
作者&投稿:仪康 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Institution affairs office

The hotel manages office

Institution affairs office Bureau Chief

1,live 必须和in 搭配
2,so good 和as this 是固定搭配啊
3,这句话带有命令的语气 最好用must

你要是能说出你觉得的答案 这样能更好的帮助你啊

Can you come to office at three tomorrow afternoon?
My brother can help me on study.
I can't find a good answer about that question.
He goes to work by bike at seven o'clock evry morning .
He always goes to sleep very late,sometimes he goes to bed at midnight.
How many hours do you work in per week?
How long do you wirte a letter to your little brother?
I want to ask you some questions,are you free?
Do you know a woman looking for you just now?
Do you have anything to need my help?
Jenny goes to work at day time and goes to listen to her teacher or read books at night.
He is sure that his friends will to meet him at station.
I don't konw if you can help me to do my homework or no?
His some friends are staying in Xinjiang now.
LiuLan has not rest for more than two months.
You can brrow this book any time.
The child was ill you must go to take a docter.
We must help him with our best.
It's already 12 o'clock,the meeting should be finished.


1.can you come to the office tomorrow afternoon?
2.my brother can help me with my study.
3. I cannot find a good answer for that question.
4. He goes to work at 7 in the morning by bike.
5. He usually goes to bed late, sometimes even later than 12.
6. how long do you work on average each week?
7.How often do you write a letter to your brother?
8.I have several questions for you, are you free?
9. There was just a woman looking for you, do you know that?
10. Can I help you with anything?
11.Jenny studies during the day and listen or read books at night.
12. He is sure that his friends will come pick him up at the bus station.
13. I don't know if you can help me with my homework.
14. Several of his friends are now in Xinjiang.
15. Liulan hasn't even rested a single day for more than teo months.
16. You can borrow the book whenever you want.
17. The baby is sick, we must look for a doctor as soon as possible.
18. We need to make every effort to help him.
19. it is 12 now and the meeting must be over.

1. 15:00 to you tomorrow to the office to it »
2. My brother in learning can help me
3. On that issue, I can not find a good answer 4. His daily 10-minute ride to 7:00 Work
5. He often slept in late, and sometimes go to bed before 12:00
6. You how many hours of work a week on average »
7. How much time you write a letter to your brother«
8. I would like to ask a number of issues Asked you, you available? »
9. Just a lesbian looking for you, you know?« 10. I have nothing to help you do it »
11. Jennifer during the day to work, study or listen at
12. He affirmed his friends would pick him to the station
13. I do not know if you can help me assignments »
14. Several of his friends now in Xinjiang.
15. More than two months, Liu Lan has not closed the day
16. When you would like to take this book can be 17. Diseases of children, we must Dr. Ma Shangqing to
18. We must do everything possible to help him 19. Is now a fast 12:00. Will certainly have a finished
20. He affirmed his friends would go to the station pick him up.

1. 15:00 to you tomorrow to the office to you »

2. My brother in learning can help me.

3. On that issue, I can not find a good answer.

4. Every day he 7:00 10-minute ride to work.

5. He often slept in late, and sometimes go to bed before 12:00.

6. You how many hours of work a week on average »

7. How much time you write a letter to your brother »

8. I have a few issues you would like to ask you the time? »

9. Just a lesbian looking for you, you know? »

10. I have nothing to help you do it »

11. Jennifer during the day to work, study or listen to the evening.

12. He affirmed his friends would go to the station pick him up.

13. I do not know if you can help me assignments »

14. Several of his friends now in Xinjiang.

15. More than two months, Liu Lan did not rest day.

16. When you would like to take this book can be.

17. Diseases of children, Dr. Ma Shangqing to be.

18. We must do everything possible to help him.

19. Is now a fast 12:00. Will have a certain end.

20. He affirmed his friends would go to the station pick him up.

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文言文翻译 大家帮帮忙!!(急需)
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そう!今からより一层自分の専门をしっかり勉强して、さらに日本语もしっかり学んで。いつかきっと日本に行きます。あの足立さんが生きている国へ行きます。茶道を学びたい、より近く近くに足立さんの目の前に立てて欲しい。草々 我可是全手翻,有什么问题的话47260926 ...

Thanks everyone.Although we just know each other, I have to leave now. For this short period, I have learned much and get special experience from you guys, we are friends now, the experience here will be memorable things in my life. thanks for your understanding and help!大家...

