Let's Call The Whole Thing Off 歌词

作者&投稿:农净 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求教!翻译let's call the whole thing off这首歌?真是看不懂啊!我分不多,不好意思!~


Things have come to a pretty pass 好时光俨然成回忆
Our romance is growing flat 我们的罗曼史日渐平淡无奇
For you like this and the other 因为你有你所爱
while I go for this and that 我有我所钟
Goodness knows what the end will be 天知道我们将如何收场
I don't know where I'm at 我也不知道将来在何方
It looks as if we two will never be one 貌似我俩人终于有缘无份
Something must be done. 但总不能坐视爱情自生自亡

You say either 你说也许
And I say either 我说或许
You say neither 你说既不
And I say neither 我说也不
Either, either, neither, neither 也许,或许;既不,也不
Let's call the whole thing off 咱们干脆就此算了吧

You like potatoes 你爱洋芋
And I like potatoes 我爱土豆
You like tomatoes你爱番茄
And I like tomatoes我爱柿子
Potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes 洋芋,土豆;番茄,柿子
Let's call the whole thing off 咱们干脆就此算了吧

But oh, if we call the whole thing off 如果我们就此为止
Then we must part 我们就此分手
And oh, if we ever part 而如果我们分手
Then that might break my heart 我的心就会伤透

So it you like pajarnas and I like pajamas 所以如果你爱睡衣,我爱睡袍
I'll wear pajamas and give up pajamas 我就会穿着睡衣不再穿睡袍
For we know we need each other 因为我们知道我俩终究离不开
So we'd better call the calling off, off 就别再说什么分道扬镳
Let's call the whole thing off 最好就此打住吧

So if you go for oysters 所以如果我吃扇贝
And I go for oysters 你吃龙虾
I'll order oysters and cancel the oysters 那好吧,别再争了,咱就点龙虾
For we know we need each other 因为我们知道我俩终究离不开
So we'd better call the calling off, off 就别再说什么分道扬镳
Let's call the whole thing off 最好就此打住吧

《分道扬镳》是1937年George Geshwin和Ira Geshwin两兄弟为音乐喜剧《一舞倾情》创作的爵士乐曲。歌曲本身所表现的是一对本来情投意合的男女招架不住平淡生活的拉练,开始为分手寻找各种堂而皇之的理由。然而真要分手时才发现即使面目可憎的伴侣仍牵扯了自己割不断的情谊。

let s call the whole thing off
歌手:billie holiday 专辑:songs for distingue lovers
George and ira gershwin
You say either
And i say either
You say neither
And i say neither
Either, either, neither, neither
Let's call the whole thing off
Billie Holiday
You like potatoes
And i like potatoes
You like tomatoes
And i like tomatoes
Potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes
Let's call the whole thing off
But oh, if we call the whole thing off
Then we must part
And oh, if we ever part
So it you like pajarnas and i like pajamas
I'll wear pajamas and give up pajamas
For we know we need each other
So we'd better call the calling off, off
Let's call the whole thing off
So if you go for oysters
And i go for oysters
I'll order oysters and cancel the oysters
For we know we need each other
So we'd better call the calling off, off
Let's call the whole thing off

歌曲名:Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
歌手:Louis Armstrong
专辑:The Complete Ella And Louis On Verve

Things have come to a pretty pass
Our romance is growing flat,
For you like this and the other
While I go for this and that,
Goodness knows what the end will be
Oh I don't know where I'm at
It looks as if we two will never be one
Something must be done:
You say either and I say either,
You say neither and I say neither
Either, either Neither, neither,
Let's call the whole thing off.
You like potato and I like potahto,
You like tomato and I like tomahto
Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto,
Let's call the whole thing off
But oh, if we call the whole thing off
Then we must part
And oh, if we ever part,
then that might break my heart
So if you like pyjamas and I like pyjahmas,
I'll wear pyjamas and give up pyajahmas
For we know we need each other so we ,
Better call the whole off off
Let's call the whole thing off.
You say laughter and I say larfter,
You say after and I say arfter
Laughter, larfter after arfter,
Let's call the whole thing off,
You like vanilla and I like vanella,
You saspiralla, and I saspirella
Vanilla vanella chocolate strawberry,
Let's call the whole thing off
But oh if we call the whole thing of
then we must part
And oh,
if we ever part,then that might break my heart
So if you go for oysters and I go for ersters,
I'll order oysters and cancel the ersters
For we know we need each other so we,
Better call the calling off off,
Let's call the whole thing off.



