
作者&投稿:系肺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

因为事实上不是纽约的楼房“比蒙特利尔高”、声音“比蒙特利尔大”。。。(尽管汉语可以这样省略),而是纽约的楼房比蒙特利尔的楼房高,声音比蒙特利尔的声音大。。。,所以应该是 than in Montreal。

To do is to do 是一个很稳定而且很好地句式


A recent report suggests that safety-conscious drivers need not limit themselves to driving large, heavy vehicles, because the structural integrity of a vehicle is more important than its size and weight.
这句话 正确 没有毛病
这里need not是情态动词 后面是动词原形 limit
不错 这是 limit oneself to doing。to是介词
这与need to doing好无关系 英语中也没有 need to doing
本句need如果是实义动词 应该是shouldn't need to limit

不是need to doing,这句话里面是need做情态动词,后面跟动词原形。所以跟limit就是动词原形。
如果need是实意动词,就应该是do not need,后面应当跟to limit,跟doing就完全没有关系。
后面是limit sb to doingsth,因为to是介词。

need是情态动词,不存在need to doing。这里limit是动词,意为限制,用法是limit sb to (doing)sth

一道SAT 语法IS题。。。
本句中The price of gold has been influenced(黄金价格已经受到影响)是结果,后面的by continued inflation 和从句because people have lost faith in the dollar 都是受影响的原因。如果用两个简单句把它们单列出来,无疑是可以成立的:The price of gold has been influenced by continued inflation...

请教三道SAT OG上的语法题
1、是的as well as 和and基本一样,但是有细微的差别,及as well as更强调其前面的东西。eg. I like playing basketball as well as football. 这里主要是说我喜欢篮球而顺便提及足球也是我的爱好。总之,在本题所考察的平行结构方面,as well as也是符合的 应选择前后符合的一项。注意:as well ...

1、你之所以不理解是因为你努力在冒号后面这部分寻找谓语动词,其实冒号后面的可以不是个句子,只是名词性短语。在这句里,是一个名词性短语来解释the same general meaning. 其中心词是statement,而后边的 expressing...是修饰这个statement 的定语(即:一个表达。。。的陈述),表达的东西是an ...

1 这是让步状语从句。 的答案应该是B.A的话,应该是whatever her thoughts (might) be, they - -- -.B Whatever her thoughts were已经是完整的从句部分了,可以解释为no matter what her thoughts were.2 如果是B的话,句子应该是 As to how to solve the problem, neither Ben nor ...

一道语法题 SAT
一个一个说哈。1、原句的错误在于,用逗号和and看似隔开了两个并列的句子,但第二个句子并不是合格的句子,因为of whom没有着落处,其实还有一种更简单的改法可以使整句话基本合乎语法,那就是去掉and,让the most venturesome of whom...做定语从句,修饰the villagers。(类似于 I had five cups...

sat 一道简单的语法题
选C,这是英语中很常见的句式,“having done……,主句主谓宾”这个句式的意思是说having done的那个动作发生在主语的动作之前,这里的意思是强调come的动作发生在decide之前。我再给你举个例子:Having realised I am wrong,I rushed to his house to say sorry to him.这个句子的意思很简单,我就...

是选B吧?1. 作为一个完整的句子,这句话需要一个谓语动词,standing是不能单独做谓语动词的,所以只能用stood。2. droop表示“垂下”,是不及物动词,heads和droop是主谓关系,所以用现在分词即可。补充:楼主说的从语法角度似乎有道理。这样一来,standing ten feet tall, their brown heads drooped...

第一题:这道题你要明白他到底想要说啥,他说的是大约六百万人涌在那里干啥干啥,这个涌呢不是一下子涌出来的,是需要一个时间的,所以选一个时间段更合理。第二题:in 1714是插入语,你把它拿掉就变成了:A discovery in New Jersey actually contributed to the early economic development of ...

第一个绝对不能改成 to us。因为后面who引导的定语从句修饰的是those而不是us。比如你可以说to those who had heard...,但是不能说to us who had heard...除非你这是非限定性定语从句,who前面要加逗号才行。第二个是没错误的,B后面的for是因为,然后showed的主语是each(后省略了candidate),...

