how to make a reservation in a restaurant 请高手用英语作答

作者&投稿:豆卢版 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

基本句型: Have you got a table for two, please? 请问您有两个人的桌子吗? Have you booked a table? 您预定餐桌了吗? Have you made a reservation? 您预定了吗? smoking or non-smoking? 吸烟区还是非吸烟区? Would you like something to drink? 您想喝什么? Would you like to see the menu? 您需要看菜单吗? 点菜就餐的典型次序是:找一张桌子坐下——看菜单-—点菜——就餐-—付钱-—离开。英语语言的表达基本上也是依照次顺序。“订餐”在英文中有两种说法,即to book a table和&make a reservation。在英国以及其它很多国家,餐厅一般划分为吸烟区和非吸烟区。一进餐厅,服务员会主动征询客人的意见,然后引领客人前往所选择的区域就餐。 在西餐厅就餐,菜单一般由三类不同的菜别组成。the first course 或者 starters 是指第一道菜,往往是汤、一小碟色拉或其它小吃。第二道菜是主菜,fish and chips 是鱼和炸土豆条,它同“roast beef and york shir pudding——牛肉布丁”、“shepherd spie——牧羊人馅饼”一样,都是典型的英国传统菜肴。最后一道是甜食——或冷或热,但都是甜的。西方饮食习惯是先吃咸的,后吃甜的。西餐菜单名目繁多,有时不易读懂。遇到这种情况,可以请服务员解释一下。 Conversation In A Restaurant
餐厅里的对话 Hugh is ordering a meal in a restaurant 休正在餐厅点餐 a few moments later (过了一会儿) Emma: one sparkling water 埃玛:一份带汽的矿泉水。 Hugh: Thanks very much 休:谢谢! Emma: Are you ready to order? 埃玛:您现在可以点菜吗? Hugh: Yeah I think I am actually. Could I just have the soup to start please. 休:是的,可以。请先给我来一份例汤,好吗——今日的例汤是什么? Emma: That's minestrone, is that all right sir? 埃玛:是意大利蔬菜汤,可以吗? Hugh: Yeah, that's fine, and for the main course could I have the chicken please? 休:可以。好的…至于主菜,请给我一份鸡肉,好吗? Emma: Chicken. 埃玛:…鸡肉… Hugh: And just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please 休:再来一点蔬菜和煮土豆。 Emma: Boiled potatoes, OK? 埃玛:…煮土豆。好的。 Hugh: Thanks very much. 休:谢谢! Emma: OK. 埃玛:好的

Waiter:Thank you for calling Taichi Cantonese Cuisine Restaurant/Yuechu Western Restaurant. How may I assist you?
Guest: Hi, I want to make a reservation for two.
Waiter: Certainly. May I have your first name and last name?
Guest: Ok, first name is May, last name is Alison.
Waiter: Thank you Miss Alison. When is your reservation for?
Guest: Tomorrow night at 8 o'lock.
Waiter: May I have your phone number?
Guest: It's 626-306-5169.
Waiter: Ok, Miss Alison. We reserved your table for two, for tomorrow evening at 8 o'lock.
Guest: Ok, thank you.
Waiter: You are welcome, Miss Alison.

1. Vocabulary




靠窗座位:window seat




2. Useful expressions

我想要预约3个人的位子。I'd like to reserve a table for three.

我们共有6个人。We are a group of six.

我我们大约在8点到达。We'll come around eight o'clock.

我要如何才能到达餐厅? How can I get there?

我想要预约今晚7点2个人的位子。I'd like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight.

我很抱歉。今晚的客人相当多。I'm sorry. We have so many guests this evening.

我们大概需要等多久? How long is the wait?

9点应该没问题。Nine o'clock should be O.K.

今天的推荐餐是什么? What do you have for today's special?

我们想要面对花园的位子。We'd like a table with a view of garden.

没问题。请给我你的名字。It's O.K. Your name, please.

我的名字是杰西卡?杨。My name is Jessica Yang.

餐厅是否有任何服装上的规定? Do you have a dress code?

女士是否需穿正式服装? Could the ladies wear formal dresses?

请不要穿牛仔裤。No jeans, please.

3. Dialogue

A: Hello, BQ Restaurant, what can I do for you?

B: Er, I need a table with 6 seats by the window.

A: When will you reach?

B: About 7 pm..

A: Ok, I'll make an arrangement. Do you have another requirement?

B: Not yet, thank you.

A: You are welcome. We’ll make the arrangement for you.

怎样在饭店里腾出块空地。reservation 在这里是居留地的意思。


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