
作者&投稿:沈苑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Chapter 1
Harry Potter back to his Uncle's house. He was sad and lonely because his friends did not contact him, even a mail. His only entertain is teasing Dudley with magic. Uncle Vernon is going to invite his customer to his home for a dinner and this make his have a terrible birthday. He is going to be an invisible character for the half day.

Chapter 2
Harry was shocked to see Dobby, a weird house elf in his little bedroom. Dobby slipped off that it is he blocked Ron, Hermione and Hagris's letters. He warned Harry not to back to Hogwarts because there is a evil going on. Harry disagree and Dobby make a large trouble for "Harry's safety". Harry was being lock in his own bedroom because Uncle Vernon is extremely angry.

Chapter 3
Ron Weasley appears outside Harry's window on a fying car with Fres and George. They are coming to save Harry out. Harry fought his freedom with his uncle and at the end, he free. They fry back to the Burrow, Weasley's house and Mrs Weasley was very angry to his sons. Although the Burrow is worn and weird, but Harry though it was a fantastic place.

Chapter 4
Harry is happy with the life in the Burrow. Everyone is freindly. They go to the Diagon Alley with the Floo Powder and it is extremely uncomfortable for Harry. They saw Gilderoy Lockhart, a boastful and handsome wizard. Mr Malfoy and Mr Weasley fought at the bookshop.

Chapter 5
The new term is start. But Harry and Ron can't pass to the platform. They forced to fly to Hogwarts with Mr Weasley's car. The car lost control and knock on the Whomping Willow. They were scolded by professor but all Gryfinddors were excited with it except Hermione and Percy.

Chapter 6
Ron received a letter in the morning. It is from Mrs Weasley. It make him down and Hermione back to normal. Gilderoy Lockhart was a terrible dream too. He let the class have a horrible experience,

Chapter 7
Draco Malfoy said a rude word at Hermione, "mudblood". This blew the Gryfinddors up. Harry heard weird whispers at Lockhart's office but there are nobody.

Chapter 8,9
Argus Filch's cat was being petrified outside a girl bathroom and the three found it first. Draco Malfoy shouted at Hermione,"Next will be you,Mudblood!" And Filch said that it was Harry killed his cat because he is a squib but Dumbledore disagreed it.

Chapter 10
Harry is being hurted by a lost control bogart and stay in the hospital wing. There is another Petrified case. Colin Creewey was petrified while he slipped out the dorimtory to visit Harry.

Chapter 11
After the Fight Club, Harry found that he is a Parsel tongue,mean that he can speak to snake. More Petrified case is happened. It was Justin, a Hufflepuff second year, and a Gryfinddor ghost, Nick.

Chapter 12
Harry go to the office of Professor Dumbledore. The Sorting Hat told him that he is very siutable in Slytherin. Harry felt down and suddenly the phoenix of Dumbledore burn itself. But it is well because it is a phoenix, rebirth in the flame. The Polyjuice Potion is done, Malfoy said that he does not know who is the heir of Slytherin. They were disappointed and the worst is, Hermione drank the Polyjuice Potions with a cat fur. She become like a cat.

Chapter 13
Harry and Ron accidentally found a diary of Tom Riddle in the bathroom of Myrtle. Harry found that there is a memory of Tom Riddle in the diary. Tom Riddle was a student in Hogwarts 50 years ago. He caught the person who release the ogre in the chamber of secret. The one who did it is Hagrid.

Chapter 14
The match was cancelled. There were another two pupils been petrified, and of them is Hermione! Harry and Ron forced to find Hagrid under the invisibility cloak. Cornelius Fudge, the minister of Magic and Lucius Malfoy came. And Dumbledore too. Fudge is going to take Hagrid to the prison of wizards,Azkaban. Mr. Malfoy want Dumbledore resign because he can't stop the matter. Hagrid and Dumbledore both drop a hint.

Chapter 15
The castle is in a curfew. But Harry and Ron slipped away. They found Aragog, a giant spiderwhich is very unfriendly. Aragog prove that Hagrid never killed a person and last time the girl died in a bathroom. The spiders are going to eat them and Mr.Weasley's car saved them. Harry and Ron found that the girl is Myrtle.

Chapter 16
they found that the monster is a Basilisk. Ginny Weasley is brought to the chamber. Harry and Ron went to Lockhart's office and he is going to run! They forced him to go to the chamber with them to save poor Ginny. They found the entrance of the chamber. Harry used the Parseltonge and it opened. Lockhart is trying to obliviate them but the wand accidental discharge and hit himself. The ceiling broke and Harry go forward by himself.

Chapter 17
Finally, Tom Riddle is Lord Voldemort's adolescence. He utilized Ginny to open the chamber and attack those students. He fight with Harry and at last, Harry killed the Basilisk by the sword from the Sorting Hat. He finished Riddle by destroyed the diary. Ginny is save and they went out by Forcrux's(the phoenix) help.

