敢   
I will not let anything take away   我不会让任何东西被带走   
What's standing in front of me   我拥有的所有   
Every breath   每一次呼吸   
Every hour has come to this   每一个钟点都是为了如此   
One step closer   近如咫尺   
I have died everyday waiting for you   我在每天等候你的日子里死去   
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you   亲爱的不要担心我爱过你   
For A Thousand Years   爱过你一千年   
I'll love you for A Thousand more   我爱你,比一千年更久远   
And all along I believed I would find you   我一直以来都相信,我会找到你   
Time has brought heart to me   时光把你的心交给了我   
I have loved you for A Thousand Years   我爱过你,像一千年那么久   
I'll love you for A Thousand more   我爱你,比一千年更久远   
One step closer   近如咫尺   
One step closer   近如咫尺   
I have died everyday waiting for you   我在每天等候你的日子里死去   
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you   亲爱的不要担心我爱过你   
For A Thousand Years   爱过你一千年   
I love you for A Thousand more   我爱你,比一千年更久远   
all along I believed I would find you   我一直以来都相信,我会找到你   
Time has brought heart to me   时光流逝 让我有心    
I have loved you for A Thousand Years   我爱了你一千年那么久   
I love you for A Thousand more   我爱你,比一千年更久远

I ran away in floods of shame
I'll never tell how close I came
As I crossed the Holland Road
Well you went left and I went right
As the moon hung proud and white
You would have loved it here tonight
Spin me round just to pin me down
On the cover of this strange bed
Spin me round just to pin me down
Wrap up your questions, keep them down
Let the water lead us home
And I was sorry for what I'd done
You were young, I was not old
But our story was not told
But torn apart by greedy hands
Spin me round just to pin me down
On the cover of this strange bed
Spin me round just to pin me down
Spin me round just to pin me down
I'll be gone by the night's end
Spin me round just to pin me down
And I'll be home in a little while
Lover, I'll be home
And I'll be home in a little while
Lover, I'll be home
And I'll be home in a little while
Lover, I'll be home
And I'll be home in a little while
Lover, I'll be home

歌曲名:You Would Have Loved This
歌手:tarja turunen
专辑:My Winter Storm

标题:You Would Have Loved This
艺术家:Tarja Turunen
The winter left her blanket
here this morning
A soft and gentle coverlet of white
Unfolded in the shadows of the dawn
It Sparked in the early morning l ight
You would have loved this
You would have loved this
This was your favorite time of day
The greenery is laid across the mantle
And ornaments are hanging on the tree
And cradled in the windowsill's a candle
A beacon in the night
to call you back to me
You would have loved this
You always loved this
I know you loved this time of year
And though I understand
One day again I'll see you
I long to touch your hand,
hear your voice, feel you
You would have loved this
You always loved this
Oh, how you loved.

青河县17595097340: would have had to和would have to的区别 -
党卞二羟: 从语义上说,这两个表达方式都是表达说话人的判断.前一个的推断、猜想意味浓厚,因为年代久远的事,推断的把握不是很大,用would have had to更为合体;而后一句逻辑性很明显,自然就用would have to.要注意的是,这两个用法的“判断”含义都是在讲述过去事情的条件才有的.would have to 如果用在现在时中多是表示“建议”.

青河县17595097340: would have to 用法
党卞二羟: ① would have to用于虚拟语气,用于主观情感不是很强烈 will have to用于将来时,与would have to比较,更显示主观性 have to用于现在时,用于客观必须要作的,相对于主观的must . 通过例子来帮助你理解: I have to go for my sister is waiting ...

青河县17595097340: what would you do和what would you have done有什么不同? -
党卞二羟: what would you do ? 陈述句 you would do something -----would do 表示将来,会,意愿,打算 做什么事,有时候would 是will 的过去式,即过去将来时表示曾经打算、曾经将要干某事 所以这个问句可以翻译为:你会做什么/你将干什么/你打算干...

青河县17595097340: 讲解下英语的虚拟语气 -
党卞二羟: 虚拟语气讲解 一.非真实条件句的虚拟情况: 句型 条件从句 主句 对现在的虚拟 were/did should/would/could/might+v. 对过去的虚拟 had done should/would/could/might+ have+done 对将来的虚拟 1.were/did 2.were to 3.should+v. Should/would/could...

青河县17595097340: shoud和would用法
党卞二羟: would和should 都是情态动词. should 1. (shall的过去式,表示过去将来)将 We hoped that we should be able to do that. 我们希望我们能这样做. 2. (表示语气较强的假设)万一,竟然 If the car should break down on the way, you would have to ...

青河县17595097340: 英语中虚拟语态是什么 -
党卞二羟: 虚拟语气是一种谓语动词形式,表示说话人的某种假设、愿望、怀疑、猜测、建议等含义. 二、语法结构 1.if结构(非真实条件句——表示的是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况) 与..事实相反 If从句 主句 过去 Had done Would* have done 现在 ...

青河县17595097340: you would have stayed with her . 和 you could have stayed with her . -
党卞二羟: 我觉得不行,因为这里是推测对方的想法,不能用would,而应该是could.如果用would就表明你不是在推测,而是断定他会在芭芭拉家待着了.would在第一人称做主语的时候用的多,自己对自己的想法判断更准确

青河县17595097340: would 对过去表推测 -
党卞二羟:[答案] 可以.用“will be”和“will(would) + have + 过去分词”的结构表示推测,主要用于第二、三人称.前者表示对目前情况的推测,后者表示对已经完成的动作或事态的推测.如:This will be the book you want.He will have arrived by now.The guests would...

青河县17595097340: you would都有什么句型啊?有什么用法 -
党卞二羟: 1.可以表示过去将来时,后加动词原型 2.表示虚拟语气后的 (If you were he,you'd try your best.)3.委婉的建议 4.would do rather than do = would rather do than do 表示宁愿怎么样也不怎么样(因为would是情态动词,所以后面都是跟原型)

青河县17595097340: 虚拟语气 you - --- - the washing up.I would have do -
党卞二羟: A needn't have done 表示过去 本不需要做某事但做了 didn't need to do表示过去不需要做某事,也没有做.这里是你本不需要做,因为我会为你做.

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