求英语翻译 不要机翻 要自己翻 跪求

作者&投稿:苍梧图 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


In modern society, the unprecedented development of information technology brings great convenience and efficiency to human work as and their life. As a result, informatization and electronization has become the first choice for saving operating costs and improving working efficiency.

At present, the current lower management and service of community still stays at the stage of manual operation, which leads to inefficiency and flaw at work because of careless management.

Therefore, according to the requirement of community basic service, I designed the community message board system, in order to automate the community service management and achieve the goal of improving the work efficiency of community service.

The community message board system adopts C/S system, which could intensively manage the owners' comments and suggestions from main community. What's more, it would spread convenience in establishing a perfect and powerful community opinion suggestion information database, and could better serve community residents.

This message board system takes the Visual Studio and ACCESS as its developemnt platform, and uses C# to design operation control and write operation procedure. Through this method, data input, storange as well as invocation inquiry, etc. will be accomplished.

Meanwhile, ACCESS will produce data sheet and storage data for the system.

This thesis presents the functional requirement, systematic design and concrete realization of community message board system in detail, and briefly introduces the process and method of system development and adoption.

Key Words: Community Message Board System; C/S System; C# Program Design.

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多么不同的一天,今天我和我爸爸决定去升旗山。 一开始,我们决定徒步走到山顶,但是当我们准备出发时,天空下起小雨,所以我们决定搭乘缆车, 因为游客太多,所以我们等候了近一小时。当我们到达山顶时,雨已经开始下得特别大。我们没有带雨伞,所以被淋湿了,又湿又冷,太糟糕了!而且由于这坏天气,我们也无法看到山底的任何东西。我爸爸没有带足钱,所以我们只吃了一碗饭和一些鱼肉。 食物特别好吃,可能是因为我太饿了


肃州区17791442640: 跪求英语高手翻译,请不要使用机器翻译,要人工的!翻译的优美深情的加10分!急!感激不尽!!!!!!
源蚁昊方: I'm still the one who is guarding beside you. So don't cry for the past, I'll always stay right beside you. At the same time, present this song to those who had ever cried for love. 望采纳,谢谢

肃州区17791442640: 【求人翻】英语文章翻译请不要给我机翻,我都看过了,很别扭,翻译出来不知什么意思,请求专业人翻,以下内容属于某英语软件的使用说明,在下实在... -
源蚁昊方:[答案] 根据你所在的国家,创建一个语言文件夹(合适的文件夹名称形如en_US, nl_NL, ru_RU之类 )【1】.复制PO文件到相应的文件夹,然后即可开始编辑.选择的顺序如果有cheatengine.po文件,那么将会选它;如果没有,会选择cheat...

肃州区17791442640: 在线急求英语翻译!(不要机器翻) -
源蚁昊方: 1. You look great. 2. Rain stopped. 3. I ate 15 apples. 4. Yesterday, I stayed home. 5. The artist gave me a computer. 6. We will make poverty history.

肃州区17791442640: 英语翻译注:不要机器翻的,自己翻,注意语序,要像一个正常的中国人说的话 -
源蚁昊方:[答案] 很多次,作为必要的 也可以翻译为:多次标准 使用方法: You may do this as many times as you wish. 你可以像许愿一样这麽做.

肃州区17791442640: 6跪求英语翻译!人名和专用名词不用翻译,不要用软件随便翻,都不对的,求人工,谢谢了跪求英语翻译!人名和专用名词不用翻译,不要用软件随便翻... -
源蚁昊方:[答案] 酶处理过的样品的酪氨酸值均较低. 第一个词是酪氨酸. 第四次是酶.

肃州区17791442640: 求用英语翻译两句话,人工翻译不要机翻,万分感谢.
源蚁昊方: 你好 !我的译句如下 : Trust, is that one day you pointed at me with a gun, fired eventually, I would have believeda discharge accidently. Anyway, no matter who would be, there would be a girl helping you to achieve your love.

肃州区17791442640: 英语翻译~请帮忙翻翻译这样一句话~~ 不要网上工具那些翻的, 要自己翻的.英语简历要用的,句子如下..谢谢 -
源蚁昊方: Is adapting and willing to learn (翻译器出来的是Plasticity, 不过这个好像在说你是塑胶……所以就换成愿意学习,更诚恳) 这个句子也可以翻译成, have good adation skill and is willing to learn, 第二个翻译更接近你的句子,不过第一个更顺 ...

肃州区17791442640: 求英语翻译几句句子,不要机翻,谢谢
源蚁昊方: 你好,很高兴为你解答. 保证正确率~! 正确答案是: 1、我去蛋糕店拿一个在三天前就订购好的蛋糕 I went to the cake shop for the cake I had ordered three days ago. 2、我把蛋糕放在一个包装精美的盒子中,并在蛋糕的周围洒上花瓣 I put the cake into / in an exquisitly packed box and scattered some petals around it. 注意哦: exquisite 的第一个读音是元音,冠词用 an. 不懂请追问,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~~ 望采纳,祝开心~!!!

肃州区17791442640: 求英语高手翻译~~急!(不要翻译机翻的!)
源蚁昊方: in May, 1946, Sony Corporation's founder well depth was big and Akio Morita founded “the Tokyo Correspondence Industry Joint-stock company” together, latter in 1958, changed the name as the Sony Joint-stock company, the headquarters is ...

肃州区17791442640: 求翻译成英文!不要机翻!跪谢 -
源蚁昊方: Metro metabolism has become slow, life gradually decline always the physiological phenomenon that we face together. For human beings, the old means death. Old means the end of life. Human beings are afraid of the old, the old to make people's ...

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