
作者&投稿:致类 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In my experience of life, a kind of love, a tough love, also had encouraged love. Among them, my father encouraged me in my calligraphy of love, let me remember.
The first day I go, back home after, say to father: "Dad, I don't want to go again!" Dad asked: "why not go?" I then said: "I do not learn well, my writing is too bad!" Dad took the day I write operations, a look, really bad. Then I said to my father: "you see my writing it, I am not learn calligraphy!" My father did not blame me said: "son, this is just the first day you learn writing, there are 29 days of practice time, I believe you can learn well the word, son, you have to refuel ah, never give up!" "But, if in this 29 days, I do not good, how to do?" "Son, I believe you, believe you will be able to overcome the difficulties, you can do it, insist on is victory!" "Well, I'm in the later days, practicing calligraphy, I also believe to be able to learn." After that, I have every day, conscientiously study, my calligraphy is improving day by day, father saw to my writing, happy smile, my sweet smile.

I'm a book worm from my childhood to my green year.I love reading books so much that I read every day for a long time and store many kinds of books.Among so many books,I like essays and novels best.The figures and the plots atract me a lot.Reading makes me smarter and broaden my horizon,through reading I can learn a lot of good words or sentences that make me write better.

Almost everyone is expected to be on the road of life, in the growth of the road ahead. Many people have said: "the growth of the road, even without distraction and the joys of spring, the flowers, the best there is no rain, no setbacks. But I think: life without frustration is not real life. Without thorns, the growth will not make people grow up.
In the last semester of a monthly exam, I because we didn't pay attention to the monthly exam papers, resulting in my geography and English grades slipped to scores of 60 points more, looked at the papers on one red blood wrong number, I was a big blow. I have a good reflection of myself, and strive to find their own shortcomings and shortcomings.
However, how should I face setbacks, is to avoid? Is sinking? Are not, the key is to look at their own choice, I think, life is from an accumulation of numerous setbacks, if not withstand the storms, many difficulties and dangers, can not overcome their own, and was yield to the setbacks. I stood up again, face up to my mistakes, and to improve my mistakes, in the next exam, I beat the frustration, once again close to success.
Don't because wrestle does not dare to run, don't because of the wind and rain and cursed life, don't because of lost to the neglect of the natural scenery. Only a step by step to overcome setbacks, challenges and setbacks, to find the life of the flash point, enjoy the growth of each side of the exciting. Failed to have no relationship, to cheer up. Sunshine always in the wind and rain, no one can casually succeed. I firmly believe that the rainbow after the rain is always the most beautiful
The setback accompanies me to grow, I will be optimistic when the buoy, so as not to lose the direction. There is no optimism, will lose the struggle direction, lost all conviction, he served as an ideal sailing in the turbulent setback mighty waves to drift with the tide, bumpy and all annihilated. The setback is not to a crushing defeat in the situation, but the solemn caution you not to be lazy to keep the faith, always optimistic, calm to brave the wind and waves. Where can I grow up to leave the setback of good teacher?!
Frustration with my growth, I will be strong when the backing, so that it will not be easy to beat down. Any life is not strong, will not be able to exist. If the tree is not strong, tall and straight do not, how can harvest a piece of sunlight and rain; if the bamboo is not strong, how can we not insist Aoyama do not relax to be respected; if the plum is not strong, how can there be Ling Han alone opens clank the lofty character; if the human is not strong, how can hard search defeat setbacks, the power to overcome their own? Where can I grow up this setback encouraged to leave friends?!
Frustration with my growth, I will be humble bottom line, so that it will not abandon the personality. People should not only learn to be humble when they succeed, but they should also keep to the style of humility and learning when they are frustrated. Not as a rule of humility, even if there is a real skill will be because of arrogance, stubborn and lost in vain. My growth path which can leave the frustration this just in the mother of the success of the soft?!


两个任选 满意请采纳 'm a middle school student . First of all,I don't know what the differents from the happiness and happy on earth. But the "happiness”and "happy”are some look like in English . So I believe we are happiness that when we are in happy.What's more ...

Here are our class rules. You must read it carefully. As a middle school student we can't arrive late for class on weekdays. We must wear clean clothes every day. We must stand up when a teacher goes into the classroom. When you have nay questions in class, please put up...

英语作文 《健康伴我成长》
Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.In my first year at primary school, his ...

体育伴我成长 我叫XXX,今年XX岁,是莱州市柞村镇中心小学五年级一班的学生。我从小就酷爱体育,与体育结下了不解之缘。回顾自己几年来走过的路,洒下了无数辛勤的汗水,留下了串串坚实的脚印。小时候,我从电视上看到我国运动健儿在奥运会上奋力拼搏,为国争光的情景,特别是在会场上一次次奏响中国...

I'm a book worm from my childhood to my green year.I love reading books so much that I read every day for a long time and store many kinds of books.Among so many books,I like essays and novels best.The figures and the plots atract me a lot.Reading makes me smarter ...

Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.In my first year at primary school, his ...

I will have a seven-day holiday next week. In these days, I have many things to do. First, I must finish the exercises left by teachers, Chinese, math and English. It may take me two days to finish. I plan finish them in the first and second day. And then, I will ...

英语例文,仅供参考 Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.In my first year at ...

您好:Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Every good book is like a first teachers to guide me the way forward. It tells me the criteria for life, let me to get more knowledge, achievement of my life goals.In my first year at primary school, ...


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