1. show没有被动 只能说trees show signs 而不能说sign are shown 这样跟你说可能好点,如果你想用D的形式,那也得是without showing any signs of disease 也和逻辑主语有点关系 2.这是单复数下一个比较难的考点。这么记好点:情感上能共享的用单数:have a feeling, a desire, an ...

上杭县19480971570: 一道SAT语法真题,The Amazon River carries more water than (the water carried in any of the world's other rivers).A.the water carried in any of the world's other... -
解易当归:[答案] 您可以这样想:主语应当跟主语相比较,而不是主语跟宾语相比较.比如说:您赚的钱比我多.You earn more money than I do.而不是说:您赚的钱比我的钱多.You earn more money than the money I earn.这就犯了主语跟宾语...

上杭县19480971570: 一道SAT语法真题题求教07年10月题Annual vistors (to) NYC's Central Park( number)( almost )ten times (that of Mount Rushmore)选that of Mount Rushmore.... -
解易当归:[答案] 应该把that of MR改成those to those是指visitors,复数 用to时因为前面未划出的地方用了visitors to NYS's 所以介词应该是to 恩,记得是这样的- -

上杭县19480971570: 求解一道SAT语法题: ( Upon considering ) the facts of the the case,the solution was obvious; consequently ,Holmes sent for the police. -
解易当归:[选项] A. Upon considering B. When considering C. Considering D. In consideration of E When he considered

上杭县19480971570: (高手赐教)问一道SAT语法题目:By the time the movie had finished,neither Eric nor his daughters were able to stay awake because of the boredom caused ... -
解易当归:[答案] 1、结构分析①【By the time the movie had finished时间状语从句 】,【neither Eric nor his daughters主句主语】 【were able to stay awake谓语】 【because of the boredom caused by the film's inferior plot....

上杭县19480971570: 一道SAT语法题,In the past,many famous painters meticulously ground their own colors,(an attention to detail that is noteworthy.)(A) an attention to detail that ... -
解易当归:[答案] 在英语语法当中,代词(it/this/that/which) 只能指代前文出现过的名词,而不能指代 句子或者动作.比如,Hans doesn't have breakfast everyday; this/that/it will harm his health.或者 Hans doesn't have breakfast e...

上杭县19480971570: sat一道语法题,越做越健康~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Used in sculpture, carving of reducing substances such as stone, wood, or ivory by cutting or away ... -
解易当归:[答案] OC上的题一向都有些偏,不过这道题还可以. 楼上回答的那位朋友对于A选项的认识还有一些偏差. 下面来分析一下这道题:... tips:理解语法要充分理解结构的基础上,一定要好好分析意思,其实语法和意思是结合一起,分不开的,这也是很多上了...

上杭县19480971570: 一道sat语法(IE)英语问题a great gray owl flying low across a forest clearing , its wings beating quietly and its ultrasensitive ears tuned to the faint sounds that ... -
解易当归:[答案] and 连接两个 独立主格结构 its wings beating 和its ultrasensitive ears tuned to the faint sounds beating和tuned 主要看和前面wings和ears的关系.主动用doing,被动用done 俊狼猎英】 欢迎追问!

上杭县19480971570: 一道 SAT 语法试题In the United States,the movement toward neo - classicism was perhaps even more pronounced inarchitecture than either music or literature... -
解易当归:[答案] D,前面说in architecture,所以比较后面也要加in,有两种方法,一种是D,另一种是either in music or in literature,这个没有出现,either or里or的左右结构要一样,要么都有in要么都没有

上杭县19480971570: 一道SAT语法题 -
解易当归: 翻译成中文是这样哦:尽管辩护律师使用了催泪形式,这个法官还是XXX的判了这个少年被告人有罪...

上杭县19480971570: 一道SAT语法题no one but a fool would readily lend money to a person who is known to be a frequent gamble.这里为什么不用 be known as,to be 一般有什么用... -
解易当归:[答案] be known as…以……而着称;以……而闻名 be known to 为…所知;为某人所熟知

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