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有关乔治 华盛顿的英文简介~


  George Washington

  The first president of the United States, George Washington, is often referred to as the Father of Our Country. He was known for his love of the land and farming, and his dislike of war. He was a distinguished general and commander in chief of the colonial armies in the American Revolution. He married a widow, Martha Dandridge Custis, and they lived at Mount Vernon, Washington's plantation in Virginia on the Potomac River.


  George Washington

  On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States. "As the first of every thing, in our situation will serve to establish a Precedent," he wrote James Madison, "it is devoutly wished on my part, that these precedents may be fixed on true principles."

  Born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family, he learned the morals, manners, and body of knowledge requisite for an 18th century Virginia gentleman.

  He pursued two intertwined interests: military arts and western expansion. At 16 he helped survey Shenandoah lands for Thomas, Lord Fairfax. Commissioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War. The next year, as an aide to Gen. Edward Braddock, he escaped injury although four bullets ripped his coat and two horses were shot from under him.

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  From 1759 to the outbreak of the American Revolution, Washington managed his lands around Mount Vernon and served in the Virginia House of Burgesses. Married to a widow, Martha Dandridge Custis, he devoted himself to a busy and happy life. But like his fellow planters, Washington felt himself exploited by British merchants and hampered by British regulations. As the quarrel with the mother country grew acute, he moderately but firmly voiced his resistance to the restrictions.

  When the Second Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia in May 1775, Washington, one of the Virginia delegates, was elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. On July 3, 1775, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, he took command of his ill-trained troops and embarked upon a war that was to last six grueling years.

  He realized early that the best strategy was to harass the British. He reported to Congress, "we should on all Occasions avoid a general Action, or put anything to the Risque, unless compelled by a necessity, into which we ought never to be drawn." Ensuing battles saw him fall back slowly, then strike unexpectedly. Finally in 1781 with the aid of French allies--he forced the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown.

  Washington longed to retire to his fields at Mount Vernon. But he soon realized that the Nation under its Articles of Confederation was not functioning well, so he became a prime mover in the steps leading to the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia in 1787. When the new Constitution was ratified, the Electoral College unanimously elected Washington President

  He did not infringe upon the policy making powers that he felt the Constitution gave Congress. But the determination of foreign policy became preponderantly a Presidential concern. When the French Revolution led to a major war between France and England, Washington refused to accept entirely the recommendations of either his Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, who was pro-French, or his Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, who was pro-British. Rather, he insisted upon a neutral course until the United States could grow stronger.

  To his disappointment, two parties were developing by the end of his first term. Wearied of politics, feeling old, he retired at the end of his second. In his Farewell Address, he urged his countrymen to forswear excessive party spirit and geographical distinctions. In foreign affairs, he warned against long-term alliances.

  Washington enjoyed less than three years of retirement at Mount Vernon, for he died of a throat infection December 14, 1799. For months the Nation mourned him.

The Washington Monument was built between 1848 and 1884 as a memorial to George Washington, first President of the United States. Its construction took place in two major phases, 1848-56, and 1876-84--the Civil War and a lack of funds causing the intermittent hiatus. Plans for a national monument began as early as 1783 when Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant proposed to Congress that an equestrian statue of George Washington be erected. Although the Monument was authorized by Congress, no action was taken by the time Washington died in 1799. His death rekindled public aspiration for an appropriate memorial to him, and John Marshall proposed that a special sepulcher be erected for the General within the Capitol itself. Lack of funds postponed construction, but Marshall persevered, and in 1833 he and James Madison formed the Washington National Monument Society. By 1836 the Society advertised for competitive architectural designs. The winning architect was Robert Mills, whose design called for a neoclassical plan which provided for a nearly-flat-topped obelisk surrounded by a circular colonnade on which would stand a statue of Washington in a chariot. Inside the colonnade statues of 30 prominent Revolutionary War heroes would be displayed.

In an elaborate Fourth of July ceremony in 1848, the cornerstone was laid. Lack of funds and the illegal election which placed the Washington Monument Society in the hands of the Know-Nothings, a political party, caused delays. After the Know Nothings returned all records to the original society in 1858, the Civil War interrupted construction. When Lt.Col.Thomas L.Casey, Mills' successor, resumed the project in 1876, he redesigned the monument to resemble an unadorned Egyptian obelisk with a pointed pyramidion. The original design was greatly altered, producing an unembellished obelisk. The Corps of Engineers of the War Department was placed in charge of the final construction, and the monument was dedicated on February 21, 1885, and opened to the public on October 9, 1888.

