Let's Go To Bed 歌词

作者&投稿:卜胀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Let's Go To Bed 歌词~

歌曲名:Let's Go To Bed
歌手:The Cure
专辑:Greatest Hits

let me take your hand
i'm shaking like milk
turning blue
all over the windows and the floors
fires outside in the sky
look as perfect as cats
the two of us together again
but it's just the same
a stupid game
but i don't care if you don't
and i don't feel if you don't
and i don't want it if you don't
and i won't say it
if you don't say it first
you think you're tired now
but wait until three...
laughing at the christmas lights
you remember
from december
all of this then back again
another girl
another name
stay alive but stay the same
it's just the same
a stupid game
but i don't care if you don't
and i don't feel if you don't
and i don't want it if you don't
and i won't play it
if you don't play it first
you can't even see now
so you ask me the way
you wonder if it's real
because it couldn't be rain...
through the right doorway
and into the white room
it used to be the dust that would lay here
when i came here alone
but i don't care if you don't
and i don't feel if you don't
and i don't want it if you don't
and i won't say it
if you don't say it first


1.Let's go to bed now中bed 和now在句子中是什么成分?

"go to bed",固定词组,“上床睡觉”,实在要区分的话,bed在这里克认为是宾语,其实没必要深究,呵呵!

2.The bus is for Tianjin?中The bus和for Tianjin的成分?

“The bus”,作主语;
“for Tianjin”,在句中做表语,因为整个句子是主系表结构;


歌曲名:Let's Go To Bed
歌手:The Cure
专辑:Staring at the Sea: The Singles

let me take your hand
i'm shaking like milk
turning blue
all over the windows and the floors
fires outside in the sky
look as perfect as cats
the two of us together again
but it's just the same
a stupid game
but i don't care if you don't
and i don't feel if you don't
and i don't want it if you don't
and i won't say it
if you don't say it first
you think you're tired now
but wait until three...
laughing at the christmas lights
you remember
from december
all of this then back again
another girl
another name
stay alive but stay the same
it's just the same
a stupid game
but i don't care if you don't
and i don't feel if you don't
and i don't want it if you don't
and i won't play it
if you don't play it first
you can't even see now
so you ask me the way
you wonder if it's real
because it couldn't be rain...
through the right doorway
and into the white room
it used to be the dust that would lay here
when i came here alone
but i don't care if you don't
and i don't feel if you don't
and i don't want it if you don't
and i won't say it
if you don't say it first


英文缩写:Et 英文全称:Ethyl 中文解释:乙基 缩写分类:化学化工 2、ET 英文缩写:ET 英文全称:extra-terrestrial 中文解释:外星人 缩写分类:常用词汇 3、ET 英文缩写:ET 英文全称:endothelin 中文解释:内皮素 缩写分类:生物科学、医药卫生 4、ET 英文缩写:ET 英文全称:Ethiopia 中文解释:埃塞...

et什么意思 解析et的含义和用法?
ET是一个英文缩写词,其全称为"Extra Terrestrial",中文意思为"外星人"。ET一词最初出现在美国电影《E.T.外星人》中,该电影由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导,于1982年上映,讲述了一个外星人意外降落在地球上,与一个小男孩培养出深厚的友谊,并最终返回自己的星球的故事。这部电影大获成功,成为了影史上...

et [英汉航海大词典]n.经历的时间 et [英汉化学大词典]n.乙基 et [英汉经贸大词典]n.经历的时间 ET [航空英语缩写词典]Eastern Time 东部时间(美)Elapsed Time 消失时间,所飞时间 Estimated Time To Next Check Point 预计到达下一检查点的时间 Et Cetera 等等 Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 ETHIOPIAN AIRLI...

ET 的意思是什么??
et [英汉化学大词典]n.乙基 et [英汉经贸大词典]n.经历的时间 ET [航空英语缩写词典]Eastern Time 东部时间(美)Elapsed Time 消失时间,所飞时间 Estimated Time To Next Check Point 预计到达下一检查点的时间 Et Cetera 等等 Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES CORPORATION 埃塞俄比亚航空公司 E...

et意思有:1、Ease Template 是一套PHP专用的模板系统,简称ET。程序结构开发合理配合调试平台模板人员自己就可以完成程序页面的修改,此举动将大大的减轻程序员的负担(不过根据修改情况偶尔会有小小的程序改动>=5%)。2、Exclusive Team(简称E.T),是御战策划的英译。御战策划指的是在商业实战与文化...


“et”是法语中的一个词组,意思是“和;与;连同”。在法语中,它常常用来表示联接两个或多个事物,例如“pain et fromage”就是法语中的“面包和奶酪”的意思。而在英语中,它则表示多个行为或状态同时发生,例如“eat and drink”就是同时指吃和喝。除了在法语和英语中有特定的用法外,"et...



1 英文Extraterrestrial的缩写,ET的中文意思是外星人。=Eastern Time 东部时间[美]《外星人》(美国的一部科学幻想影片)et [简明英汉词典][et][域] Ethiopia , 埃塞俄比亚 ET [英汉计算机词汇]= End Of Text,文本结束; = Ending Tape, 磁带结束; = Entry Table, 项目[入口]表 et [英汉航海大...

乌兰察布市17023844594: 英语句型教学如何引出Let's go ! -
长孙面明立: 比如,Tom 和 Linda在路上遇到了,today is a sunny day,and today is saturday,let's go to the park!

乌兰察布市17023844594: Let's go后面是+动词原形,还是动词ing -
长孙面明立:[答案] 动词原形

乌兰察布市17023844594: 谁有hey say jump加油let's go的日文歌词 -
长孙面明立: ガンバレッツゴー! (ガンバレッツゴー!)(ガンバレッツゴー!)(ガンバレッツゴー!) I Want you I need youyeh! 完璧knock out 予测(You're so cool) 的中(Take it, true) ガンバレッツゴー! 急ぐ(It's so good) そう年中 咲き乱れて...

乌兰察布市17023844594: let's go ed是什么的主题曲啊 -
长孙面明立: 伊克西翁传说dt的片尾

乌兰察布市17023844594: Let's go the swimming pool哪里错了 -
长孙面明立: 少了一个to,应该Let's go to the swimming pool.

乌兰察布市17023844594: We learned a lot - ____ - animals in the zoo.A in B with C about D forWhat shall we do on the weekend?------Let's go - _____.A fish B fishing C to ... -
长孙面明立:[答案] 1 C learn about 了解 2 B go fishing 固定用法'去钓鱼' 3 A 但是 我们很累,但我们玩得很开心. 加油!不明白再问!

乌兰察布市17023844594: 请问大家在初中英语单词中,有多少个单词像let's go一样中间不能加上to?
长孙面明立: home前面不能加to,还有here,there,前面都不能加to.其他就没了

乌兰察布市17023844594: Let's go - ____ - home.A.to B.his为什么选b? -
长孙面明立:[答案] 如果你的题目没有打错的话,这题是没有答案的.正确的句子写作:Let's go home.Let's go to his home.因为home既可以作名词,这时前面要加其它的单词(my,your,his,her)修饰,This i s my home.也可以作副词,这时不能加介...

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