Chapter 18
They explained all to Dumbledore, Mcgonagall and Mr and Mrs Weasley. Ginny would not be expelled and they won four hundred marks for their house. Harry was prooved that he was Gryfinddor's by the sword. Hagrid is back. Those victims were recovered. All was well.



Chapter 1
Harry Potter back to his Uncle's house. He was sad and lonely because his friends did not contact him, even a mail. His only entertain is teasing Dudley with magic. Uncle Vernon is going to invite his customer to his home for a dinner and this make his have a terrible birthday. He is going to be an invisible character for the half day.

Chapter 2
Harry was shocked to see Dobby, a weird house elf in his little bedroom. Dobby slipped off that it is he blocked Ron, Hermione and Hagris's letters. He warned Harry not to back to Hogwarts because there is a evil going on. Harry disagree and Dobby make a large trouble for "Harry's safety". Harry was being lock in his own bedroom because Uncle Vernon is extremely angry.

Chapter 3
Ron Weasley appears outside Harry's window on a fying car with Fres and George. They are coming to save Harry out. Harry fought his freedom with his uncle and at the end, he free. They fry back to the Burrow, Weasley's house and Mrs Weasley was very angry to his sons. Although the Burrow is worn and weird, but Harry though it was a fantastic place.

Chapter 4
Harry is happy with the life in the Burrow. Everyone is freindly. They go to the Diagon Alley with the Floo Powder and it is extremely uncomfortable for Harry. They saw Gilderoy Lockhart, a boastful and handsome wizard. Mr Malfoy and Mr Weasley fought at the bookshop.

Chapter 5
The new term is start. But Harry and Ron can't pass to the platform. They forced to fly to Hogwarts with Mr Weasley's car. The car lost control and knock on the Whomping Willow. They were scolded by professor but all Gryfinddors were excited with it except Hermione and Percy.

Chapter 6
Ron received a letter in the morning. It is from Mrs Weasley. It make him down and Hermione back to normal. Gilderoy Lockhart was a terrible dream too. He let the class have a horrible experience,

Chapter 7
Draco Malfoy said a rude word at Hermione, "mudblood". This blew the Gryfinddors up. Harry heard weird whispers at Lockhart's office but there are nobody.

Chapter 8,9
Argus Filch's cat was being petrified outside a girl bathroom and the three found it first. Draco Malfoy shouted at Hermione,"Next will be you,Mudblood!" And Filch said that it was Harry killed his cat because he is a squib but Dumbledore disagreed it.

Chapter 10
Harry is being hurted by a lost control bogart and stay in the hospital wing. There is another Petrified case. Colin Creewey was petrified while he slipped out the dorimtory to visit Harry.

Chapter 11
After the Fight Club, Harry found that he is a Parsel tongue,mean that he can speak to snake. More Petrified case is happened. It was Justin, a Hufflepuff second year, and a Gryfinddor ghost, Nick.

Chapter 12
Harry go to the office of Professor Dumbledore. The Sorting Hat told him that he is very siutable in Slytherin. Harry felt down and suddenly the phoenix of Dumbledore burn itself. But it is well because it is a phoenix, rebirth in the flame. The Polyjuice Potion is done, Malfoy said that he does not know who is the heir of Slytherin. They were disappointed and the worst is, Hermione drank the Polyjuice Potions with a cat fur. She become like a cat.

Chapter 13
Harry and Ron accidentally found a diary of Tom Riddle in the bathroom of Myrtle. Harry found that there is a memory of Tom Riddle in the diary. Tom Riddle was a student in Hogwarts 50 years ago. He caught the person who release the ogre in the chamber of secret. The one who did it is Hagrid.

Chapter 14
The match was cancelled. There were another two pupils been petrified, and of them is Hermione! Harry and Ron forced to find Hagrid under the invisibility cloak. Cornelius Fudge, the minister of Magic and Lucius Malfoy came. And Dumbledore too. Fudge is going to take Hagrid to the prison of wizards,Azkaban. Mr. Malfoy want Dumbledore resign because he can't stop the matter. Hagrid and Dumbledore both drop a hint.

Chapter 15
The castle is in a curfew. But Harry and Ron slipped away. They found Aragog, a giant spiderwhich is very unfriendly. Aragog prove that Hagrid never killed a person and last time the girl died in a bathroom. The spiders are going to eat them and Mr.Weasley's car saved them. Harry and Ron found that the girl is Myrtle.

Chapter 16
they found that the monster is a Basilisk. Ginny Weasley is brought to the chamber. Harry and Ron went to Lockhart's office and he is going to run! They forced him to go to the chamber with them to save poor Ginny. They found the entrance of the chamber. Harry used the Parseltonge and it opened. Lockhart is trying to obliviate them but the wand accidental discharge and hit himself. The ceiling broke and Harry go forward by himself.

Chapter 17
Finally, Tom Riddle is Lord Voldemort's adolescence. He utilized Ginny to open the chamber and attack those students. He fight with Harry and at last, Harry killed the Basilisk by the sword from the Sorting Hat. He finished Riddle by destroyed the diary. Ginny is save and they went out by Forcrux's(the phoenix) help.