Weighing 90,854 tons, the Washington Monument stands 555' 5-1/8" tall. The walls of the monument range in thickness from 15' at the base to 18'' at the upper shaft. They are composed of white marble from Maryland and Massachusetts, underlain by granite, the whole supported by interior ironwork. A slight color change is perceptible at the 152' -level. A flight of 897 steps rises to the observation area in the pyramidion. Inserted into the interior walls are 192 carved stones presented by individuals, societies, cities, States, and nations of the world. An elevator takes visitors to the top, where they can gaze over the city from the monument's windows.

In 1996, the Washington Monument Restoration Project was kicked off with Target Stores joining the National Park Service and the National Park Foundation to help restore this national treasure. Guaranteeing $1 million, Target served as the lead sponsor working with the foundation to raise awareness and an additional $4 million in donations from corporate partners. The restoration included constructing scaffolding for the entire 555-foot, 5 1/8-inch monument; sealing 500 feet of exterior and interior stone cracks; pointing 64,000 linear feet of exterior joints; cleaning 59,000 square feet of interior wall surface; sealing eight observation windows and eight aircraft warning lights; repairing 1,000 square feet of chipped and patched stone; pointing 3,900 linear feet of interior joints; and preserving and restoring 192 interior commemorative stones. The projected was completed in 2000.

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 .He was the commander(kemander) of the Continental(kangtinantou) Army(arming) in the American Revolutionary War and the first President(perseidengte) of the United States(sideici) of America. For his central(sanqiu) role(rou) in the formation of the United States, he is often referred(ruiferde) to as "the father of his country".
Washington presided(perzaidide) over the Philadelphia(feledaofeiya) Convention(kenvanxun) that drafted(jvawutide) the United States Constitution(kangsitetiuxun) in 1787. Washington became President(perseidente) of the United States in 1789 and established(yisidabulaixude) many of the customs(kasidengmus) and usages(useijiersi) of the new government's executive(yikezaikidevu) department.He sought (saate)to create(kuiAte) a nation capable(geibepo) of surviving(servaiving) in a world torn(duoerna) asunder(eisangder) by war between Britain(buruitianna) and France. His unilateral(youlenlaiterou) Proclamation(pruageruomeixun) of Neutrality(nichuailedi) of 1793 provided(perouvaidide) a basis(beisasi) for refrain(ruifuiying) any involvement(yinvelomente) in foreign(foruanna) conflicts(kangfuleikesi). He supported(sipotide) plans to build(biude) a strong central(sanqiu) government by funding the national(naixiunou) debt(daite), implementing(yinpelementing) an effective tax system, and establish(yisidabuleixu) a national bank. Washington died in 1799, and the funeral oration delivered by Henry Lee stated that of all Americans, he was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen".

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慎翰常规:[答案] 参考看看Washington,D.C.is the capital city of the United States of America."D.C." is an abbreviation for the District of Columbia,the federal district coextensive with the city of Washington.The city ...

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慎翰常规:[答案] 美国总统华盛顿 WASHINGTON,George (1732-1799),first president of the U.S.,commander in chief of the Continental army during the American Revolution.He symbolized qualities of discipline,aristocratic duty,military orthodoxy,and persistence in ...

樊城区19618691057: 美国首都华盛顿的英文简介Washington,D.C.is the capital city of the United States of America."D.C." is an abbreviation for the District of Columbia,the ... -
慎翰常规:[答案] 华盛顿,D.C.是美国政府的首都."D.C".是哥伦比亚特区的缩写,与华盛顿共同组成联邦政府所在地区.城市以纪念乔治.华盛顿而命名,他是美国独立战争的军事领袖和第一位美国总裁. 哥伦比亚特区和华盛顿城市被同一个市政府管理.最实际的目标...

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慎翰常规: WASHINGTON, George (1732-1799), first president of the U.S., commander in chief of the Continental army during the American Revolution. He symbolized qualities of discipline, aristocratic duty, military orthodoxy, and persistence in adversity that ...

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慎翰常规:[答案] Washington,D.C.is the capital city of the United States of America."D.C." is an abbreviation for the District of Columbia,the federal district coextensive with the city of Washington.The city is named...

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慎翰常规: An USA man.

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慎翰常规: Washington, D.C. (pronounced /ˈwɒʃɪŋtən ˌdiːˈsiː/), formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, the District, or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States, founded on July 16, 1790. The City of ...

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慎翰常规:[答案] Washington,D.C.is the capital city of the United States of America."D.C." is an abbreviation for the District of Columbia,the federal district coextensive with the city of Washington.The city is named...

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慎翰常规: Washington, D.C. (formally, the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, the District, or simply D.C.) is the capital of the United States, founded on July 16, 1790. The City of Washington used to be a separate municipality within...

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慎翰常规: LZ你好~~ 关于Washington的英文信息:地理位置: Washington is the northwestern-most state of the contiguous United States. Its northern border lies mostly along the 49th parallel, and then via marine boundaries through the Strait of Georgia, ...

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