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as[英][əz] [美][æz,əz]简明释义:adv.同样地,一样地;例如 prep.作为,以…的身份;如同 conj.像,像…一样;由于;同时,当…时;尽管 n.阿斯(古罗马重量单位,约373克)“as”大概就这几种意思了吧!具体什么意思,要看语境。希望能帮到你哦!望采纳O(∩_∩)O...

分类: 教育\/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述:说是几个句子,其实凑起来就是一个文章了,各位大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙!!下面是翻译内容:1什么是时尚?也许一提起时尚这个词大家就会想到衣服,鞋子,发型。2在我们这个年龄,几乎都是与家长一起逛商店,买衣服。几乎妈妈给我买什么我就穿什么,既穿6元的也穿...

甘井子区18096253067: 15道中职生英语翻译题 大家帮帮忙做一下 谢谢1.It is true that anything may_______(发生)in our lives,but it does not mean it will actually________(发生在... -
正洪鹿丹:[答案] 1. happen; happen on 2. occur to you 3. It takes a turn for a better situation. 4. They offered a lot of food to us. 5. What you have done is far from good enough. 6. With a desire to work in this company, he is preparing for the interview carefully. 7. The ...

甘井子区18096253067: 英语问题 急!麻烦大家帮帮忙 帮我翻译成英语谢谢了1.她非常友好.因为她对任何人都非常热情.2.她非常认真.任何人又不懂得问题 他都会细心解答.3.她非常热... -
正洪鹿丹:[答案] 1.She is very friendly.Because she is warm to everyone. 2.She is very conscientious.She is patient to answer others. 3.She is very enthusiastic.She always help patients.

甘井子区18096253067: 英语翻译题,大家帮帮忙,急 -
正洪鹿丹: 1.你明天下午三点能到办公室来吗? Can you come to office at three tomorrow afternoon?2.我哥哥在学习上可以帮助我. My brother can help me on study.3.关于那个问题,我找不到一个好的答案. I can't find a good answer about that question.4.他...

甘井子区18096253067: 英语翻译,大家帮帮忙!
正洪鹿丹: 1. Rope Skipping is my favorite sport 2. I visited a supermarket in 3 hours without buying anything . 3. I realize that today's weather is very bad 4.The noise drove me meal [drive sb meal] 5. For some reason I did not go to school 6. I determined to go fishing this evening. 7. Nanpu Bridge in 1998, the opening of

甘井子区18096253067: 一个英语翻译题,求教.He is Jack of all trades and master of none.请大家帮帮忙. -
正洪鹿丹:[答案] of all trades and master of none涉及每件事,但却都不精通. 他是个杂而不精的人.

甘井子区18096253067: 英语翻译作业,帮帮忙,急!! -
正洪鹿丹: 1 You've got prejudice all right--against a race that is black.That's why I called you white races that night.But when you deal with a black person,I don't feel any bad. 你对黑人有种族歧视,是吧.所以那晚我叫你白人.但如果你要和黑人交往,我是不...

甘井子区18096253067: 六年级英语题.....急..帮帮忙..在线上等.根据内容,补充下列句子(每空一词)(如果你们愿意的话,帮我翻译一下原文 Tom was a farmer's boy.Once he drove ... -
正洪鹿丹:[答案] 1.butter,eggs 2.met,woman 3.pocket 4.drank,wine 5.robbed

甘井子区18096253067: 急``大家帮忙翻译一下这个英语句子He felt encouraged by his progress in hie studies . -
正洪鹿丹:[答案] 他被自己在学习上取得的进步所鼓舞.

甘井子区18096253067: 英语翻译:这至少说明了一个可以有钱到什么程度?大家帮帮忙,急用!按自己的理解翻译,我会参考的,对错无所谓 -
正洪鹿丹:[答案] 你这句汉语就有问题: 这至少说明了一个可以有钱到什麽程度的问题. 或:这至少说明了可以有钱到什麽程度.

甘井子区18096253067: 几道初三英语题目~!大家帮帮忙~!翻译:或许我们可以向他求助. The class - ______(begin) when we got to the classroom.Had your teacher lived in Nanjing ... -
正洪鹿丹:[答案] has began Had not your teacher lived in Nanjing before he moved to Shanghai? it's best for you to stay here when your father comes You must hand in your homework now should try waited

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