英文缩写:Et 英文全称:Ethyl 中文解释:乙基 缩写分类:化学化工 2、ET 英文缩写:ET 英文全称:extra-terrestrial 中文解释:外星人 缩写分类:常用词汇 3、ET 英文缩写:ET 英文全称:endothelin 中文解释:内皮素 缩写分类:生物科学、医药卫生 4、ET 英文缩写:ET 英文全称:Ethiopia 中文解释:埃塞...

ET(乙醇缩写(ethanol))一般指乙醇 。乙醇(ethanol),有机化合物,分子式C2H6O,结构简式CH3CH2OH或C2H5OH,俗称酒精,是最常见的一元醇。乙醇在常温常压下是一种易燃、易挥发的无色透明液体,低毒性,纯液体不可直接饮用;具有特殊香味,并略带刺激;微甘,并伴有刺激的辛辣滋味。

et [英汉航海大词典]n.经历的时间 et [英汉化学大词典]n.乙基 et [英汉经贸大词典]n.经历的时间 ET [航空英语缩写词典]Eastern Time 东部时间(美)Elapsed Time 消失时间,所飞时间 Estimated Time To Next Check Point 预计到达下一检查点的时间 Et Cetera 等等 Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 ETHIOPIAN AIRLI...



et是英文单词“and”的缩写,意为“和”,在口语中十分常见。与汉语中的“和”类似,它用于连接两个相同或不同的事物。在实际使用中,et通常用作连词,将两个词或短语连接在一起,形成一个完整的句子。例如:“Jack and Jill went up the hill.”(杰克和吉尔上了山。)这里,“and”就是et的...

et什么意思 解析et的含义和用法?
ET是一个英文缩写词,其全称为"Extra Terrestrial",中文意思为"外星人"。ET一词最初出现在美国电影《E.T.外星人》中,该电影由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导,于1982年上映,讲述了一个外星人意外降落在地球上,与一个小男孩培养出深厚的友谊,并最终返回自己的星球的故事。这部电影大获成功,成为了影史上...



塔城地区13277592651: 有一首经典英文歌,叫let's wants let's does吗? -
茶方痔疾: 貌似是叫 just one last dance 哟~~~ 我第一次听也听错啦~~应该是这个的~~ 很好听哒~~Sarah Connor 唱的~~ 附歌词: Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance 最后一曲 哦 亲爱的 最后一曲 We meet in the night in the Spanish café 那个...

塔城地区13277592651: 英语PEP六下第三单元B的Let'sread的全文解释各
茶方痔疾: 第三单元是不是“Last weekend” —————————————————————————— 今天是个有趣的一天,我早上走路去Mike(迈克)的家,我和他一起学习英语.我们一起看了许多有趣的绕口令. 然后,我骑单车去公园,我放了风筝.今天是个刮风的天气,突然我的风筝掉到了湖里. 一只狗看到了我的风筝,它跳到湖里并游向风筝,5分钟后,它将风筝还给了我,我很感谢它.

塔城地区13277592651: 咱们谈论一下其他的工作吧用英语怎么说Let's - — — — jobs -
茶方痔疾:[答案] Let's talk about other jobs 你的问题乱码了

塔城地区13277592651: 王若琳《Let's start from here》歌词.谢谢! -
茶方痔疾: 歌词 Let's start from here(让我们从这里开始) Music & Lyrics(作曲/作词): Luke McMaster, Damhnait Doyle, Vincent DegiorgioGiving up, why should I 为什么我要 放弃 we've come to far to forget 我们经历了那么多 却从未忘记 we're beautiful,...

塔城地区13277592651: 14. Let's have it today. (Let's /Let's not do sth.) 造句:咱们今天别出去了吧. --
茶方痔疾:[答案] Let's not go out today.

塔城地区13277592651: let's和 let us 哪一个包括说话人哪一个包括听话人 -
茶方痔疾: let's 包括说话者本人 let us不包括说话者本人

塔城地区13277592651: let's和 let us 哪一个包括说话人哪一个包括听话人let's和 let us -
茶方痔疾:[答案] let's 包括说话者本人 let us不包括说话者本人

塔城地区13277592651: 英语句型教学如何引出Let's go ! -
茶方痔疾: 比如,Tom 和 Linda在路上遇到了,today is a sunny day,and today is saturday,let's go to the park!

塔城地区13277592651: 咱们打兵乓球吧. 怎么写 Let's
茶方痔疾: let us do sth祈使句,多用于提建议.让我们做……吧~这句话可以说成 let's play ping-pong~

塔城地区13277592651: Let's try - ---(pull) the car together.这道题怎么做.用 to pull 还是pulling 哪个更好, -
茶方痔疾: pulling try to do 尽力做某事 try doing 试着做某事 在没有上文具体交待过的前提下,选择pulling更合理.虽然选to pull也是没错的.


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