典范英语7-6 布莱克博恩拯救学校 故事梗概 英文,急急急

作者&投稿:泷媚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

class4's new teacher ,a pirate ,is sacked by miss lupin ,but she changes her mind after the pirate's treasure hunt at the school fair.四班来了一位新的班主任,他是一位海盗,有一天,在上美术课是,这位海盗让孩子们起航出海,但是大海离学校有好几英里,所以有人出主意一起去游泳池玩,于是孩子们在海盗的带领下,在泳池大闹了一番,最后惹怒了校长,校长要在学校游艺会结束后将他开除,但后来,女体育老师用海盗的地图在校园内找到了海盗宝藏,最后海盗用宝藏换来的钱拯救了学校。

综述:The pirate sold the pirate's treasure map at the entertainment. Because the school had no money to operate, it had to be closed immediately.
Therefore, the female PE teacher bought the pirate's treasure map and found the pirate's treasure on the campus.
Finally, the pirate saved the school and students with the money from the treasure, but finally, he took the treasure map and students to find the treasure, No one knows when they will come back.


综述:The Class 4's new teacher-Captain Blackbone made students feel surprised and happy. They painted crossbones and skull in art leson,even fighted with Class 3 at the swimming pool! But the headmaster-Miss Lupin is very,very angry.

She wanted to sack Captain Blackbones!The Class 4 wanted to save the Captain.So,they designed a game-treasure hurt in the school fair,to raise enough money to save the school ,and the Captain. 

The game was the hot cake.But unfortunately, the school looked as if it had been bombed!Miss Lupin was furious! 

However,Miss Punter ,the game teacher,found the real treature of the Great Aunt Amelia!So, Captain Blackbones(or his maps) accidentally saved the school,and himself.

翻译:四班的新老师班长布莱克尼(Blackone)让学生们感到惊讶和高兴。他们在艺术莱森(art leson)中画了十字骨和骷髅,甚至在游泳池里与三班打架!但是校长卢平小姐非常非常生气。她想解雇布莱克伯恩斯船长!四班想救队长。








The Class 4's new teacher-Captain Blackbone made students feel surprised and happy.They painted crossbones and skull in art leson,even fighted with Class 3 at the swimming pool! But the headmaster-Miss Lupin is very,very angry.She wanted to sack Captain Blackbones!The Class 4 wanted to save the Captain.So,they designed a game-treasure hurt in the school fair,to raise enough money to save the school ,and the Captain.The game was the hot cake.But unfortunately, the school looked as if it had been bombed!Miss Lupin was furious!However,Miss Punter ,the game teacher,found the real treature of the Great Aunt Amelia!So, Captain Blackbones(or his maps) accidentally saved the school,and himself!

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