Chapter 18
They explained all to Dumbledore, Mcgonagall and Mr and Mrs Weasley. Ginny would not be expelled and they won four hundred marks for their house. Harry was prooved that he was Gryfinddor's by the sword. Hagrid is back. Those victims were recovered. All was well.



这本书继续讲述了哈利波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校的学习生活。哈利·波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校学习一年之后,暑假开始了。他在姨父姨妈家熬过痛苦的假期。正当他准备打点行装去学校时,小精灵多比前来发出警告:如果哈利返回霍格沃茨,灾难将会临头。但是,这一切仅仅是灾难的序曲。《哈利·波特与密室》(Harry Potter ...

哈利·波特的妻子为金妮·波特(原名金妮·韦斯莱,是罗恩.韦斯莱的妹妹),并有三个孩子,分别是詹姆·小天狼星·波特,阿不思·西弗勒斯·波特,莉莉·卢娜·波特。《哈利·波特》系列讲述了哈利和两个好友:罗恩·韦斯莱、赫敏·格兰杰的成长冒险故事。哈利波特英语简介:Harry Potter is a series of ...

请写下来《哈利波特与密室 》这本书的简介,好吗?
哈利·波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校学习一年之后,暑假开始了。他在姨父姨妈家熬过痛苦的假期。正当他准备打点行装去学校时,家养小精灵多比前来发出警告:如果哈利返回霍格沃茨,灾难将会临头。多比为哈利重返霍格沃茨设置了很多障碍,但哈利和罗恩还是开着韦斯莱先生会飞的福特老爷车,义无反顾地回到了霍格沃茨…… ...


因为哈利身上有许多斯莱特林看中的品质 因为伏地魔的一些本领留在了哈利身上,而伏地魔当年是去的斯莱特林。哈利去格兰芬多是因为许多后来变坏的巫师都是出自斯莱特林,所以哈里想去格兰芬多。





广安区15618841803: 哈利波特与密室的英文梗概 -
秦段通滞: 哈利波特与密室英文剧情介绍: Harry Potter is in his second year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is visited by a house-elf named Dobby and warned not to go back to Hogwarts. Harry ignores his warning, and returns. He is still ...

广安区15618841803: 哈利波特与密室内容简介 英文 -
秦段通滞: Since then, harry potter at hogwarts school of witchcraft and ended the first year of studies, he once again have to return to aunt home for the summer vacation. Leave the magic world, leave the school's good friend, harry must face harsh aunt and ...

广安区15618841803: 哈利波特与消失的密室的英文简介 -
秦段通滞: now monitor fu di mo come to life,Harry must contrul him.while his friend is cheated by fu di mo.a snake will kill harry.Finlly,he came to a secret room,he met fu di mo,it i was awful.But harry was very brave,he use a sword....killed the snake.when harry ...

广安区15618841803: 哈利波特与密室讲的是什么内容 -
秦段通滞: 学校里有一间密室,密室里隐藏着蛇怪,它的目光可以杀死人,伏地魔利用他早年留下的日记,驱使一个小女孩打开了密室,放出了蛇怪,学校面临着要被关闭的命运,哈利波特和同伴设法找到了密室,哈利用凤凰带来的宝剑杀死了蛇怪,也消灭了伏地魔保存在日记里的记忆,学校安全了.

广安区15618841803: 哈利波特英文简介1 - 7 -
秦段通滞: 第一部《哈利波特与魔法石》Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 11-year old Harry, mistreated by his heartless relatives, realizes that he is, in fact, a wizard. Led by the friendly giant Hagrid, he goes to the famous Howarts School of Witchcraft and ...

广安区15618841803: 根据先后顺序 给出哈利波特全集 最好带内容概要
秦段通滞: 1、《哈利波特与魔法石》——(Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)2、《哈利波特与密室》——(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)3、《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》——(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)4、《哈利波特与...

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秦段通滞: 1. 英文名:Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(英文:1997年6月26日) 美国版小说及电影名:Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 正体译名:《哈利波特—神秘的魔法石》(2000年6月23日,彭倩文译) 简体译名:《哈利·波特与魔...

广安区15618841803: 哈利波特与消失的密室的英文简介100个单词左右的小短文.. -
秦段通滞:[答案] Harry is thwarted in his attempts to hop the train to the Hogwarts School to begin his second year.But when his only transportation option is a magical flying car,it is just his luck to crash into a W...

广安区15618841803: 哈利波特系列书籍 -
秦段通滞: 1,《哈利·波特与魔法石》 《哈利·波特与魔法石》(英国版《Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone》,美国版《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone》),是英国女作家J.K.罗琳创作的长篇小说,《哈利·波特》系列小说的第一部. 该...

广安区15618841803: 哈利波特英文版简介
秦段通滞: it is the middle of the summer,but there is an unseasonal mist pressing against the windowpanes.Harry Potter is waiting nervously in his bedroom at Dursley's house in Privet Drive for a visit from Pofessor Dumbledore himself. one of the last time he ...

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