
作者&投稿:孙冰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



This story is a fairly faithful adaptation of the play and novel by J. M. Barrie. In it, the perpetually young Peter Pan (Jeremy Sumpter) from time to time visits London in the early 1900s, where he becomes enthralled by the stories that Wendy Darling (Rachel Hurd-Wood) tells to her brothers. Wendy asks to visit Never Land and Peter invites her to be the "mother" to his gang of Lost Boys (most of whom are English accented). Before leaving, she asks to bring her brothers John (Harry Newell) and Michael (Freddie Popplewell), and Peter teaches them all to fly with him.

Out of jealousy, Tinker Bell (Ludivine Sagnier) tricks the Lost Boys into shooting Wendy as she approaches the island, but Wendy survives and the boys ask her to be their mother and tell them stories. Meanwhile the princess Tiger Lily captures John and Michael just before Captain Hook (Jason Isaacs) comes through the forest looking for the boys. Captain Hook captures Tiger Lily, John and Michael and holds them as bait for Peter. All three of them are gagged and left hanging from a rock to drown as the tide rises. Wendy and Peter free them, with help from the Amerindian princess Tiger Lily (Carsen Gray) and the timely arrival of the crocodile that ate Hook's hand. The Crocodile desperately tries to eat Hook by snapping his jaws around him, but he makes a narrow escape before the Crocodile can swallow him alive.

That night, Peter and Wendy share a romantic "fairy dance," while Hook spies on them, distressed that Peter has "found himself a Wendy." Peter reminds Wendy that they are just pretending to be a couple, and Wendy confronts Peter about his feelings about love. Peter becomes upset with her, and tells her to go home if she's not happy. Wendy, hurt, escapes to her little house. Peter returns to the Darling house, and seeing that Wendy's mother is still waiting for her children to come home, he attempts to shut the window to prevent her return to them. But, after a struggle, Wendy's parents manage to reopen the window, refusing to let it be closed.

Hook later finds Wendy and has her carried to his ship, the Jolly Roger. There, he entices her with a job telling stories to the crew, then sends a spy to follow her to the Lost Boys' underground lair. The next day, after Peter hears of a new pirate, Wendy admits she was asked to serve as a crewman. Later, the pirates kidnap the boys, binding and gagging them as they leave the tree. Wendy finds out, but is gagged before she can cry out. Since Hook is unable to reach Peter, he leaves poison for him to drink when he wakes up. Tink stops him, poisoning herself in the process; Peter reaches out to children sleeping around the world, the Darlings, and even the pirates to sustain her with their belief in fairies.

Peter and Tink save Wendy and the boys from walking the plank, and they all fight against the pirates. Hook gets sprinkled with Tink's fairy dust, and duels Peter in the air, weakening him with taunts about Wendy abandoning him and eventually forgetting about him when she grows up. Peter falls, unable to fight with those thoughts and gives in to inevitable death. But with a "thimble" (kiss) from Wendy, Peter recovers and re-engages Hook, who loses his confidence and his altitude above the water, and is swallowed by the crocodile much to his enjoyment as he has finally eaten Hook and got the full taste of him. Wendy decides that she belongs back home, and returns to London with her brothers and the Lost Boys. Peter, now with more respect for Wendy heads back home.

In an alternate ending based on Barrie's epilogue, included on the DVD release with unfinished special effects and no music, Peter returns to the London house 20 years later, finding Wendy as a grown mother. He is deeply hurt when she tells him she has grown up, and walks over to Wendy's daughter who is asleep in bed. His sobbing awakes the little girl, and she introduces herself as Jane. Peter grins excitedly at Wendy, and with her mother's permission, Jane flies away with Peter to Neverland.



1.《小飞侠彼得潘》读后感读了《小飞侠彼得潘》这篇名著后,使我受益匪浅,使我懂得了每个小孩都会长大成人的这个道理。许许多多的孩子都不想长大,不想上学,只想天天玩。书中的主人公叫彼得潘 ,他就是个永远都不想长大的男孩。他住在永无乡这个像仙境一样的地方,这里有声音如铃铛般悦耳的仙女、...

哈尔的移动城堡类似的电影有哪些?或是与 机器人总动员 类似的也行...

这是一匹名叫“戴花”(Makybe Diva)的雌马,她是2003、2004和2005年的冠军。另外,有四匹马获得过两次冠军,分别是“飞侠彼得潘”(Peter Pan,1932和1934年冠军)、“下雨情人”(Rain Lover, 1968和1969年冠军)、“异想天开”(Think Big,1974和1975年冠军)。

海德公园 (Hyde Park)位于英国伦敦中心的西敏寺地区,伦敦最大的皇家公园。该公园被九曲湖(Serpentine Lake)分为两部分。该公园的紧邻肯辛顿公园,许多人认为它也是海德公园的一部分,其实 严格来说是两个公园。海德公园面积为1.4 km²,肯辛顿公园为1.1 km²,总计2.5 km²。

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在炭赛高: 1、 2 . 勇敢:英勇凶猛 2、 12 . 粗暴:鲁莽暴躁 3、 1 . 凶狠:凶恶狠毒 4、 5 . 完全一样全一样. 5、 10 . 流畅:流畅,无障碍 6、 6 . 可怜巴巴:很可怜的样子 7、 27 . 人控制习惯,而不是人. 8、 7 . 欣慰:内心满意,感到安慰 9、 5 . 慷慨的...

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在炭赛高: 彼得潘是个顽皮勇敢、绅士风度、又有傲气、不愿意长大、热爱飞翔的小男孩.他住在的“梦幻岛”(Neverland)是一个所有儿童都梦想的可爱海盗,在那里有茂密的森林,你可以跟随着他在树叶间飞来飞去,看各种可爱的小动物躲在各自的角落...

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在炭赛高: 小飞侠彼德潘好段摘抄人永远拒绝不了长大.当你不是一个孩子时,你就会失去了你的想象力,你的身躯会变得日益沉重,一些美好单纯的东西会渐渐被忘却,只剩下世俗的纷扰. 永远不要长大,这是一个孩子童话般的梦想.每一个孩提时拥...

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在炭赛高: 《小飞侠彼得潘》读后感 所有的孩子都要长大,只有一个例外——他就是英国的詹母斯·巴里笔下的小男孩彼得潘. 彼得潘是个顽皮、淘气、会飞翔、勇敢、有绅士风度、又有些傲气的小男孩,他住在一个叫做“梦幻岛”这样的可爱小岛上....

泗县17510525434: 小飞侠彼得潘 台词 -
在炭赛高:请坚持看完,谢谢 永无岛(neverland)是一个神仙居住的星球,紫色的大地,彩色的天,美丽,祥和,富饶.那里有茂密的森林,清澈的湖泊,神秘的光.还有一种神奇的生物,叫小仙女.她们的生命十分脆弱,只要有人说"我不相信世界...

泗县17510525434: 彼得潘的经典语录? -
在炭赛高: 你好《彼得潘:不会长大的男孩》(Peter Pan: The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up)人永远拒绝不了长大彼得潘会杀掉长大的孩子们永远哀伤的孩子感谢使用!

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